
Only for the Academy’s students, faculty members


• Use of computers and scanning possibility

Paid services:

Printing from the computers:

A4 b/w text € 0.05

A4 b/w image € 0.20

A4 colour € 0.30

A3 b/w text € 0.10

A3 b/w image € 0.40

A3 colour € 0.60

For all users:

Paid services:


A4 b/w text € 0.05

A4 b/w image € 0.20

A4 colour € 0.30

A4 b/w two-sided € 0.10

A4 colour two-sided € 0.60

A3 b/w text € 0.10

A3 b/w image € 0.40

A3 colour € 0.60

Through the ILL service, our readers can order the necessary information at the library or by contacting
The service is free within Estonia.
Postal and copying costs should be paid when ordering from foreign libraries.

The ILL service can be used by all Estonian and foreign libraries to borrow books and journals from the Academy’s library (AV carriers, manuscripts and books related to the specialities are not lent to anyone outside the Academy). Contact
THE LIBRARY ALSO SELLS THE ACADEMY’S PUBLICATIONS based on the pricelist (for information, call 6267 334).