Master theses of young architects among the best scientific theses of 2022

On December 13, 2022, the best student research papers were awarded at the Ministry of Education and Science.

The prize-winning research works of architecture were:

Merilin Kaup, „Praktilised utoopiad: kodu kui saarestik“, juhendajad: Katrin Koov, Kadri Klementi, Eik Hermann

Eneli Kleemann, „Kodu kontoris: kogukonna juhitud elamumajandus Maakri kvartali näitel“, juhendajad: Laura Linsi, Roland Reemaa, Eik Hermann

Mia Martina Peil, „Vesse: tööstusalast sidusaks linnaruumiks“, juhendajad: Martin Melioranski, Raul Kalvo, Eik Hermann

Ra Martin Puhkan, „Sotsiaalselt jätkusuutlik Pelguranna“, juhendajad: Katrin Koov, Kadri Klementi, Eik Hermann

Lill Volmer, „Läviruum: Kollektiivse tegevuse ruumid Sillamäel“, juhendajad: Martin Melioranski, Raul Kalvo

Tristan Krevald, „Paljassaare triiv“, juhendajad: Katrin Koov, Kadri Klementi, Eik Hermann



This year, 413 competition works were submitted to the Science Agency, most of them in the category of master’s studies.

Research papers from 25 universities were submitted to this year’s competition, including 10 foreign universities.

The prize fund of the competition was 92,127.79 euros in total. The list of all award recipients can be found HERE


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Posted by Tiina Tammet