Noblessneri sadamalinnak
Start Date:
Start Time:
End Date:
Thu, 28.03 – Sat, 30.03
Light and sound installations
The light and sound installations made by the students of EKA under the umbrella title “Time as Light” provide access to the lighted spaces uniting scenarios of the past and future. The students’ installations were created under the guidance of sculptor Elo Liiv. In addition to the scenic sunsets, in Noblessner one can enjoy a wonderful show of light and shadows at dawn during TMW.
Students: Silvia Ilves, Henri Kaarel Luht, Merilin Põldsam, Kati Masonry, Elis Rumma, Rebeka Vaino, Eliise Saar, Klarika Mäeots-Uustal, Mati Uust, Elisabeth Juusu, Joonas Timmi, Moonika Mällo, Johanna Põldemaa, Annika Ülejõe, Karl Kristian Kits.
There is opportunity to meet students and artists at the opening of the exhibition on March 28 at 21:00. The light installations remain open only on three nights, and on Sunday, Noblessner’s port city is all the same.