Launch of the publication “What to do together?” by Rundum artist-run space

Launch of the publication “What to do together?” by Rundum artist-run space

Thu 07.12.2017 at 7 pm, ARS building (Pärnu mnt 154, room 111)

What if

The freedom to choose, to say no.

Deliberately disorganise. Develop bad habits. Be ungrateful.

We are flexible only when moving on familiar territory and terms.

What if it were very simple. We just haven’t tried it this way.

The hunger for new solutions.

Falling in love.

To move further from knowing or contemplating what a self-organised initiative is and to become something else on the way.

How not to be just active, but active in a meaningful way.

It is not only something that the authority is forbidding, which stops the development and transformation of oneself, but the learned habits, which tend to normalize certain behaviour. To realise one’s capabilities and freedoms and to realise that there exist situations where a certain degree of autonomy can be reached and practiced.

On Thursday, December 7th at 7 p.m. Rundum artist-run space launches the publication “What to do together?” in the ARS building (Pärnu mnt 154, room 111).

Presenting various thinkers, creatives, approaches and experiences, the open-ended publication brings together visual and textual essays from both within and outside of Rundum artist-run space, which all serve to conceptualise the self-organisation of artists. Our aim is to redefine how to do things (together) without adhering to presupposed or habitual norms.

Compiled by Rundum

(Mari-Leen Kiipli, Kulla Laas, Aap Tepper, Mari Volens, Kristina Õllek)

Authors: Alberto García del Castillo, Barnaby Drabble, Amaranta Heredia Jaén, Mari-Leen Kiipli, Kulla Laas, Aap Tepper, Kirill Tulin, Kert Viiart, Mari Volens, Kristina Õllek

Translation: Tõnis Jürgens, Anna-Liisa Laarits

Proofreading: Tõnis Jürgens, Michael Haagensen

Graphic design: Studio Le60 (Kert Viiart)

Thanks to Ivar Tõnisson (Raam), Kersti Sülla (Pabrik), Indrek Köster (EKL), Krõõt Juurak, Michelangelo Miccolis, Adriano Wilfert Jensen

Supported by Estonia 100 art programme “One Hundred Art Landscapes”, Center for Contemporary Arts Estonia, the Cultural Endowment of Estonia and the Estonian Artist’s Association.

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Posted by Mart Vainre