
In 2020, seven universities from different parts of the European Union teamed up to outline and shape the future of education. Since then, three more universities have joined in together with the associated partner from Ukraine (Mariupol State University) . Among them, an imagined campus has been created to share knowledge and skills. Educational institutions were selected with different orientations and study programs. In this way, Estonian art students could connect with Bulgarian mathematicians, or the future teachers of Alicante could link with Polish polar explorers.

Through the Alliance, the students can easily participate virtually or visit lectures in partner universities. They can engage in different activities together. The program also allows academic staff to gather and share knowledge and resources.

Even though higher education institutions have different backgrounds, they are united by the same values, such as sustainability and environmentalism.

The Transform4Europe project, or in other words, The European University for Knowledge Entrepreneurs, is financed by the Erasmus+ program from the European Commission.

The universities part of the Transform4Europe alliance:

Associated Partner:

  • Mariupol State University (Ukraine)

European Universities’ Initiative

 Transform4Europe alliance is funded from  the European Universities’ Initiative. This unique European Commission project brings together 60 educational alliances. Together they map shared ideas and perceptions that would increase the competitiveness of European education. The vision is based on European values and identity. 


Transform4Europe Institutional coordinators: Head of International Affairs Sandra-Leena Mell and Vice Rector of Research Anu Allas

Project Coordinator in EKA: Kaja Toomla, E-learning designer

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

T4EU Chair Programme

As part of theTransform4Europe (T4EU)Chairprogram, guest lecturers are invited to T4EU partner universities. Participants can choose from nine universities within the alliance to share ...

T4EU Week 21.10-25.10.2024 Communication for a Better Future

This year's T4EU Week takes place in Poland, University of Silesia in Katowice. EKA students have the opportunity to partake in the week by attending two different courses.

Business Plan Competition 2nd Edition

Work on a sustainable business project in international team! The main objective of the Business Plan Competition is to spread the culture of innovation in the academic world and the European business environment by ...

Wanderlust: Destination Silesia

April 24-28, EKA students will once again have the opportunity to explore T4EU university cities. This time, the cities of Katowice and Cieszyn in the Silesian region of Poland await us. Two events are happening at the same ...

Transform4Europe expands with 3 new partners

Transform4Europe alliance expands. In 2022 we welcomed 3 new universities to educate and train knowledge entrepreneurs as associated partners: Universidade Católica Portuguesa / ...

Registration for BA level courses at Transform4Europe universities begins

A big part of the Transform4Europe cooperation is smooth mobility and opening subjects for our alliance students. This alliance is creating a joint European study offer to equip students with the tools necessary to tackle challenges in the ...

Transform4Europe Open Dual Lecture: two speakers, one global issue – housing crisis

On September 5, the Estonian Academy of Arts will organize an open conversation/ lecture with two speakers, where academic knowledge and business experience will join forces to discuss an important topic in both Estonia and Europe – the ...

Estonian language and culture course for all new international students at EKA

For the first time, an Estonian language and culture course started at EKA, which will be attended by 50 new foreign students here, incl. both - degree and exchange students. The course lasts from August 15 to 31, and during this time, the ...

A large program of Estonian language and culture courses started at EKA

For the first time, a spectacular Estonian language and culture course started at EKA, which will be attended by 50 new foreign students of EKA, incl. both degree and exchange students.

Online Students workshop “Transforming Societies and Challenges of the Russian-Ukrainian War”

Saarland University in Germany is inviting students on 7 and 8 July 2022 to the workshop “Transforming Societies and Challenges of the Russian-Ukrainian War”. You can register until 3 July under this 

Join the Business Plan Competition!

Take the opportunity to work this summer on your own business plan! You can have the experience working in international groups with the support of qualified mentors of Transform4Europe alliance. And you will have the chance ...

Newly accepted international students will be onboarding EKA already in mid-August

From August 15-31, 2022 EKA will organise an Intensive Estonian Language and Culture Course, which will be dedicated to all the newly accepted degree-seeking students and incoming exchange students. In addition the course will be open to the ...


Transform4Europe Week took place in Poland, Silesia from the 9th-13th of May. Seven Universities were represented and we visited the 3 important cities in the region: Katowice, Cieszyn and Kraków. ...

Wanderlust: Destination Kaunas

In the Festival of European Culture, the whole Kaunas city is transformed into a cultural happening. The festival is dedicated to ...

Wanderlust: Destination Silesia

A few days – is that enough to get to know each other? We will check it during the first Transform4Europe Week. University of Silesia in Katowice is inviting students, as well as academic and non-academic staff representing ...

Saarland University in Germany and ​​University of Alicante in Spain offers courses at bachelor level

A big part of the Transform4Europe cooperation is smooth mobility and opening subjects for our alliance students. This alliance is creating a joint European study offer to equip students with the tools necessary to ...

STUDENT: Join the Student Council in the Transform4Europe project

EKA is part of the Transform4Europe alliance which is a new partnership composed of like-minded universities. We are shaping the future of European universities, making mobility more convenient.

EKA hosted vice rectors and institutional coordinators of Transform4Europe European Universities alliance

Between February 9-11, 2022 EKA's vice rectors Anne Pikkov and Anu Allas hosted Transform4Europe consortium vice rector to discuss the state of affairs of the alliance and plan future steps. It was the first time after the ...

Product Design Form: Emilia Kagovere

December’s product design form was filled out by Emilia Kagovere, a third-year student in Digital Product Design, who’s not afraid of challenges as she sees these as an opportunity to develop. Most recently, she ...

Transform4Europe PhD Conference Will Take a Look at Sustainable Development in the Post-Covid-19 Era

Transform4Europe’s first annual PhD Conference, “Societal Transformations and Sustainable Development with Respect to Environment in the Post-Covid-19 Digital Era” is held from 8th to 9th December. The Dean of the ...

Students approve Transform4Europe animation online course

Shortly before the start of ...

Transform4Europe presents: Animation Online Course by EKA Summer Academy

Dates: 11–17 August 2021 Duration: 5 days Closing date for application: 1 August 2021

Dear student, a grand ambitious cooperation project is waiting for you!

Come on, let’s make mobility more convenient! EKA will start mapping in autumn how the university interacts with Erasmus students as part of the Transform4Europe project. We ...

More info

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