Learning art/design/architecture in 2045 would feel like…?

Dear students/teachers/academics in EKA – what will teaching/learning look like in 2045? Come to participate in labs that ponder these questions through creating “future-archives”!

Labs are happening:

27th of October, Thursday, 2 pm – 6 pm (B-205)

28th of October, Friday, 10 am – 2 pm (B-305)

Both labs have the same structure so you can choose which date suits you better!

Guest speakers (via zoom):

Jaak Tomberg – senior researcher of contemporary literature at the University of Tartu who focuses among other topics on science fiction and literary utopias. https://nyydiskultuur.artun.ee/en/people/jaak-tomberg/

Frederik Klanberg – documentary photographer and advisor for The Royal Academy of the Art in the Hague, who represents here De Structura, multidimensional pan-European initiative that strives to create healthier habitat for artistic practice and more opportunities for young people in the art sector. https://destructura.com/project/

Kai Lehikoinen – Senior Advisor, The University of the Arts Helsinki, shares tips and tricks for Future Thinking


So, how are teaching practices changed by 2045? What kind of new methods and approaches have been embedded? What is the “good old” that has remained? What are teaching philosophies and values? How are things organized in higher art institutes and how does it feel like being a lecturer in those institutes, what brings joy and what frustrates?

Those questions are analysed in the lab through a future studies method called “the future archive”. Each lab has first shorts lectures and discussion parts, in order to kick off future thinking chakras. Then participants start working (alone or in groups) with artefacts that will belong to that future archive, so these artefacts will be created as if in 2045. NB! Although we tend to think about the future in rather optimistic terms, dystopian versions are also very welcomed!

Artefacts that end up in this future archive can be manifestos, found objects, recordings of the performances, GIFs, collages, “someone” notebooks, a smell, a sound, an edible thing – but they all have to tell a story about some aspect in future teaching practices. Every artefact will be accompanied by a label, explaining main features. Each lab ends with a small exhibition and discussion. Participants should be willing to let their artefacts be documented and accept that those documentations will be used further during the FAST45 project.

Why such labs?

These labs are taking place in the context of Erasmus+ Project “Future Art School Trends 2045”. FAST45 has 11 partners in Europe, higher art universities and creative companies. Its goal is to discuss future perspectives for art school – what kind of preparation future artists, musicians, dancers etc would need? Project duration is from 2021 until end of 2023 and from EKA’s side Project is run by Maarin Ektermann. There have been somae workshops in EKA and the possibility to listen to online lectures and webinars of other partners. All information about FAST45 can be found here.

Facilitating the lab

Lab will be organized in cooperation with Project partners from Uniarts (Finland) and LUCA (Belgium). Working languages will be Estonian and English – it is possible to have group discussions among participants in both languages, but presentations etc should be in English. From EKA’s side lab is faclitated by Eva Liisa Kubinyi, Kristiina Krabi-Klanberg and Maarin Ektermann.

If future speak to you, then please register:

for the 27.10 lab HERE

for the 28.10 lab HERE

Comments and suggestions are very welcomed, looking forward,

Maarin Ektermann

Eesti Kunstiakadeemia