Anders Härm
Disobedient bodies. The radical performative practices in art and culture of the 20th and 21st centuries (Allumatud kehad. Radikaalsed performatiivsed praktikad 20. ja 21. sajandi kunstis ja kultuuris) [see].
Supervisor prof Andres Kurg
Pre-reviewers dr Madli Pesti (Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre) ja dr Jaak Tomberg (University of Tartu)
Opponent dr Madli Pesti (Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre)
Greta Koppel
Farewell to Connoisseurship? The Work of Art in the Focus of Art Historical Research (Hüvasti, konossöörlus? Kunstiteos kui kunstiajaloolise uurimise kese) [see].
Supervisor prof Krista Kodres
Pre-reviewers dr Jaanika Anderson (University of Tartu Museum), dr Anu Mänd (Tallinn University)
Opponent dr Anu Mänd (Tallinn University)
Ingrid Ruudi
Spaces of the Interregnum. Transformations in Estonian Architecture and Art, 1986–1994 (Ruumiline interreegnum. Muutused Eesti arhitektuuris ja kunstis 1986–1994) [see]
Supervisor prof Andres Kurg (Estonian Academy of Arts)
Pre-reviewers prof Vladimir Kulić (Iowa State University) and dr Johannes Saar (University of Tartu)
Opponent prof Vladimir Kulić
Kristina Jõekalda
German Monuments in the Baltic Heimat? A Historiography of Heritage in the „Long Nineteenth Century“ (Saksa mälestised ja Balti Heimat. Pärandi historiograafia „pikal 19. sajandil“) [see]
Supervisors prof Krista Kodres (Estonian Academy of Arts and prof Ulrike Plath (Tallinn University)
Pre-reviewers prof Jörg Hackmann and dr Ants Hein
Opponent prof Jörg Hackmann (University of Szczecin; Greifswald University)
Kädi Talvoja
Karm stiil eesti kunstiajalookirjutuse kontekstis
(Severe Style in the Context of Estonian Art History Writing)
Supervisor: prof dr Virve Sarapik
Pre-reviewers: dr Epp Annus (Estonian Literary Museum) and dr Anu Allas (Art Museum of Estonia)
Opponent: dr Epp Annus (Estonian Literary Museum)
Elnara Taidre
(Model, Metaphor, Play: The Total Mythological Work of Art in the Context of Paradigm Shift in the 20th Century)
Supervisor: dr Virve Sarapik (Estonian Academy of Arts)
Pre-reviewers: dr Anu Allas (Art Museum of Estonia) and dr Tiina Kirss (University of Tartu)
Opponent: dr Tiina Kirss (University of Tartu)
* 2nd prize at the 2017 Estonian National Contest for University Students (in the field of Culture and Society, on the level of doctoral studies), organized by the Estonian Research Council together with the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research
Indrek Rünkla
(Architectural Way of Thinking: About the Connections Between Social and Cognitive Structures in the Practice of Architecture)
Supervisors: dr Margus Vihalem (Tallinn University) and dr Clarissa Moreira (Fluminense Federal University, Brazil)
Pre-reviewers: dr Epp Lankots (Estonian Academy of Arts) and dr Margus Ott (Tallinn University)
Opponent: dr Margus Ott (Tallinn University)
* EKA academic publication award 2016
Epp Lankots
(Critical Historiography of Modern Architecture: Narrating Modernity in the Architectural Histories of Leo Gens and Leonhard Lapin in the 1960s–1980s)
Defended as external student
Supervisor: prof dr Mart Kalm (Eesti Kunstiakadeemia)
Pre-reviewers: dr Marek Tamm (Tallinn University) and prof dr Akos Moravanszky (ETH Zürich)
Opponent: dr Marek Tamm (Tallinn University)
* Annual award 2015 of the Architecture Endowment of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia for architecture-related activity
Andres Kurg
(Segilöödud piirid. Hilisnõukogude muutused kunstis, ruumis ja subjektsuses Tallinnas aastatel 1968–1979)
Defended as external student
Supervisor: prof dr Katrin Kivimaa (Estonian Academy of Arts)
Pre-reviewers: prof Malcolm Miles (Plymouth University) and dr Eneken Laanes (Yale University)
Opponent: prof Malcolm Miles (Plymouth University)
* Annual award 2015 of the Architecture Endowment of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia for architecture-related activity
Sirje Helme
Sõjajärgse modernismi ja avangardi probleeme Eesti kunstis
(Problems of Post-War Modernism and Avant-Garde in Estonian Art)
Defended as external student
Supervisor: prof emer. Jaak Kangilaski (University of Tartu)
Pre-reviewers: dr Mari Laanemets (Estonian Academy of Arts) and dr Lolita Jablonskiene (National Gallery of Art, Vilnius)
Opponent: dr Lolita Jablonskiene (National Gallery of Art, Vilnius)
Eva Näripea
Estonian Cinescapes: Spaces, Places and Sites in Soviet Estonian Cinema (and Beyond)
(Eesti filmimaastikud. Ruumid, kohad ja paigad Nõukogude Eesti filmikunstis (ning edaspidi))
Supervisors: prof dr Virve Sarapik and prof dr Mart Kalm (both Estonian Academy of Arts)
Pre-reviewers: prof dr Ewa Mazierska (University of Central Lancashire, Preston) and dr Michael Goddard (University of Westminster, London)
Opponent: prof dr Ewa Mazierska (University of Central Lancashire, Preston)
Tiina-Mall Kreem
(Kirchenbau, Kirchenarchitektur und Kirchenkunst des Luthertums in Estland während der Zeit Alexanders II (1855–1881))
Supervisor: prof dr Krista Kodres (Estonian Academy of Arts)
Pre-reviewers: dr Karin Hallas-Murula (Museum of Estonian Architecture, Tallinn) and dr Urmas Petti (University of Tartu)
Opponent: dr Karin Hallas-Murula (Museum of Estonian Architecture, Tallinn)
* Grand prize at the 2011 Estonian National Contest for University Students, organized by the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research together with the Archimedes Foundation
Raivo Kelomees
Postmateriaalsus kunstis. Indeterministlik kunstipraktika ja mittemateriaalne kunst
(Postmateriality in Art: Indeterministic Art Practices and Non-Material Art)
Supervisor: prof dr Virve Sarapik
Pre-reviewers: dr Heie Treier and dr Chris Hales
Opponent: dr Mari Laanemets
Pia Ehasalu
Rootsiaegne maalikunst Tallinnas (1561–1710). Produktsioon ja retseptsioon
(Painting in Tallinn during the Swedish Period (1561–1710): Production and Reception)
Supervisor: prof dr Krista Kodres
Pre-reviewers: prof Juhan Maiste and Juta Keevallik, MA
Opponent: dr Inga Lena Ångström Grandien
Heie Treier
(Local Modernity in Art: The Theoretical and Historical Conceptualisation of Early Estonian Modernist Art and Karl Pärsimägi in the Period of Finding the Paradigm)
Supervisor: dr Thomas McEvilley
Pre-reviewers: prof dr Katrin Kivimaa and dr Ene Lamp
Opponent: prof emer. Jaak Kangilaski
Ants Juske
Ümberpööratud perspektiivi kulturoloogilised, semiootilised ja tajupsühholoogilised tekkemehhanismid
(Summary in English)
Supervisor: prof emer. Boris Bernstein
Opponents: prof Peeter Tulviste and dr Altti Kuusamo
Krista Kodres
(The Burgher of Tallinn and his Dwelling, ca 1600–1750: House, Plan, Decoration and Furnishings)
Defended as external student
Opponents: prof Lars Olaf Larsson and prof Juhan Maiste
Mart Kalm
Arhitektuurikultuuri kujunemisest Eestis 1918–1940
(Formation of Architecture Culture in Estonia in 1918–1940)
Defended as external student
Opponents: prof Riitta Nikula and prof Leo Gens
Juhan Maiste
Klassikaline suund Eesti ehituskunstis 1530–1830. Stiil ja traditsioon
(Classical ideal in Estonian architecture, 1530–1830: Style and Reception)
Defended as external student
Opponents: dr Ea Jansen and dr Pekka Korvenmaa
Rein Zobel
(Summary in German)
Defended as external student
Opponents: prof Evald Tõnisson and dr Raimo Pullat