Photo: Madlen Hirtentreu
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Between 28.02–6.3 an international master class “Expedition to Narva” will take place under the leadership of Ene-Liis Semper, Professor of Scenography at EKA, which will end with a pop-up exhibition on March 4.
The workshop will take place in cooperation with the good partners of EKA: Paris ENSAD, Helsinki Uniarts and Vilnius Academy of Arts. In addition to Ene-Liis Semper, the course will be supervised by Patrick Laffont de Lojo from ENSAD, in addition, the workshop will also be assisted by Maria Hansar, PhD students at EKA and Madlen Hirtentreu.
Ene-Liis Semper has commented the upcoming workshop as follows: “Narva is a town with a strange time shift. We are going to Narva, we are researching local conditions, we are working on site-specific installations or videos, we are making summaries and a pop-up exhibition at the Narva Estonian House.
The work includes an excursion to the history of the border town of Narva, a seminar on figurative thought, site-specific work in the former Kreenholm and Baltijets factories and a pop-up exhibition at the end of the master class.”
The course takes place within the framework of the ERASMUS program, is will be the first blended international project (BIP) carried out by EKA.