EKA fotograafia osakonna Vitriingalerii Eesti Kaasaegse Kunsti Muuseumi (EKKM) seinal, Põhja pst 35
Start Date:
End Date:
Anna Tamm’s solo exhibition “Puppet Warp” will be opened in the Showcase Gallery of the department of photography at the Estonian Academy of Arts since September 4, 2019.
“Puppet Warp” is an artwork inspired by the today’s situation in domestic policy, illustrating the simple method used for influencing the appearance and form of freely selected object/subject, thus transforming its purpose according to the artist’s needs. However, the radical use of the Puppet Warp tool may turn the original image into something new and unrecognizable.
The title of the exhibition is a direct reference to the digital image manipulation tool in Adobe Photoshop.
Exhibition can be viewed 24/7 and it will be open until October 26th.
Location: facade wall of the Contemporary Art Museum of Estonia (EKKM), Põhja pst. 35.