Kivilinna School. Landscape Architecture Studio project 02.2021–04.2021

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Landscape architecture 2 is a course which explores the notion of working with the city space and a projects’ specific context as a foundation of any architecture project. Within the course, students learn to design with an understanding that the urban landscape is dynamic and in a constant state of change. The second basic principle is the concept of landscape choreography, where city space is experienced through movement.

The aim of the project is to develop the typical school building in Annelinn as an integrated supporting school environment as part of the diverse district.

The main ambition was to construct an interactive outdoor studying space, which is directly related to the subjects on the primary school’s curriculum and potential outputs of the learning process. The aim of the landscape design was to promote creative thinking, physical activity, social and mental wellbeing as well as to be in dialogue with the school’s wishes and to sit cohesively within the existing environment.

Supervisors of the studio: Katrin Koov, Eve Komp

Compiler: Diana Drobot

Estonian Academy of Arts Department of Architecture and Urban Design. Tallinn, 2022.

Supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.

ISBN 978-9916-619-43-8 (print)

ISBN 978-9916-619-44-5 (pdf)

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Posted by Tiina Tammet