March 24th: OPEN DAY at the Interior Architecture Department: The Fish Bar

To properly celebrate the ESTONIAN ACADEMY OF ARTS OPEN DAY on March 24th, the Interior Architecture Department will CLOSE all of its doors. You *can* however walk straight into the department quarters through our WINDOWS at Nunne Street 16. Just look for a wooden installation leading the way.

The day is an absolute MUST for anyone who is contemplating becoming a student at the Interior Architecture Department in near or more distant future.

Our six-hour programme is run entirely by students this year. On stage, there will be presentations of the brightest projects of the last year, presented by our students from freshmen year to MA. You will also not go on an empty stomach: there will be appetizers, soup, main course and dessert, with a running theme of FISH.

What we suggest especially is sneaking into the department kitchen and becoming part of the catering team, because that is truly the best place to get an idea of what our Department is all about. Also, you might want to bring a towel, because the unofficial after party will be all about the sauna.

P R O G R A M M E on March 24th 2016

Nunne 16, Tallinn Old Town

12:00 Introducing INSTALLATION “Sound Wave 2” – the new entrance of the department from Nunne Street. The students who built it will talk about the concept and design

12:30 APPETIZER: Saaremaa smoked fish
(caught, prepared and served by our 2nd year students)

13:00 Soomaa and Emajõe Suursoo: 1st year students tell their Soomaa strict-regime DRAWING CAMP and offer a first look into their designs for Emajõe Suursoo area forest camping infrastructure

13:30 SOUP: wild wild fish soup (prepared and served by 1st year students)

The author of the installation will explain why and how it happened that the sounds and echos of Estonian forests were all of a sudden heard across the world

14:30 FISH MAIN COURSE (served and served by MA students)

15:00 From idea to prototype in 48 hrs.
Teams who developed Chairdrobe, Kuupesa and other projects talk about their ideas and participating in the GARAGE48 event

16:00 Turning your coffee grounds into FURNITURE? MA student graduating this spring will talk about experimenting with cafe-leftovers in the materials lab of the department

16:30 FISH CAKE (baked and served by 3rd year bakers)

MA students reveal all at the department’s plastic film pop-up sauna, talking about the MA course on political space and their explorations in Palestine

17:30 Open SAUNA for everyone (BYOT: Bring Your Own Towel)

18:00 Windows close

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Posted by Triin Männik