K2 Studio project. 09.2020 – 12.2020

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The Estonian Academy of Arts (EKA) has successfully started in the new location, but it is known that there is a space constraint – an extension project is already under construction on the new property on Kotzebue Street. It is the first essential addition for workshop space, but at the same time also an urban decision to expand just across the street into the new quarter. On the corner of Põhja Ave. and Kotzebue St. is a municipally owned property, which has a very attractive location in the urban space in contrast to the poor conditions of the existing buildings alongside it. In co-operation with Tallinn, there is a lucky chance to search for and find a new common vision for this property.

The results of this studio project are aca-demic visions, each of which is a proposal to the questions of architecture and urban space on how to design the new building on the corner of Põhja Ave. and Kotzebue St.

Supervisors of the studio: Ilmar Valdur, Karin Harkmaa, Siim Tiisvelt

Compiler: Sander Sinnep

Estonian Academy of Arts Department of Architecture and Urban Design. Tallinn, 2022.

Supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.

ISBN 978-9916-619-35-3 (print)

ISBN 978-9916-619-36-0 (pdf)

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Posted by Tiina Tammet