A one-day seminar on independent artist’s book publishing on Friday, April 4 at 12:00 at the auditorium of Kumu Art Museum.
Presentations will be held by the participants of the “Make Your Own Press” intensive course (3.02.–14.02.2014, Bergen; 24.03.–4.04.2014, Tallinn) from Estonian, Norwegian, Danish and Latvian art academies: Liisa Ambur, Allan Appelberg, Holger Højbjerg, Ragna Sverresdotter Haugstad, Marten Limbach, Anna Kubista Löfman, Cisser Mæhl, Anne-Sofie Overgaard, Ingrid Rundberg, Linda Samuelsson, Ann-Kristin Stølan, Sandra Strēle, Anna Thordal, Iida Kaisa Urm, Ingel Vaikla and Kristina Õllek.
Lectures will be held by Brett Bloom (DK), Brandon LaBelle (NO) as well as by Peter Ström & Mattias Jakobsson (SE), initiators of Publishing as (part-time) Practice, a growing network of small-scale Nordic publishers.
The intensive course “Make Your Own Press” concentrated on the history and publishing of artist’s books and on the critical study of the present day issues in art publishing. The final result of the workshop, the book “Almost a Centimeter” deals with the various stages and ingredients of book making and publishing.
“Make Your Own Press” was organized by Brandon LaBelle from the Bergen Academy of Art and Design, Brett Bloom from the Jutland Art Academy and Anu Vahtra, Indrek Sirkel and Laura Toots from the Estonian Academy of Arts. The KUNO coordinator is Sandra Sule.
During the seminar, in addition to the lectures, both the brand new book and a selection of publications by the guest speakers are available for browsing.