Yearbook 2014-2015/ 2nd year
The 2nd-year students’spring term studio project focussed on the surroundings of the reservoir in the former Rummu limestone quary. The aim was to provide design solutions for a diving centre of 1000-1300 m2 on the bank between the former quarry, prison and limestone screenings hill.
The topicality of the project in the given space and time allows the students to acknowledge the role of architecture in a waning area already at an early stage of their studies.
Studio tutor: Peeter Pere
Editor: Anna Liisa Saavaste
Publisher: Eesti Kunstiakadeemia arhitektuuriteaduskond, 2016
ISBN 978-9949-467-94-5 (trükis)
ISSN 2461-2359
Language: Estonian / English