TASE FILM invites: Student films from 2016/17 and a guest documentary about our very own Natalya


TASE FILM invites: Student films from 2016/17 and a guest documentary about our very own Natalya


Homme, 9. juunil kell 17.00 – 20.00 linastuvad Kino Sõpruses TASE FILMIL Eesti Kunstiakadeemia 2016/17 tudengifilmide paremik. Esmakordselt linastub TASE FILMIl külalislinateos “Natalja” (Kadi Poll, Laura Kõrvits), mis võitis Balti Filmi- ja Meediakooli parim dokumentaali tiitli. Film räägib EKA modellist Nataljast. Sissejuhatuse teeb produtsent Laura Kõrvits.

Seekord tegi valiku žürii koosseisus kunstnik Kristi Kongi, kunstiteadlane Keiu Krikmann, kunstnik Olivia Verev (I TASE FILM korraldaja), graafiline disainer/visuaalkunstnik Norman Orro, turundusspetsialist/kunstnik Rachel Kinbar, animatsiooni osakonna juhataja Helen Unt ja kommunikatsiooni osakonna juhataja Solveig Jahnke.

Valikusse sattusid filmid nii vabade kunstide, arhitektuuri- kui disainiteaduskonnast. Ringvaatesse saavad ka valitud lühikatsetused ja moestilistika reklaamfilmid, mida saavad näha varased saabujad alates kell 16.30.

Kõik on teretulnud! Pilet 2 Eurot.

Screening of EAA Student Films of 2016 and 2017. In addition, for the first time – a guest film from Baltic Film and Media School – Best Documentary” about the EAA model Natalya.

Special priced ticket – 2 Euros!


16:30 eelseanss


17.00 – 20.00

Žürii valitud filmid

I sessioon

Natalja (13 min) – Režissöör Kadi Poll, produtsent Laura Kõrvits (BFM parim dokk!).

I TASE külalisfilm, mis räägib loo EKA modellist Nataljast.

OFF (11 min) – Kelli Gedvil

Ma olin jõudnud oma loomaprotsessis punkti, kus millegi loomiseks, oli vaja vana pind hävitada. Nii eemaldasin need vanad kihid kihtide haaval.

Reidi tee projekt – Juhan Teppart

Urbanistika magistritöö osana valminud dokfilmi. Magistritöö uurib Reidi tee projekteerimise ümber lahvatanud konflikti, selle erinevaid osapooli ja mõju teeprojekti menetlemisele. Dokfilm on kokku lõigatud magistritöö raames läbiviidud intervjuudest ja toob välja võtmeisikute rollid ja eri osapoolte vastandlikud seisukohad ja Tallinna linnaplaneerimise murekohad.

Kokku kestvus 56:25 min

II sessioon

Freedog Trippo Priidik (7 min) – Vello Lutter

Käesoleva aasta alguses toimus EKA graafilise disaini II kuruse tudengite eksperimentaalsete lühidokumentaalfilmide workshop “14 karakterit”. Minu poolt valmis film “Freedog Trippo Priidik”, milles räägib oma nägemusest ja nime valimisest muusik Priidik Hallas. Muusika filmis on tema enda looming. Film ise on tänu oma tempole ja peategelase karakterile 7-minutiline vitamiinipomm.

Funeral (32 min) – Robin Nõgisto

Autorifilm, mis jutustab igavikulise loo elust ja surmast. Robin Nõgisto film “Funeral” ei ole religioosne film, vaid räägib lugu autori enda loodud mütoloogilisest maailmast.

Filmis põimuvad läbi kolm tegelast, kes kõik on otsingutel, otsides neile kuuluvat vabadust. Lugu keerleb ümber noormehe, kes on kahe maailma vahel kinni ja kelle missiooniks on leida lepitus iseendaga, kuid hoopis leiab armastuse keda on igatsenud.

“Funeral” on kõike muud kui dramaturgia, tegemist on kunstniku omanäolise positsiooniga. See seisab kõige eest mida autor omal nahal tunneb ja tunnetab.

Teos on filmitud anamorphic objektiiviga ja on mõeldud spetsiaalselt suurele ekraanile.

Filmis löövad kaasa peale autori enda, Roosi Natali Nõgisto ja Olivia Verev.

Kokku kestvus 39 min

III sessioon TASE Anima

Aggie Lee Pak Yee


Joonisfilm / drawn film


Kunstimuuseumis me peaksime olema…

In an Art Museum, we ought to be…

Evgeniia Golikova

Don’t wake / Ära ärata

Maalianimatsioon / paint-on-glass


A man spent most of his life in a prison.His body fully covered with tattoos, which says plenty about his criminal past and high authority status. But at one point, the time came to leave the prison… Would it be easy for the inmate to leave his Zone – comfort zone?

Mees veetis enamus oma elust vanglas. Tema keha on üleni kaetud tätoveeringutega, mis räägivad tema kriminaalsest minevikust ja kõrgest positsioonist. Aga ühel hetkel saab ta vanglast välja.. Kui lihtne on tal lahkuda oma Tsoonist, oma mugavustsoonist?

Helen Woolston

Krooniline tsirkus / A Chronic Circus

Joonisfilm / drawn film


Igavlev lehm üritab leida mõnd väljendusvahendit. Saabuvad klounid ahvatlevad kaosega. Talumees üritab lehma kontrolli all hoida ning kaost ojata. Aga kaose seemned on külvatud sügavale ja päris ära ei kao.

A bored cow tries to find some means of self expression. Some visiting clowns offer a

tempting glimpse of chaos. A farmer tries to keep control of the situation, seeing this spread

of chaos as a kind of plague which he must put a stop to. But the seeds of chaos are planted

deeply and cannot be eradicated completely.

Helen Woolston

Magic Potion

Eksperimentaalfilm / experimental film


Nõia võlujoogi pajas tantsivad, oigavad ja muunduvad erinevad koostisosad, et luua uusi eluvorme.

Within the melting pot of a witch’s magic potion, the different ingredients dance, moan and transform together to create new forms of life.

Terje Henk

Soorebane / Swampfox

Liivaanimatsioon / sand animation


Liivanimatsioon kolmest inimesest ja ühest rebasest. Kuidas kinnismõte kaasa kisub, sõber lahti ei lase ja kui raske on unustada. See on lugu olukorrast, mis nõnda vetrub ja vajub, et raske on terve nahaga pääseda. Nurjatu rebane ei oska aidata ka siis, kui ta seda väga tahab.

Sand animation about three people and one fox. How obsession pulls, friend refuses to let go and how hard it is to forget. It’s a story of a situation so muddy it’s difficult to come out of it in tact. The wicked fox can’t help even if she really wants to.

Teele Strauss

Ükskord igavuse väljadel / Once in the Fields of Boredom

Segatehnika / mixed media


Lugu „Ükskord igavuse väljadel“ kätkeb endas õhtuhämaruses peetavat õhtusööki, piknikku, mille osalisteks on tegelased Naine ja Mees. Tegevust justkui ei toimuks, dialoog näib olevat vaikimises, kuniks toimub katkestus – mille tagajärjel Naine lahkub/kaob vaateväljalt. Mees on segaduses ja otsustab Naisele järgneda. Peale pikki otsinguid metsas jõuab ta sarnasele piknikustseenile, mille osalisteks on Naine koos uue, tundmatu tegelasega. Mehe kohaleilmumisest ei muutu midagi, tema roll ühe osapoolena selles suhtes on läbi saanud.

Film räägib igavusest. Eksistentsiaalsest tühjusest ja igatsusest. Joonistatud animatsioonitegelaste viimisega projektsioonina metsa taustale üritasin tekitada teatava nihke karakterite olemuse ja ümbritseva keskkonna vahel, mis aitaks edasi anda nende valikuid ja käitumist.

My short animation „Once in the Fields of Boredom“ is a short story about a couple whose life together has come to an end – they struggle with boredom.

The movie starts with a supper, which is obviously dull and intolerable for both of them, especially for the Women. When there is an interruption with the flow and the Man shifts his attention to the possible interloper, the Woman disappears. As there is still some feelings and curiosity left, the Man starts to look for the Woman. He finds her after interrupting her supper with a new companion and realizes his defeat.

This story is technically a mixture of frame-by-frame animation projected on the forest. There is a shift in the design of the characters and the real forest. With this technique I wanted to emphasize their acting and the importance of the choices they make.

Katarina Skott

Esimesest silmapilgust / At First Sight

Kuivpastellis joonisfilm / drawn film with pastels


“Esimesest silmapilgust” räägib valgusest pimedas armastuses. Kui elad maailmas mis sinus väärtust ei näe, kas seda näeb keegi teine?

“At First Sight” is a story about hope in blind love. When living in a world that sees no value in you, will somebody else set their sights on it instead?

Leore Klyszejko

Põdra Maja / Moose House

Joonisfilm / drawn film


Põdral maja metsa sees, väiksest aknast välja vaatab.

There’s a moose in the forest, he has a house with tiny windows.

Jüri Lääs

Paradise Island

Joonisfilm / drawn film


Jääkaru ärkab kiiresti muutuvasse maailma. Olles pikalt merel triivinud, leiab ta viimase kuiva maa.

A polar bear wakes up into a world that is changing fast. After a long drift on the sea he finds the last piece of land above water.

Liisi Grünberg

Muki ja Kalju seiklus surnuaial / Muki and Kalju have a Graveyard Adventure

Digitaalne kollaaž vesivärvist ja pastapliiatsist / digital collage of water colour paint and ball-point pen


Muki ja Kalju teavad, mida saab teha surnuaia kaevu põhja koguneva veega. Nende rituaal vabastab maapinnast teadvused, kes ei suuda teha rohkemat, kui ühte liigutust korrata. Mõni asi tiksub, mõni voolab ja kolmas võtab lihtsalt poose. Muusikaline animatsioon proovib oma audiovisuaalses maailmas väljendada liikumise vaatamisest saadavat mõnu.

Muki and Kalju know what can be done with the water in the graveyard well. Their ritual frees spirits hidden in the ground. Such consciousness can do nothing but repeat an action. There are things that tick, some that flow and others that just strike poses. The audiovisual world in this musical animation is trying to convey the pleasure in watching movement.
Helen Woolston
Krooniline tsirkus / A Chronic Circus
Joonisfilm / drawn film

Igavlev lehm üritab leida mõnd väljendusvahendit. Saabuvad klounid ahvatlevad kaosega. Talumees üritab lehma kontrolli all hoida ning kaost ojata. Aga kaose seemned on külvatud sügavale ja päris ära ei kao.

A bored cow tries to find some means of self expression. Some visiting clowns offer a tempting glimpse of chaos. A farmer tries to keep control of the situation, seeing this spread of chaos as a kind of plague which he must put a stop to. But the seeds of chaos are planted deeply and cannot be eradicated completely.

Helen Woolston
Magic Potion
Eksperimentaalfilm / experimental film

Nõia võlujoogi pajas tantsivad, oigavad ja muunduvad erinevad koostisosad, et luua uusi eluvorme.

Within the melting pot of a witch’s magic potion, the different ingredients dance, moan and transform together to create new forms of life.

Terje Henk
Soorebane / Swampfox
Liivaanimatsioon / sand animation

Liivanimatsioon kolmest inimesest ja ühest rebasest. Kuidas kinnismõte kaasa kisub, sõber lahti ei lase ja kui raske on unustada. See on lugu olukorrast, mis nõnda vetrub ja vajub, et raske on terve nahaga pääseda. Nurjatu rebane ei oska aidata ka siis, kui ta seda väga tahab.

Sand animation about three people and one fox. How obsession pulls, friend refuses to let go and how hard it is to forget. It’s a story of a situation so muddy it’s difficult to come out of it in tact. The wicked fox can’t help even if she really wants to.

Teele Strauss
Ükskord igavuse väljadel / Once in the Fields of Boredom
Segatehnika / mixed media

Lugu „Ükskord igavuse väljadel“ kätkeb endas õhtuhämaruses peetavat õhtusööki, piknikku, mille osalisteks on tegelased Naine ja Mees. Tegevust justkui ei toimuks, dialoog näib olevat vaikimises, kuniks toimub katkestus – mille tagajärjel Naine lahkub/kaob vaateväljalt. Mees on segaduses ja otsustab Naisele järgneda. Peale pikki otsinguid metsas jõuab ta sarnasele piknikustseenile, mille osalisteks on Naine koos uue, tundmatu tegelasega. Mehe kohaleilmumisest ei muutu midagi, tema roll ühe osapoolena selles suhtes on läbi saanud.

Film räägib igavusest. Eksistentsiaalsest tühjusest ja igatsusest. Joonistatud animatsioonitegelaste viimisega projektsioonina metsa taustale üritasin tekitada teatava nihke karakterite olemuse ja ümbritseva keskkonna vahel, mis aitaks edasi anda nende valikuid ja käitumist.

My short animation „Once in the Fields of Boredom“ is a short story about a couple whose life together has come to an end – they struggle with boredom.

The movie starts with a supper, which is obviously dull and intolerable for both of them, especially for the Women. When there is an interruption with the flow and the Man shifts his attention to the possible interloper, the Woman disappears. As there is still some feelings and curiosity left, the Man starts to look for the Woman. He finds her after interrupting her supper with a new companion and realizes his defeat.

This story is technically a mixture of frame-by-frame animation projected on the forest. There is a shift in the design of the characters and the real forest. With this technique I wanted to emphasize their acting and the importance of the choices they make.

Katarina Skott
Esimesest silmapilgust / At First Sight
Kuivpastellis joonisfilm / drawn film with pastels

“Esimesest silmapilgust” räägib valgusest pimedas armastuses. Kui elad maailmas mis sinus väärtust ei näe, kas seda näeb keegi teine?

“At First Sight” is a story about hope in blind love. When living in a world that sees no value in you, will somebody else set their sights on it instead?

Leore Klyszejko
Põdra Maja / Moose House
Joonisfilm / drawn film

Põdral maja metsa sees, väiksest aknast välja vaatab.

There’s a moose in the forest, he has a house with tiny windows.

Jüri Lääs
Paradise Island
Joonisfilm / drawn film

Jääkaru ärkab kiiresti muutuvasse maailma. Olles pikalt merel triivinud, leiab ta viimase kuiva maa.

A polar bear wakes up into a world that is changing fast. After a long drift on the sea he finds the last piece of land above water.

Liisi Grünberg
Muki ja Kalju seiklus surnuaial / Muki and Kalju have a Graveyard Adventure

Digitaalne kollaaž vesivärvist ja pastapliiatsist / digital collage of water colour paint and ball-point pen

Muki ja Kalju teavad, mida saab teha surnuaia kaevu põhja koguneva veega. Nende rituaal vabastab maapinnast teadvused, kes ei suuda teha rohkemat, kui ühte liigutust korrata. Mõni asi tiksub, mõni voolab ja kolmas võtab lihtsalt poose. Muusikaline animatsioon proovib oma audiovisuaalses maailmas väljendada liikumise vaatamisest saadavat mõnu.

Muki and Kalju know what can be done with the water in the graveyard well. Their ritual frees spirits hidden in the ground. Such consciousness can do nothing but repeat an action. There are things that tick, some that flow and others that just strike poses. The audiovisual world in this musical animation is trying to convey the pleasure in watching movement.
Solveig Jahnke
Kommunikatsioonijuht/Head of Communications
Tel +372 6267 111
Mob +372 5626 4949

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink

TASE FILM invites: Student films from 2016/17 and a guest documentary about our very own Natalya

Friday 09 June, 2017


Homme, 9. juunil kell 17.00 – 20.00 linastuvad Kino Sõpruses TASE FILMIL Eesti Kunstiakadeemia 2016/17 tudengifilmide paremik. Esmakordselt linastub TASE FILMIl külalislinateos “Natalja” (Kadi Poll, Laura Kõrvits), mis võitis Balti Filmi- ja Meediakooli parim dokumentaali tiitli. Film räägib EKA modellist Nataljast. Sissejuhatuse teeb produtsent Laura Kõrvits.

Seekord tegi valiku žürii koosseisus kunstnik Kristi Kongi, kunstiteadlane Keiu Krikmann, kunstnik Olivia Verev (I TASE FILM korraldaja), graafiline disainer/visuaalkunstnik Norman Orro, turundusspetsialist/kunstnik Rachel Kinbar, animatsiooni osakonna juhataja Helen Unt ja kommunikatsiooni osakonna juhataja Solveig Jahnke.

Valikusse sattusid filmid nii vabade kunstide, arhitektuuri- kui disainiteaduskonnast. Ringvaatesse saavad ka valitud lühikatsetused ja moestilistika reklaamfilmid, mida saavad näha varased saabujad alates kell 16.30.

Kõik on teretulnud! Pilet 2 Eurot.

Screening of EAA Student Films of 2016 and 2017. In addition, for the first time – a guest film from Baltic Film and Media School – Best Documentary” about the EAA model Natalya.

Special priced ticket – 2 Euros!


16:30 eelseanss


17.00 – 20.00

Žürii valitud filmid

I sessioon

Natalja (13 min) – Režissöör Kadi Poll, produtsent Laura Kõrvits (BFM parim dokk!).

I TASE külalisfilm, mis räägib loo EKA modellist Nataljast.

OFF (11 min) – Kelli Gedvil

Ma olin jõudnud oma loomaprotsessis punkti, kus millegi loomiseks, oli vaja vana pind hävitada. Nii eemaldasin need vanad kihid kihtide haaval.

Reidi tee projekt – Juhan Teppart

Urbanistika magistritöö osana valminud dokfilmi. Magistritöö uurib Reidi tee projekteerimise ümber lahvatanud konflikti, selle erinevaid osapooli ja mõju teeprojekti menetlemisele. Dokfilm on kokku lõigatud magistritöö raames läbiviidud intervjuudest ja toob välja võtmeisikute rollid ja eri osapoolte vastandlikud seisukohad ja Tallinna linnaplaneerimise murekohad.

Kokku kestvus 56:25 min

II sessioon

Freedog Trippo Priidik (7 min) – Vello Lutter

Käesoleva aasta alguses toimus EKA graafilise disaini II kuruse tudengite eksperimentaalsete lühidokumentaalfilmide workshop “14 karakterit”. Minu poolt valmis film “Freedog Trippo Priidik”, milles räägib oma nägemusest ja nime valimisest muusik Priidik Hallas. Muusika filmis on tema enda looming. Film ise on tänu oma tempole ja peategelase karakterile 7-minutiline vitamiinipomm.

Funeral (32 min) – Robin Nõgisto

Autorifilm, mis jutustab igavikulise loo elust ja surmast. Robin Nõgisto film “Funeral” ei ole religioosne film, vaid räägib lugu autori enda loodud mütoloogilisest maailmast.

Filmis põimuvad läbi kolm tegelast, kes kõik on otsingutel, otsides neile kuuluvat vabadust. Lugu keerleb ümber noormehe, kes on kahe maailma vahel kinni ja kelle missiooniks on leida lepitus iseendaga, kuid hoopis leiab armastuse keda on igatsenud.

“Funeral” on kõike muud kui dramaturgia, tegemist on kunstniku omanäolise positsiooniga. See seisab kõige eest mida autor omal nahal tunneb ja tunnetab.

Teos on filmitud anamorphic objektiiviga ja on mõeldud spetsiaalselt suurele ekraanile.

Filmis löövad kaasa peale autori enda, Roosi Natali Nõgisto ja Olivia Verev.

Kokku kestvus 39 min

III sessioon TASE Anima

Aggie Lee Pak Yee


Joonisfilm / drawn film


Kunstimuuseumis me peaksime olema…

In an Art Museum, we ought to be…

Evgeniia Golikova

Don’t wake / Ära ärata

Maalianimatsioon / paint-on-glass


A man spent most of his life in a prison.His body fully covered with tattoos, which says plenty about his criminal past and high authority status. But at one point, the time came to leave the prison… Would it be easy for the inmate to leave his Zone – comfort zone?

Mees veetis enamus oma elust vanglas. Tema keha on üleni kaetud tätoveeringutega, mis räägivad tema kriminaalsest minevikust ja kõrgest positsioonist. Aga ühel hetkel saab ta vanglast välja.. Kui lihtne on tal lahkuda oma Tsoonist, oma mugavustsoonist?

Helen Woolston

Krooniline tsirkus / A Chronic Circus

Joonisfilm / drawn film


Igavlev lehm üritab leida mõnd väljendusvahendit. Saabuvad klounid ahvatlevad kaosega. Talumees üritab lehma kontrolli all hoida ning kaost ojata. Aga kaose seemned on külvatud sügavale ja päris ära ei kao.

A bored cow tries to find some means of self expression. Some visiting clowns offer a

tempting glimpse of chaos. A farmer tries to keep control of the situation, seeing this spread

of chaos as a kind of plague which he must put a stop to. But the seeds of chaos are planted

deeply and cannot be eradicated completely.

Helen Woolston

Magic Potion

Eksperimentaalfilm / experimental film


Nõia võlujoogi pajas tantsivad, oigavad ja muunduvad erinevad koostisosad, et luua uusi eluvorme.

Within the melting pot of a witch’s magic potion, the different ingredients dance, moan and transform together to create new forms of life.

Terje Henk

Soorebane / Swampfox

Liivaanimatsioon / sand animation


Liivanimatsioon kolmest inimesest ja ühest rebasest. Kuidas kinnismõte kaasa kisub, sõber lahti ei lase ja kui raske on unustada. See on lugu olukorrast, mis nõnda vetrub ja vajub, et raske on terve nahaga pääseda. Nurjatu rebane ei oska aidata ka siis, kui ta seda väga tahab.

Sand animation about three people and one fox. How obsession pulls, friend refuses to let go and how hard it is to forget. It’s a story of a situation so muddy it’s difficult to come out of it in tact. The wicked fox can’t help even if she really wants to.

Teele Strauss

Ükskord igavuse väljadel / Once in the Fields of Boredom

Segatehnika / mixed media


Lugu „Ükskord igavuse väljadel“ kätkeb endas õhtuhämaruses peetavat õhtusööki, piknikku, mille osalisteks on tegelased Naine ja Mees. Tegevust justkui ei toimuks, dialoog näib olevat vaikimises, kuniks toimub katkestus – mille tagajärjel Naine lahkub/kaob vaateväljalt. Mees on segaduses ja otsustab Naisele järgneda. Peale pikki otsinguid metsas jõuab ta sarnasele piknikustseenile, mille osalisteks on Naine koos uue, tundmatu tegelasega. Mehe kohaleilmumisest ei muutu midagi, tema roll ühe osapoolena selles suhtes on läbi saanud.

Film räägib igavusest. Eksistentsiaalsest tühjusest ja igatsusest. Joonistatud animatsioonitegelaste viimisega projektsioonina metsa taustale üritasin tekitada teatava nihke karakterite olemuse ja ümbritseva keskkonna vahel, mis aitaks edasi anda nende valikuid ja käitumist.

My short animation „Once in the Fields of Boredom“ is a short story about a couple whose life together has come to an end – they struggle with boredom.

The movie starts with a supper, which is obviously dull and intolerable for both of them, especially for the Women. When there is an interruption with the flow and the Man shifts his attention to the possible interloper, the Woman disappears. As there is still some feelings and curiosity left, the Man starts to look for the Woman. He finds her after interrupting her supper with a new companion and realizes his defeat.

This story is technically a mixture of frame-by-frame animation projected on the forest. There is a shift in the design of the characters and the real forest. With this technique I wanted to emphasize their acting and the importance of the choices they make.

Katarina Skott

Esimesest silmapilgust / At First Sight

Kuivpastellis joonisfilm / drawn film with pastels


“Esimesest silmapilgust” räägib valgusest pimedas armastuses. Kui elad maailmas mis sinus väärtust ei näe, kas seda näeb keegi teine?

“At First Sight” is a story about hope in blind love. When living in a world that sees no value in you, will somebody else set their sights on it instead?

Leore Klyszejko

Põdra Maja / Moose House

Joonisfilm / drawn film


Põdral maja metsa sees, väiksest aknast välja vaatab.

There’s a moose in the forest, he has a house with tiny windows.

Jüri Lääs

Paradise Island

Joonisfilm / drawn film


Jääkaru ärkab kiiresti muutuvasse maailma. Olles pikalt merel triivinud, leiab ta viimase kuiva maa.

A polar bear wakes up into a world that is changing fast. After a long drift on the sea he finds the last piece of land above water.

Liisi Grünberg

Muki ja Kalju seiklus surnuaial / Muki and Kalju have a Graveyard Adventure

Digitaalne kollaaž vesivärvist ja pastapliiatsist / digital collage of water colour paint and ball-point pen


Muki ja Kalju teavad, mida saab teha surnuaia kaevu põhja koguneva veega. Nende rituaal vabastab maapinnast teadvused, kes ei suuda teha rohkemat, kui ühte liigutust korrata. Mõni asi tiksub, mõni voolab ja kolmas võtab lihtsalt poose. Muusikaline animatsioon proovib oma audiovisuaalses maailmas väljendada liikumise vaatamisest saadavat mõnu.

Muki and Kalju know what can be done with the water in the graveyard well. Their ritual frees spirits hidden in the ground. Such consciousness can do nothing but repeat an action. There are things that tick, some that flow and others that just strike poses. The audiovisual world in this musical animation is trying to convey the pleasure in watching movement.
Helen Woolston
Krooniline tsirkus / A Chronic Circus
Joonisfilm / drawn film

Igavlev lehm üritab leida mõnd väljendusvahendit. Saabuvad klounid ahvatlevad kaosega. Talumees üritab lehma kontrolli all hoida ning kaost ojata. Aga kaose seemned on külvatud sügavale ja päris ära ei kao.

A bored cow tries to find some means of self expression. Some visiting clowns offer a tempting glimpse of chaos. A farmer tries to keep control of the situation, seeing this spread of chaos as a kind of plague which he must put a stop to. But the seeds of chaos are planted deeply and cannot be eradicated completely.

Helen Woolston
Magic Potion
Eksperimentaalfilm / experimental film

Nõia võlujoogi pajas tantsivad, oigavad ja muunduvad erinevad koostisosad, et luua uusi eluvorme.

Within the melting pot of a witch’s magic potion, the different ingredients dance, moan and transform together to create new forms of life.

Terje Henk
Soorebane / Swampfox
Liivaanimatsioon / sand animation

Liivanimatsioon kolmest inimesest ja ühest rebasest. Kuidas kinnismõte kaasa kisub, sõber lahti ei lase ja kui raske on unustada. See on lugu olukorrast, mis nõnda vetrub ja vajub, et raske on terve nahaga pääseda. Nurjatu rebane ei oska aidata ka siis, kui ta seda väga tahab.

Sand animation about three people and one fox. How obsession pulls, friend refuses to let go and how hard it is to forget. It’s a story of a situation so muddy it’s difficult to come out of it in tact. The wicked fox can’t help even if she really wants to.

Teele Strauss
Ükskord igavuse väljadel / Once in the Fields of Boredom
Segatehnika / mixed media

Lugu „Ükskord igavuse väljadel“ kätkeb endas õhtuhämaruses peetavat õhtusööki, piknikku, mille osalisteks on tegelased Naine ja Mees. Tegevust justkui ei toimuks, dialoog näib olevat vaikimises, kuniks toimub katkestus – mille tagajärjel Naine lahkub/kaob vaateväljalt. Mees on segaduses ja otsustab Naisele järgneda. Peale pikki otsinguid metsas jõuab ta sarnasele piknikustseenile, mille osalisteks on Naine koos uue, tundmatu tegelasega. Mehe kohaleilmumisest ei muutu midagi, tema roll ühe osapoolena selles suhtes on läbi saanud.

Film räägib igavusest. Eksistentsiaalsest tühjusest ja igatsusest. Joonistatud animatsioonitegelaste viimisega projektsioonina metsa taustale üritasin tekitada teatava nihke karakterite olemuse ja ümbritseva keskkonna vahel, mis aitaks edasi anda nende valikuid ja käitumist.

My short animation „Once in the Fields of Boredom“ is a short story about a couple whose life together has come to an end – they struggle with boredom.

The movie starts with a supper, which is obviously dull and intolerable for both of them, especially for the Women. When there is an interruption with the flow and the Man shifts his attention to the possible interloper, the Woman disappears. As there is still some feelings and curiosity left, the Man starts to look for the Woman. He finds her after interrupting her supper with a new companion and realizes his defeat.

This story is technically a mixture of frame-by-frame animation projected on the forest. There is a shift in the design of the characters and the real forest. With this technique I wanted to emphasize their acting and the importance of the choices they make.

Katarina Skott
Esimesest silmapilgust / At First Sight
Kuivpastellis joonisfilm / drawn film with pastels

“Esimesest silmapilgust” räägib valgusest pimedas armastuses. Kui elad maailmas mis sinus väärtust ei näe, kas seda näeb keegi teine?

“At First Sight” is a story about hope in blind love. When living in a world that sees no value in you, will somebody else set their sights on it instead?

Leore Klyszejko
Põdra Maja / Moose House
Joonisfilm / drawn film

Põdral maja metsa sees, väiksest aknast välja vaatab.

There’s a moose in the forest, he has a house with tiny windows.

Jüri Lääs
Paradise Island
Joonisfilm / drawn film

Jääkaru ärkab kiiresti muutuvasse maailma. Olles pikalt merel triivinud, leiab ta viimase kuiva maa.

A polar bear wakes up into a world that is changing fast. After a long drift on the sea he finds the last piece of land above water.

Liisi Grünberg
Muki ja Kalju seiklus surnuaial / Muki and Kalju have a Graveyard Adventure

Digitaalne kollaaž vesivärvist ja pastapliiatsist / digital collage of water colour paint and ball-point pen

Muki ja Kalju teavad, mida saab teha surnuaia kaevu põhja koguneva veega. Nende rituaal vabastab maapinnast teadvused, kes ei suuda teha rohkemat, kui ühte liigutust korrata. Mõni asi tiksub, mõni voolab ja kolmas võtab lihtsalt poose. Muusikaline animatsioon proovib oma audiovisuaalses maailmas väljendada liikumise vaatamisest saadavat mõnu.

Muki and Kalju know what can be done with the water in the graveyard well. Their ritual frees spirits hidden in the ground. Such consciousness can do nothing but repeat an action. There are things that tick, some that flow and others that just strike poses. The audiovisual world in this musical animation is trying to convey the pleasure in watching movement.
Solveig Jahnke
Kommunikatsioonijuht/Head of Communications
Tel +372 6267 111
Mob +372 5626 4949

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink


Estonia’s most successful commercial gallery of contemporary art starts its second season!

Last summer the travelling gallery met more than 500 new art friends and found a home for 50 artworks. This Saturday at 2pm everyone is invited to the season opening event in the forecourt of gallery ISFAG (Põhja pst 35, right next to EKKM)

During the festivities Kirill Tulin will replace the gallery’s broken clutch, Camille Laurelli will open a one-day exhibition and music will be selected by this season’s resident artist Art Nõukas. As always, artworks by the gallery artists Art ja Helena, Rosa-Violetta Grötsch, Johnson&Johnson, Camille Laurelli, Anna Mari Liivrand and Hanna Piksarv will be sold. A new addition to the line-up is Liina Pääsuke, whose works will be available for purchase starting this Saturday.

After touring fairs and festivals in 2016, the gallery will now set its sights on Estonia’s neighbours. This summer the gallery will host Art Nõukas’ film project “Lost and found cinema” visiting different art centres across the Baltics, but none of the capital cities. “Whether travelling in Estonia with a foreign artist or taking a local artist abroad, the aim is still to offer an alternative platform for experiencing art in a field that is largely concentrated around capitals,” comments gallerist and project initiator Siim Preiman, “that’s why this year we’ll be tracking down other small initiatives like ourselves, share each other’s experiences and hopefully meet each other’s friends.”

The opening event this Saturday is the first chance this year to be a part of the gallery’s activities and to hear the latest whispers about the future. If all goes according to plan, the summer tour will take place in the second half of July.

Kirill Tulin (b 1989) is an artist living in Tallinn who has not graduated from the Academy of Arts or any other university. He constantly questions the role of traditional galleries and other art institutions. In February 2017, he initiated the performative action “We are about to come up with a title, please bear with us” in Tallinn Art Hall that gave visitors a chance to see how exhibitions are made.

Camille Laurelli (b 1981) is a French-born artist, currently living and working in Tallinn. He has studied in art schools in Annecy and Grenoble. Laurelli started his career as a photo artist but now merges different areas of art in his practice and questions the value of art in a world increasingly overtaken by technology. He has participated in the exhibitions “Side effects” and “& So On & So Forth”, both at EKKM in 2013. In 2016, he curated the show “Infinite Lives” with co-curator Nicolas Audureau at Tallinn City Gallery.

Art Nõukas (b 1992) is an artist living and working in Tallinn. He graduated from the sculpture and installation department at the Estonian Academy of Arts in 2017. In his installations he largely relies on visuals and methods borrowed from films and often positions the silver screen at the centre of his dramatic scenographies. His latest solo show “Oh, why do we play this game?” with Helena Keskküla, took place at Hobusepea gallery in spring 2016.

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/212457265938217

Thanks: Eesti Kultuurkapital, Tamara Luuk, Villem Säre

Image: Johanna Heikkilä “Nähdäkseni sinut”. Exhibition view. galerii galerii 2016.

Galerii galerii is a travelling contemporary art gallery built in the back of a ‘91 Transit van that started operating in 2016. The gallery hosts solo shows by young international artists, represents a growing number of more and less known contemporary artists and actively takes art to new publics. During its first season galerii galerii toured fairs and festivals all over Estonia, visiting the towns of Rakvere, Võru, Viljandi and Toila. In 2017 the gallery aims to visit art centres in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

More information:
Siim Preiman
+372 53432526

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink

Estonia’s most successful commercial gallery of contemporary art starts its second season!

Saturday 03 June, 2017

Last summer the travelling gallery met more than 500 new art friends and found a home for 50 artworks. This Saturday at 2pm everyone is invited to the season opening event in the forecourt of gallery ISFAG (Põhja pst 35, right next to EKKM)

During the festivities Kirill Tulin will replace the gallery’s broken clutch, Camille Laurelli will open a one-day exhibition and music will be selected by this season’s resident artist Art Nõukas. As always, artworks by the gallery artists Art ja Helena, Rosa-Violetta Grötsch, Johnson&Johnson, Camille Laurelli, Anna Mari Liivrand and Hanna Piksarv will be sold. A new addition to the line-up is Liina Pääsuke, whose works will be available for purchase starting this Saturday.

After touring fairs and festivals in 2016, the gallery will now set its sights on Estonia’s neighbours. This summer the gallery will host Art Nõukas’ film project “Lost and found cinema” visiting different art centres across the Baltics, but none of the capital cities. “Whether travelling in Estonia with a foreign artist or taking a local artist abroad, the aim is still to offer an alternative platform for experiencing art in a field that is largely concentrated around capitals,” comments gallerist and project initiator Siim Preiman, “that’s why this year we’ll be tracking down other small initiatives like ourselves, share each other’s experiences and hopefully meet each other’s friends.”

The opening event this Saturday is the first chance this year to be a part of the gallery’s activities and to hear the latest whispers about the future. If all goes according to plan, the summer tour will take place in the second half of July.

Kirill Tulin (b 1989) is an artist living in Tallinn who has not graduated from the Academy of Arts or any other university. He constantly questions the role of traditional galleries and other art institutions. In February 2017, he initiated the performative action “We are about to come up with a title, please bear with us” in Tallinn Art Hall that gave visitors a chance to see how exhibitions are made.

Camille Laurelli (b 1981) is a French-born artist, currently living and working in Tallinn. He has studied in art schools in Annecy and Grenoble. Laurelli started his career as a photo artist but now merges different areas of art in his practice and questions the value of art in a world increasingly overtaken by technology. He has participated in the exhibitions “Side effects” and “& So On & So Forth”, both at EKKM in 2013. In 2016, he curated the show “Infinite Lives” with co-curator Nicolas Audureau at Tallinn City Gallery.

Art Nõukas (b 1992) is an artist living and working in Tallinn. He graduated from the sculpture and installation department at the Estonian Academy of Arts in 2017. In his installations he largely relies on visuals and methods borrowed from films and often positions the silver screen at the centre of his dramatic scenographies. His latest solo show “Oh, why do we play this game?” with Helena Keskküla, took place at Hobusepea gallery in spring 2016.

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/212457265938217

Thanks: Eesti Kultuurkapital, Tamara Luuk, Villem Säre

Image: Johanna Heikkilä “Nähdäkseni sinut”. Exhibition view. galerii galerii 2016.

Galerii galerii is a travelling contemporary art gallery built in the back of a ‘91 Transit van that started operating in 2016. The gallery hosts solo shows by young international artists, represents a growing number of more and less known contemporary artists and actively takes art to new publics. During its first season galerii galerii toured fairs and festivals all over Estonia, visiting the towns of Rakvere, Võru, Viljandi and Toila. In 2017 the gallery aims to visit art centres in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

More information:
Siim Preiman
+372 53432526

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink


Neanderthal Cave School: Powerwalking and Mindfulness for the Socially Agnostic Artist


June 1, 6:00pm
Puänt Book Store (Pärnu mnt 4)
Hedi Jaansoo, Kristel Raesaar, Pire Sova, Viktor Gurov
Neanderthal Cave School invites you to join us for a performative walking and mindfulness session on Thursday, June 1, at 6:00pm.
The upcoming session is the first public scetch for Neanderthal Cave School’s exhibition-residency at The Contemporary Art Museum Estonia, due to start in September.
If the artworld is a model of reality, then how do we, artists, participate in creating social and political reality? Now that criticality has become a set of tropes employed to signal belonging to a professional inner circle rather than a practice addressing social issues, does contemporary art still hold any potential as a prototype for a new reality? How to be together when our selves have broken down into various user profiles?
We’ll meet at 6:00pm in front of Puänt book store (Pärnu mnt 4). The session will begin with a brisk walk and will continue with a guided meditation. In the end of the session, a discussion over refreshments will take place.
Please dress comfortably. You may bring walking poles, dumbbells or sandbags. We recommend that you bring a small plaid, blanket, shawl or just a warm cardigan for meditation. Attention: the guided meditation will take place in Estonian, so for non-Estonian speakers, this will be a chance to experience an immersive language listening session.
Operating since 2015, Neanderthal Cave School is an art project, using artists, gallery spaces, visitors, control and togetherness amongst other things as materials.

Further information: neandertalcaveschool@gmail.com
Fb event: http://bit.ly/2rfhuff

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink

Neanderthal Cave School: Powerwalking and Mindfulness for the Socially Agnostic Artist

Thursday 01 June, 2017


June 1, 6:00pm
Puänt Book Store (Pärnu mnt 4)
Hedi Jaansoo, Kristel Raesaar, Pire Sova, Viktor Gurov
Neanderthal Cave School invites you to join us for a performative walking and mindfulness session on Thursday, June 1, at 6:00pm.
The upcoming session is the first public scetch for Neanderthal Cave School’s exhibition-residency at The Contemporary Art Museum Estonia, due to start in September.
If the artworld is a model of reality, then how do we, artists, participate in creating social and political reality? Now that criticality has become a set of tropes employed to signal belonging to a professional inner circle rather than a practice addressing social issues, does contemporary art still hold any potential as a prototype for a new reality? How to be together when our selves have broken down into various user profiles?
We’ll meet at 6:00pm in front of Puänt book store (Pärnu mnt 4). The session will begin with a brisk walk and will continue with a guided meditation. In the end of the session, a discussion over refreshments will take place.
Please dress comfortably. You may bring walking poles, dumbbells or sandbags. We recommend that you bring a small plaid, blanket, shawl or just a warm cardigan for meditation. Attention: the guided meditation will take place in Estonian, so for non-Estonian speakers, this will be a chance to experience an immersive language listening session.
Operating since 2015, Neanderthal Cave School is an art project, using artists, gallery spaces, visitors, control and togetherness amongst other things as materials.

Further information: neandertalcaveschool@gmail.com
Fb event: http://bit.ly/2rfhuff

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink

03.06.2017 — 09.06.2017



BA Scenography DEGREE SHOW will be opened at VABA LAVA small stage from the 3rd through 9th of May. All welcome to join the open defence of the work at 11 a.m. on the 9th of May!

Posted by Lilja Blumenfeld — Permalink


Saturday 03 June, 2017 — Friday 09 June, 2017


BA Scenography DEGREE SHOW will be opened at VABA LAVA small stage from the 3rd through 9th of May. All welcome to join the open defence of the work at 11 a.m. on the 9th of May!

Posted by Lilja Blumenfeld — Permalink


Üle Heli Fine Art Night


Friday, May 26th from 8PM takes place the first year new media student’s semester project presentations. The Loaction: PADA: Kalasadama 6, Tallinn. More infomations from Facebook: https://et-ee.facebook.com/events/811016259054431/

Posted by Hans-Gunter Lock — Permalink

Üle Heli Fine Art Night

Friday 26 May, 2017


Friday, May 26th from 8PM takes place the first year new media student’s semester project presentations. The Loaction: PADA: Kalasadama 6, Tallinn. More infomations from Facebook: https://et-ee.facebook.com/events/811016259054431/

Posted by Hans-Gunter Lock — Permalink

18.05.2017 — 31.05.2017

Juhan Soomets – The Artist´s room


From May 18th to 31st takes place New Media’s alumni exibition “The Artist´s room” at Supersonicum Sound Gallery in Viljandi (Estonia). For more informations read from Facebook.

Posted by Hans-Gunter Lock — Permalink

Juhan Soomets – The Artist´s room

Thursday 18 May, 2017 — Wednesday 31 May, 2017


From May 18th to 31st takes place New Media’s alumni exibition “The Artist´s room” at Supersonicum Sound Gallery in Viljandi (Estonia). For more informations read from Facebook.

Posted by Hans-Gunter Lock — Permalink

09.05.2017 — 14.05.2017

The exhibition. My Body. My Face. I Sense, I Look, I Imagine.


The exhibition. My Body. My Face. I Sense, I Look, I Imagine.

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink

The exhibition. My Body. My Face. I Sense, I Look, I Imagine.

Tuesday 09 May, 2017 — Sunday 14 May, 2017


The exhibition. My Body. My Face. I Sense, I Look, I Imagine.

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink


Open lecture: Antoine Picon


“Architecture and Materiality: From Vitruvius to the Digital Era”. Open Lecture by Antoine Picon

On May 11th at 6 pm, the Open Lecture Series of the faculty of architecture will be happy to present architect and historian researching the history of architecture and urban technologies, Antoine Picon, at Kanuti Gildi SAAL (Pikk 20, Tallinn). Open Lectures are open to all architecture and design students, professionals and general audience intrigued by spatial and design matters: the lectures are in English and free of charge.

Antoine Picon is the G. Ware Travelstead Professor of the History of Architecture and Technology and Director of Research at the Harvard GSD and Director of Research at the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées in Paris. Trained as an engineer, architect, and historian, Picon works on the history of architectural and urban technologies from the eighteenth century to the present. He has published extensively on this subject.

Four of his books are devoted to the transition from early-modern societies to the industrial era.
With La Ville territoire des cyborgs (1998), Picon began to investigate the changes brought to cities and architecture by the development of digital tools and digital culture.
His three most recent books are dealing extensively with this question. Digital Culture in Architecture: An Introduction for the Design Profession (2010) offers a comprehensive overview of this important transition. Ornament: The Politics of Architecture and Subjectivity (2013) focuses on the “return” of ornament in digital architecture to further the investigation. Finally, Smart Cities: A Spatialised Intelligence (2015) discusses its impact on cities.

Open Lecture Series is supported by Estonian Cultural Endowment and organised by the Estonian Academy of Arts architecture department. All lectures are in English and free of charge.
Series is curated by Sille Pihlak and Siim Tuksam (PART)


About Antoine Picon: http://www.gsd.harvard.edu/person/antoine-picon/

More info: Pille Epner / arhitektuur@artun.ee / +372 642 0071

Posted by Pille Epner — Permalink

Open lecture: Antoine Picon

Thursday 11 May, 2017


“Architecture and Materiality: From Vitruvius to the Digital Era”. Open Lecture by Antoine Picon

On May 11th at 6 pm, the Open Lecture Series of the faculty of architecture will be happy to present architect and historian researching the history of architecture and urban technologies, Antoine Picon, at Kanuti Gildi SAAL (Pikk 20, Tallinn). Open Lectures are open to all architecture and design students, professionals and general audience intrigued by spatial and design matters: the lectures are in English and free of charge.

Antoine Picon is the G. Ware Travelstead Professor of the History of Architecture and Technology and Director of Research at the Harvard GSD and Director of Research at the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées in Paris. Trained as an engineer, architect, and historian, Picon works on the history of architectural and urban technologies from the eighteenth century to the present. He has published extensively on this subject.

Four of his books are devoted to the transition from early-modern societies to the industrial era.
With La Ville territoire des cyborgs (1998), Picon began to investigate the changes brought to cities and architecture by the development of digital tools and digital culture.
His three most recent books are dealing extensively with this question. Digital Culture in Architecture: An Introduction for the Design Profession (2010) offers a comprehensive overview of this important transition. Ornament: The Politics of Architecture and Subjectivity (2013) focuses on the “return” of ornament in digital architecture to further the investigation. Finally, Smart Cities: A Spatialised Intelligence (2015) discusses its impact on cities.

Open Lecture Series is supported by Estonian Cultural Endowment and organised by the Estonian Academy of Arts architecture department. All lectures are in English and free of charge.
Series is curated by Sille Pihlak and Siim Tuksam (PART)


About Antoine Picon: http://www.gsd.harvard.edu/person/antoine-picon/

More info: Pille Epner / arhitektuur@artun.ee / +372 642 0071

Posted by Pille Epner — Permalink




Book presentation by Yaron Abulafia is held at Tallinn City Theatre, Lai 23 on the 11th of May from 3 p.m. through 6 p.m. All welcome!

Posted by Lilja Blumenfeld — Permalink


Thursday 11 May, 2017


Book presentation by Yaron Abulafia is held at Tallinn City Theatre, Lai 23 on the 11th of May from 3 p.m. through 6 p.m. All welcome!

Posted by Lilja Blumenfeld — Permalink

09.05.2017 — 11.05.2017



From the 9th through 11th of May, a masterclass on contemporary art of light is held at the Department of Scenography by Doctor Yaron Abulafia. THE ART OF LIGHT ON STAGE.

Posted by Lilja Blumenfeld — Permalink


Tuesday 09 May, 2017 — Thursday 11 May, 2017


From the 9th through 11th of May, a masterclass on contemporary art of light is held at the Department of Scenography by Doctor Yaron Abulafia. THE ART OF LIGHT ON STAGE.

Posted by Lilja Blumenfeld — Permalink