EKA Interior Architecture 2024: Bachelor Diploma Defence

ArhitektuuriTASE 2024
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The defense of the BA diplomas of the Department of Interior Architecture will take place this year on two days, Monday and Tuesday, June 3-4, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in EKA (room A403). Eleven students have to defend their works, whose works can be viewed at the same time at the TASE exhibition in the EKA building.

The TASE exhibition is open from May 29 to June 16, every day from 12:00 to 18:00. Step through!

Monday, June 3
Presenting students: Kristiina Theresa Kuusik, Harold Kiisler, Marleen Armulik, Elle Marie Randoja, Laura Movits, Trine Tõniste.

Tuesday, June 4
Presenting students: Mirjam Vaht, Elisabeth Perk, Jaan Repnikov, Getter Pihlak, Sven Christian Arthur Samyn.

The theses were supervised by Anna Kaarma, Grete Tiigiste, Jaan Evart (portfolio), Malle Jürgenson, Ville Lausmäe, Veiko Liis and Jüri Kermik (project).

The theses are evaluated by a committee consisting of Gregor Taul (chairman), Mariann Drell, Kristiina Voolaid, Merilin Tee, Peeter Klaas.

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Posted by Gregor Taul

Making Space