On 21st of November Estonian Academy of Arts glass art students will open an exhibition “Vision of Invisible” in the foyer of Estonian Academy of Arts. The exhibition started as a study project called “Influences” that took place under Eeva Käsper’s guidance this autumn semester. Five students have been contemplating about what influences and affects us: who are we, what we carry inside, what are our experiences and how we express ourselves? Artists have tried to make keywords like movement, memory, silence, space and reflection visible in glass through discussions and analysis. Participating artists from Estonia (Piret Meos, Maria Tamm), Hungary (Barbara Szõke, Borbàla Simon) and Slovenia (Kaja Upelj) are very different in their mind and handwriting. Different glass techniques are used: glass blowing, kiln casting, cold glass working, modelling, hot glass drawing etc. Created artworks are represented in lines, shape, colour, light and in transparency.
The exhibition is open till 10th of December 2014.
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