Mehaanikatsehh, Krulli kvartal, Volta 1c, Tallinn
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Léan Hötzel, Nils Geffre, Louisa Seidl, Tomasz Jarosz, Anna Broučková, Lucille Gonzalez, Katariina Kesküla, Halyna Yaroshenko, Clara-Marlen Wilke, Charlotte Gisèle Chapuis, Martí Castillo, Marína Gerða Bjarnadóttir, Asmus Soodla
Opening: 14.05.2024 18:00
Open: 15.05–16.05.2024 10:00 – 18:00
That old village, the sun in August, a European desert. A flock of birds moving South. Nobody’s around, except the warm noise of bugs, sunshine, and water, pool water, pool water really far away.
Splashes, wetting the sandstone. The warm limestone of the house, the coldness of the granite kitchen countertop. Splashes of memories come from time to time. I guess it’s part of running away, or just running. Poor Doe is still afraid.
The train was still at high speed when it suddenly stopped. You can go by train from Beijing to Madrid. Doe was just going back home. Europe is a good place to be a nomad, like the Tartars that helped Beuys in Crimea. Doe wished to be buried, like Beuys, at least for a few days.
Doe looked through the window. It was dark outside, train rails, the horizon really far, and the first green traces in the wheat fields. Doe thought about the suburbs, the small window in the bedroom, blocks as far as the eye can see. Why did the train stop? Doe woke up from the seat, and the train was empty. Almost, not really, but Doe remembers the train being empty. The doors opened when Doe started to walk. A cold breeze entered the train. Some pages of the book Doe left behind on the seat started to move. Doe remembers it was a green-covered book. Doe couldn’t give me more details.
Curators: Léan Hötzel, Clio Pavlidis Andersson
Exhibition manager: Katariina Kesküla, Joost Jansohn
Exhibition writer: Martí Castillo; translation into Estonian by Triinu Ojala + Emma Johanson
Exhibition designer: Lin Puype, Martí Castillo, Emma Johansohn, Asmus Soodla
Communication: Emilia Santaella, Lucille Gonzalez
Internal communication: Louisa Seidl
Photodocumentation Exhibition: Clio Pavlidis Andersson, Diána Rakonczai, Tomasz Jarosz
Graphic designer: Charlotte Gisèle Chapuis, Joost Jansohn
Venue liaison: Laura De Jaeger
Publics: Clara
Co-producers: Tobias Laborie
We’d like to thank everybody who took part in realising this exhibition. Without their help this wonderful event would not have been possible. Special thanks to Laura De Jaeger, who initiated this whole project. She energised us with her weekly input and helped everyone find their specific role. We also want to thank our guest artists, Alex Webber and Siebert Mispelon, for their fun and interesting exercises. Moreover we want to thank the international department of EKA and Erasmus+ for their financial support. We are grateful to Krulli for supporting us with this space. And last but not least we want to thank everyone who came to our exhibition.
The exhibition is supported by Erasmus+ and the International office of the Estonian Academy of Arts.