EKA Team Won the Campus Award Honorary Mention at Ars Electronica

Photo: Ottavio Cambieri
The EKA delegation won the Campus Award Honorary Mention at the world-famous electronic art festival Ars Electronica Campus Exhibition. With the work Godseed, the EKA delegation was invited to the technological art festival Ars Electronica for the first time. The project was born in cooperation between the Interaction Design and Animation departments of EKA.
With an interactive globe, students created an opportunity for festival visitors to create their own world. By placing the guest in the shoes of God, the work makes one think about individual and collective roles. “Godseed” invites a dialogue about the duality of human ambition and the omnipotent power of technology, looking at the future through the eyes of the creator. EKA’s team included eight students and mentors from EKA’s interaction design and animation department – Ottavio Cambieri, Helena Väinmaa, Sander Põldsaar, Rainer Pits, Carol Alice Tõniste, Valerie V Sarle, Lilli-Krõõt Repnau and Tanel Kärp. EKA photography alumnus Timo Toots from Estonia was previously awarded at Ars Electronica in the category of interactive art in 2012 – with the project “Memopol-2”.
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Posted by Andres Lõo