On 23.-26. of October 2019 EKA hosted an annual meeting of Nordic-Baltic Academy of Architecture (NBAA). Representatives from universities from Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Iceland were present. The discussion focused on a more effective international networking that would encourage collaboration and provide opportunities for young architects to develop. Schools provided an overview about the main research and development projects and strategies and two new members were accepted – Tallinn Technical University (TalTech) and Kaunas Technical University.
NBAA is picking up speed in becoming an active Nordplus network – this year’s budget is times higher – 35 000 EUR, including an intensive course Woodstock held by EKA, compared to 6000 EUR a year before. In order to discuss more active collaboration in the format of express courses and summer schools for students an international officers meeting was held in parallel of the deans meeting. It was decided that the coordinators shall meet annually, with the next meeting for international officers scheduled to take place in 2020 autumn.
In addition to the seminars, the new building of EKA, Tallinn City Hall (Linnahall), Pärt Center and new seafront developments were introduced. Two-days event was concluded with an open lecture by Professor Rolf Hughes and Professor Rachel Armstrong where thay gave an insight into the framework and strategies for engaging an age of uncertainty through artistic and design-led research.