07.12.2016 — 08.12.2016



You are cordially invited to a series of Urban Studies final semester presentations and events.

Urban Studies, 1st year studio final presentation (outdoors)
Tutors: Andra Aaloe, Keiti Kljavin
In-front of barbie-pink garage at Maakri 30a
7 December 2016, 10:00-17:30

More info and programme: www.facebook.com/events/592232500984744

Dear Tallinn. After this crash course, this intensive ABC of one strange little-big town in the edge of nowhere but in the centre of everything, something has changed in us. We have learned to admire every wrinkle and fold, every crook and cranny your in times turbulent past has drawn on you, the vacancies left behind by the changes of systems, and also these somewhat violent fillings of your urban fabric. We think… we may have a crush on you.
And thus we made this festival. We took one holey and haunted slice of you – Maakri and Keldrimäe subdistricts – and worked with it, dug deeper in, just to learn to read the fractures in you, learn to accept them, and… love. We hope everyone will come to see our display of affection, the festival called Last crash, where we’ll perform, install, present, exhibit, lecture and walk through physical and idea spaces of Maakri and Keldrimäe.
Because it is you, Tallinn, dark and bleak Northern capital we’ve lost our hearts to.

Art & City, final exhibition
Tutor: Mattias Malk
Rävala puiestee 8, follow the signs
7 December 2016, 19:00 (doors open at 18:30)

More info: www.facebook.com/events/747270955425827

The birth of intimacy is often awkward. In search for a more intimate awareness of and a better sensibility to what Tallinn has to offer as a city, urbanists and creatives of all walks of life embarked on a two-day journey. It led them out of the city, out of the county and for brief glimpses out of the respective comfort zones of the participants. In the search to act on their right to the city they now seek your attention. The exhibition will showcase the results of the walk as well as expand on the idea of awkwardness and sociability in and around urban environments.

Urban Studies, 2nd year studio final presentation (indoors)
Tutor: Kaie Kuldkepp / Co-tutor: Han Dijk
Estonian Academy of Arts, Department of Architecture, Pikk tn 20, 3rd floor
8 December 2016, 10:00-14:00

An electric grid network occupies a linear strip of land, cross-secting a city. What will happen to this strip once the grid is put underground? This is a future challenge in Tallinn. What are the opportunities for developing public spaces and enhancing urban fringes?

Lecture by Han Dijk (Posad, NL)
Estonian Academy of Arts, Department of Architecture, Pikk tn 20, 3rd floor, main lecture hall
8 December 2016, 18:00

More info: www.facebook.com/events/582952211900027

Han Dijk is a teacher in urban design at the Academie of Bouwkunst in Rotterdam and is guest lecturer in different universities in the Netherlands and abroad. Han worked as spatial designer on large city planning assignments with an international context in Antwerp (Belgium) Sao Paulo (Brasil), Warsaw (Poland) and for UN Habitat in Yangon (Myanmar)

Posted by Pille Epner — Permalink


Wednesday 07 December, 2016 — Thursday 08 December, 2016


You are cordially invited to a series of Urban Studies final semester presentations and events.

Urban Studies, 1st year studio final presentation (outdoors)
Tutors: Andra Aaloe, Keiti Kljavin
In-front of barbie-pink garage at Maakri 30a
7 December 2016, 10:00-17:30

More info and programme: www.facebook.com/events/592232500984744

Dear Tallinn. After this crash course, this intensive ABC of one strange little-big town in the edge of nowhere but in the centre of everything, something has changed in us. We have learned to admire every wrinkle and fold, every crook and cranny your in times turbulent past has drawn on you, the vacancies left behind by the changes of systems, and also these somewhat violent fillings of your urban fabric. We think… we may have a crush on you.
And thus we made this festival. We took one holey and haunted slice of you – Maakri and Keldrimäe subdistricts – and worked with it, dug deeper in, just to learn to read the fractures in you, learn to accept them, and… love. We hope everyone will come to see our display of affection, the festival called Last crash, where we’ll perform, install, present, exhibit, lecture and walk through physical and idea spaces of Maakri and Keldrimäe.
Because it is you, Tallinn, dark and bleak Northern capital we’ve lost our hearts to.

Art & City, final exhibition
Tutor: Mattias Malk
Rävala puiestee 8, follow the signs
7 December 2016, 19:00 (doors open at 18:30)

More info: www.facebook.com/events/747270955425827

The birth of intimacy is often awkward. In search for a more intimate awareness of and a better sensibility to what Tallinn has to offer as a city, urbanists and creatives of all walks of life embarked on a two-day journey. It led them out of the city, out of the county and for brief glimpses out of the respective comfort zones of the participants. In the search to act on their right to the city they now seek your attention. The exhibition will showcase the results of the walk as well as expand on the idea of awkwardness and sociability in and around urban environments.

Urban Studies, 2nd year studio final presentation (indoors)
Tutor: Kaie Kuldkepp / Co-tutor: Han Dijk
Estonian Academy of Arts, Department of Architecture, Pikk tn 20, 3rd floor
8 December 2016, 10:00-14:00

An electric grid network occupies a linear strip of land, cross-secting a city. What will happen to this strip once the grid is put underground? This is a future challenge in Tallinn. What are the opportunities for developing public spaces and enhancing urban fringes?

Lecture by Han Dijk (Posad, NL)
Estonian Academy of Arts, Department of Architecture, Pikk tn 20, 3rd floor, main lecture hall
8 December 2016, 18:00

More info: www.facebook.com/events/582952211900027

Han Dijk is a teacher in urban design at the Academie of Bouwkunst in Rotterdam and is guest lecturer in different universities in the Netherlands and abroad. Han worked as spatial designer on large city planning assignments with an international context in Antwerp (Belgium) Sao Paulo (Brasil), Warsaw (Poland) and for UN Habitat in Yangon (Myanmar)

Posted by Pille Epner — Permalink


Eléonore de Montesquiou: Gazette Narva and other works Nov 30th, 5 pm


On Wednesday, 30 November at 5 pm there will be an open talk by artist Eléonore de Montesquiou. The talk will take place at the EKA Lembitu 10B building in room no 144.
Eléonore de Montesquiou: “Newspapers were everywhere, in households, in factories, they were part of the daily rhythm. This lasted until…? Recently? There were newspapers published regularly in Narva and there were factory newspapers written by and for Kreenholm workers. Today, Kreenholm has gone bankrupt and Narva’s newspaper has been replaced by “Viru prospect”.

In a film that I made with her in 2010, Dora Grafova told me that “… there was “Little Spark”, the children’s magazine. I could drown you with fifteen and more titles. “Little Spark”, then “Ural Tracker”, “Worker Woman”, “Peasant Woman”, “Soviet Woman”, “Young Naturalist”, and for my son we got “Young Technician”, “Technology for the Young”, “Radio” and “Model Constructor”. So that makes 17 magazines. We got those every month”.

Her words gave me the desire to publish a newspaper about newspapers in Narva. This newspaper is the natural continuation of my work in the region (ATOM CITIES in 2005 and NA GRANE in 2009, both projects consisting in films and books, FOR EXAMPLE FABRIKA in 2010: films and newspaper – Moscou and Narva- and RADIOTHENIKA in 2011 in Riga consisting also in a newspaper and a film).

This short presentation is actually to ask you whether you are interested in making a “new newspaper about newspaper and life” in Narva? Would you like to collaborate with me on this? We need to do a lot: gather more material, work on the archive, conceptualise our “new newspaper”, give it a graphic line, decide when and how often and for whom it is meant.”

Eléonore kutsub üles huvilisi tudengeid kaasa lööma projektis Gazette Narva (vt projekti kirjeldus manuses).
Eléonore is looking for interested students to participate at the Gazette Narva project (please find the project description attached).
Eléonore de Montesquiou on sündinud 1970. aastal Pariisis, elab ja töötab Berliinis ja Tallinnas. Tema töödele on iseloomulik dokumentaalne lähenemine, mis võtab filmi, joonistuste ja tekstide kuju. 2006. aastal toimus Tallinna Linnagaleriis tema näitus „Aatomilinnad”, mis keskendus Paldiskile ja Sillamäele. Viimastel aastatel on ta uurinud oma loomingu kaudu piirilinna Narvat.
Eléonore de Montesquiou was born in 1970 in Paris, she lives in Berlin and Tallinn. Her work is based on a documentary approach, translated in films, drawings and texts. In 2006 her exhibition Atom Cities took place in the Linnagalerii in Tallinn which concentrated on Paldiski and Sillamäe. In recent years the topic of her artistic research has been the border town Narva.
Vt rohkem: / See more:



Olete oodatud!
You are welcome!

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink

Eléonore de Montesquiou: Gazette Narva and other works Nov 30th, 5 pm

Wednesday 30 November, 2016


On Wednesday, 30 November at 5 pm there will be an open talk by artist Eléonore de Montesquiou. The talk will take place at the EKA Lembitu 10B building in room no 144.
Eléonore de Montesquiou: “Newspapers were everywhere, in households, in factories, they were part of the daily rhythm. This lasted until…? Recently? There were newspapers published regularly in Narva and there were factory newspapers written by and for Kreenholm workers. Today, Kreenholm has gone bankrupt and Narva’s newspaper has been replaced by “Viru prospect”.

In a film that I made with her in 2010, Dora Grafova told me that “… there was “Little Spark”, the children’s magazine. I could drown you with fifteen and more titles. “Little Spark”, then “Ural Tracker”, “Worker Woman”, “Peasant Woman”, “Soviet Woman”, “Young Naturalist”, and for my son we got “Young Technician”, “Technology for the Young”, “Radio” and “Model Constructor”. So that makes 17 magazines. We got those every month”.

Her words gave me the desire to publish a newspaper about newspapers in Narva. This newspaper is the natural continuation of my work in the region (ATOM CITIES in 2005 and NA GRANE in 2009, both projects consisting in films and books, FOR EXAMPLE FABRIKA in 2010: films and newspaper – Moscou and Narva- and RADIOTHENIKA in 2011 in Riga consisting also in a newspaper and a film).

This short presentation is actually to ask you whether you are interested in making a “new newspaper about newspaper and life” in Narva? Would you like to collaborate with me on this? We need to do a lot: gather more material, work on the archive, conceptualise our “new newspaper”, give it a graphic line, decide when and how often and for whom it is meant.”

Eléonore kutsub üles huvilisi tudengeid kaasa lööma projektis Gazette Narva (vt projekti kirjeldus manuses).
Eléonore is looking for interested students to participate at the Gazette Narva project (please find the project description attached).
Eléonore de Montesquiou on sündinud 1970. aastal Pariisis, elab ja töötab Berliinis ja Tallinnas. Tema töödele on iseloomulik dokumentaalne lähenemine, mis võtab filmi, joonistuste ja tekstide kuju. 2006. aastal toimus Tallinna Linnagaleriis tema näitus „Aatomilinnad”, mis keskendus Paldiskile ja Sillamäele. Viimastel aastatel on ta uurinud oma loomingu kaudu piirilinna Narvat.
Eléonore de Montesquiou was born in 1970 in Paris, she lives in Berlin and Tallinn. Her work is based on a documentary approach, translated in films, drawings and texts. In 2006 her exhibition Atom Cities took place in the Linnagalerii in Tallinn which concentrated on Paldiski and Sillamäe. In recent years the topic of her artistic research has been the border town Narva.
Vt rohkem: / See more:



Olete oodatud!
You are welcome!

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink


Open lecture: KrisTy Balliet (BaitBalliet) 1.12 at 6PM

BairBalliet, The Next Port of Call, site model elevation. Photo Spencer McNeil

Architect Kristy Balliet to give an Open Lecture in Tallinn, focussing on volume in architecture

On December 1st at 6 pm, the Open Lecture Series of the architecture faculty will be happy to present architect Kristy Balliet (BairBalliet) at Kanuti Gildi SAAL (Pikk 20, Tallinn). Open Lectures are open to all architecture students, professionals and general audience intrigued by spatial matters: the lectures are in English and free of charge.

Kristy Balliet is an architectural designer and assistant professor at The Ohio State University’s Knowlton School of Architecture. She is currently a design faculty member at SCI-Arc. She is the co-founder of BairBalliet and the co-chair of the Possible Mediums Project – a series of events showcasing design investigations based in speculative architectural mediums. From 2006-2011, Balliet was an assistant professor at The University of Applied Arts, Vienna in Studio Greg Lynn. While there she was the co-creator of the IoA Sliver lecture/gallery series and published the collected work of the studio in Visual Catalog: Greg Lynn’s Studio. She is a graduate of Philadelphia University and the UCLA Department of Architecture and Urban Design and has practiced architecture in Philadelphia at Erdy McHenry Architecture. Kristy is currently editing the forthcoming publication Massive Attack, IoA Sliver Lecture Series-Selected Friends and Enemies.

From an interview Kristy Balliet gave to Modelo Blog: “Through several speculative projects, I became fascinated with the idea of looking at architecture primarily through the lens of volume: how architectural materials — walls, floors, grounds — collectively give us volume in architecture. The main design driver within my practice is looking and thinking about architecture through the lens of volumetric relationships. Whether that’s room to room, atrium to larger building context, outdoor room to indoor room — these questions of the relationships between inside/outside, one room to the next become primary questions within my design projects.”

More about Kristy Balliet: http://www.kristyballiet.com/
More about BairBalliet project for La Biennale di Venezia Architecture Exhibition USA pavillion: https://archpaper.com/2016/05/bairballiet-detroit-venice-biennale/

Open Lecture Series is supported by Estonian Cultural Endowment and organised by the Estonian Academy of Arts architecture department.
Series curated by Sille Pihlak and Siim Tuksam (PART)

More info:
Pille Epner
+372 642 0071

Posted by Pille Epner — Permalink

Open lecture: KrisTy Balliet (BaitBalliet) 1.12 at 6PM

Thursday 01 December, 2016

BairBalliet, The Next Port of Call, site model elevation. Photo Spencer McNeil

Architect Kristy Balliet to give an Open Lecture in Tallinn, focussing on volume in architecture

On December 1st at 6 pm, the Open Lecture Series of the architecture faculty will be happy to present architect Kristy Balliet (BairBalliet) at Kanuti Gildi SAAL (Pikk 20, Tallinn). Open Lectures are open to all architecture students, professionals and general audience intrigued by spatial matters: the lectures are in English and free of charge.

Kristy Balliet is an architectural designer and assistant professor at The Ohio State University’s Knowlton School of Architecture. She is currently a design faculty member at SCI-Arc. She is the co-founder of BairBalliet and the co-chair of the Possible Mediums Project – a series of events showcasing design investigations based in speculative architectural mediums. From 2006-2011, Balliet was an assistant professor at The University of Applied Arts, Vienna in Studio Greg Lynn. While there she was the co-creator of the IoA Sliver lecture/gallery series and published the collected work of the studio in Visual Catalog: Greg Lynn’s Studio. She is a graduate of Philadelphia University and the UCLA Department of Architecture and Urban Design and has practiced architecture in Philadelphia at Erdy McHenry Architecture. Kristy is currently editing the forthcoming publication Massive Attack, IoA Sliver Lecture Series-Selected Friends and Enemies.

From an interview Kristy Balliet gave to Modelo Blog: “Through several speculative projects, I became fascinated with the idea of looking at architecture primarily through the lens of volume: how architectural materials — walls, floors, grounds — collectively give us volume in architecture. The main design driver within my practice is looking and thinking about architecture through the lens of volumetric relationships. Whether that’s room to room, atrium to larger building context, outdoor room to indoor room — these questions of the relationships between inside/outside, one room to the next become primary questions within my design projects.”

More about Kristy Balliet: http://www.kristyballiet.com/
More about BairBalliet project for La Biennale di Venezia Architecture Exhibition USA pavillion: https://archpaper.com/2016/05/bairballiet-detroit-venice-biennale/

Open Lecture Series is supported by Estonian Cultural Endowment and organised by the Estonian Academy of Arts architecture department.
Series curated by Sille Pihlak and Siim Tuksam (PART)

More info:
Pille Epner
+372 642 0071

Posted by Pille Epner — Permalink


The EAA Christmas Market will set itself up in the Balti jaam/Baltic Station building on Dec 3rd

The EAA Christmas Market, organised by the Student Government, will take place on Dec 3rd, 2016 from 10am-6pm on at the Balti jaam/Baltic Station train station building. The market will offer unique and fresh design and art from students and alumni of the academy.
There will be an exhibition, cafe, activities for kids and everyone is welcome to come and join the EAA holiday spirit before Christmas break.

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink

The EAA Christmas Market will set itself up in the Balti jaam/Baltic Station building on Dec 3rd

Saturday 03 December, 2016

The EAA Christmas Market, organised by the Student Government, will take place on Dec 3rd, 2016 from 10am-6pm on at the Balti jaam/Baltic Station train station building. The market will offer unique and fresh design and art from students and alumni of the academy.
There will be an exhibition, cafe, activities for kids and everyone is welcome to come and join the EAA holiday spirit before Christmas break.

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink




This time the models in EAA Design Faculty`s drawing studio`s croquis are Ira (15.00-15.45) and Alex (15.45-17.30).

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink


Friday 18 November, 2016


This time the models in EAA Design Faculty`s drawing studio`s croquis are Ira (15.00-15.45) and Alex (15.45-17.30).

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink


Berlin Installation, 2016

Berlin, the capital of Germany, has been a cultural melting pot in the middle of Europe. Once a metropol of Europe, later torn up by war and now reconnected, Berlin is a city with different faces. It is a place of diverse culture and divided past, which can be seen in the urban landscape of Berlin.

This year observation practice was focused on the definition of “Border” and the cityscape, that has been created due to the borders. We can observe borders as dividers of space. At the same time borders address a wider territory, which is able to generate social-cultural, economical and spacial relations in the widest aspect. The topic is relatively actual and it affects us all. The meaning of “Border” and its spacial presence has yet again shown its relevance through the massive migration of people in Europe.

The focus of the Practice was the Berlin Wall and the territory that surrounds it. One of the goals was to observe the changes that have been a constant process for the last 28 years. This opens up new spaces and situations – some older spaces have been forgotten, yet new ones have emerged. One could see it as a potential of the city.

3rd year students of Architecture and Urban Studies invite You to join us in our Berlin installation. The Berlin Installation is based on our experience we had during our stay in Berlin.

An ever-changing city, which is fully on tracks, busy and with a lot of layers, is still carrying the not so distant past within itself.

Observation Practice in the Architecture department is an every year tradition for 3rd Year Architecture students. This year it was Berlin and last year our colleagues visited Paris.
Tutors Andres Ojari and Maros Krivy.


Ann Kristiin Entson, Keiti Lige, Seth Amofah “Forecity”

Triin Vallner, Jaana Kraus “shelf “IBA””

Laura Pint, Kristjan Värav, Karmen Silde “Around Spree”

Carolyn Rennu, Immaanuel Bush, Andreas Krigoltoi “City Flow”

Liisa Peri “Home”

Jarmo Vaik, Reelika Reinsalu, Jekaterina Klishova, Kristi Merilo “Wall”

Posted by Pille Epner — Permalink

Berlin Installation, 2016

Wednesday 16 November, 2016

Berlin, the capital of Germany, has been a cultural melting pot in the middle of Europe. Once a metropol of Europe, later torn up by war and now reconnected, Berlin is a city with different faces. It is a place of diverse culture and divided past, which can be seen in the urban landscape of Berlin.

This year observation practice was focused on the definition of “Border” and the cityscape, that has been created due to the borders. We can observe borders as dividers of space. At the same time borders address a wider territory, which is able to generate social-cultural, economical and spacial relations in the widest aspect. The topic is relatively actual and it affects us all. The meaning of “Border” and its spacial presence has yet again shown its relevance through the massive migration of people in Europe.

The focus of the Practice was the Berlin Wall and the territory that surrounds it. One of the goals was to observe the changes that have been a constant process for the last 28 years. This opens up new spaces and situations – some older spaces have been forgotten, yet new ones have emerged. One could see it as a potential of the city.

3rd year students of Architecture and Urban Studies invite You to join us in our Berlin installation. The Berlin Installation is based on our experience we had during our stay in Berlin.

An ever-changing city, which is fully on tracks, busy and with a lot of layers, is still carrying the not so distant past within itself.

Observation Practice in the Architecture department is an every year tradition for 3rd Year Architecture students. This year it was Berlin and last year our colleagues visited Paris.
Tutors Andres Ojari and Maros Krivy.


Ann Kristiin Entson, Keiti Lige, Seth Amofah “Forecity”

Triin Vallner, Jaana Kraus “shelf “IBA””

Laura Pint, Kristjan Värav, Karmen Silde “Around Spree”

Carolyn Rennu, Immaanuel Bush, Andreas Krigoltoi “City Flow”

Liisa Peri “Home”

Jarmo Vaik, Reelika Reinsalu, Jekaterina Klishova, Kristi Merilo “Wall”

Posted by Pille Epner — Permalink


The EAA Animation Department celebrates its 10th anniversary and invites You to join the party!


The EAA Department of Animation is celebrating its 10th anniversary and we are happy to invite you to join our birthday party on November 18th at 6 pm at the BFM Nova building, Narva mnt 27, 4th floor at the animation department.
6 pm
– Croquis by Kristjan Holm, the legendary animation student and current lecturer at the Department of Interior Architecture
– GIF workshop by Sander Joon, a recent graduate and awarded animation director.
6 pm
– Presentation of the new DVD and screening of the best student films from the 10 legendary years of the animation department. Free entry.
7 pm
– Cake and Turkish coffee, brewed by the animation fan and Artistic Director of ЭТО experimental lab, Aleksey Savinsky aka Mr Vuu from St. Petersburg.
Magusaid unenägusid ja tere tulemast animatsiooni osakonda!!!
PS. There will be several open lectures and presentations in celebration of the same event at BFM, check out at www.anima.ee

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink

The EAA Animation Department celebrates its 10th anniversary and invites You to join the party!

Friday 18 November, 2016


The EAA Department of Animation is celebrating its 10th anniversary and we are happy to invite you to join our birthday party on November 18th at 6 pm at the BFM Nova building, Narva mnt 27, 4th floor at the animation department.
6 pm
– Croquis by Kristjan Holm, the legendary animation student and current lecturer at the Department of Interior Architecture
– GIF workshop by Sander Joon, a recent graduate and awarded animation director.
6 pm
– Presentation of the new DVD and screening of the best student films from the 10 legendary years of the animation department. Free entry.
7 pm
– Cake and Turkish coffee, brewed by the animation fan and Artistic Director of ЭТО experimental lab, Aleksey Savinsky aka Mr Vuu from St. Petersburg.
Magusaid unenägusid ja tere tulemast animatsiooni osakonda!!!
PS. There will be several open lectures and presentations in celebration of the same event at BFM, check out at www.anima.ee

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink


Open Lecture: Basia Szkutnicka, Love & the Secret of Good Design


What’s ‘good’ design?
It’s so hard to be original.
We’re saturated, don’t we need less, so why design more?
How can we evolve truly unique ideas?
Should ‘good design’ be commercial or could it provide escapism and tempt us to ‘fly’ ?
We’ll examine, contradict, deconstruct, agree and disagree.

You’ll understand how a true designer thinks and be provided with tools to unravel idea generation and creativity as a process, which may then be applied to any design field.

Suitable for: Designers / Students, wanting to become a designer

About Basia Szkutnicka

Susie Menkes described her graduation collection as ‘a breath of fresh air’ in 1988.

Basia has in the last 25 years worked as a freelance design / creative consultant, forecaster, writer, commentator, course director, fashion design educator and run her own label, which provides her with a wealth of knowledge to pass on to this generation of designers to innovate and generate original work.

‘I teach reality, fashion ‘the way it is.

My aim is to excite, be realistic as well as fantastical, to re-energise and above all – wake people up.

Her books, ‘Technical Drawing for Fashion’ (an essential skill for any designer) and ‘Vintage Details: A fashion source book’, are available worldwide.

She is currently based in the UK and works as a freelance consultant. From January 2017, she will be based in Hong Kong as Professor of Practice (Fashion) at Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Posted by Marta Moorats — Permalink

Open Lecture: Basia Szkutnicka, Love & the Secret of Good Design

Monday 14 November, 2016


What’s ‘good’ design?
It’s so hard to be original.
We’re saturated, don’t we need less, so why design more?
How can we evolve truly unique ideas?
Should ‘good design’ be commercial or could it provide escapism and tempt us to ‘fly’ ?
We’ll examine, contradict, deconstruct, agree and disagree.

You’ll understand how a true designer thinks and be provided with tools to unravel idea generation and creativity as a process, which may then be applied to any design field.

Suitable for: Designers / Students, wanting to become a designer

About Basia Szkutnicka

Susie Menkes described her graduation collection as ‘a breath of fresh air’ in 1988.

Basia has in the last 25 years worked as a freelance design / creative consultant, forecaster, writer, commentator, course director, fashion design educator and run her own label, which provides her with a wealth of knowledge to pass on to this generation of designers to innovate and generate original work.

‘I teach reality, fashion ‘the way it is.

My aim is to excite, be realistic as well as fantastical, to re-energise and above all – wake people up.

Her books, ‘Technical Drawing for Fashion’ (an essential skill for any designer) and ‘Vintage Details: A fashion source book’, are available worldwide.

She is currently based in the UK and works as a freelance consultant. From January 2017, she will be based in Hong Kong as Professor of Practice (Fashion) at Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Posted by Marta Moorats — Permalink


Open Lecture: Leon van Schaik 17.11 at 6 PM

Leon van Schaik (RMIT) talking in Tallinn about differentiation within an innovative community of practice

On November 17th at 6 pm, the Open Lecture Series of the architecture department is happy to welcome on stage of Kanuti Gildi SAAL prof Leon van Schaik from the RMIT University School of Architecture and Design. The Open Lecture series welcomes all architecture students from across Estonia, professionals of the field and general audience interested in architecture.

Professor Leon van Schaik, Innovation Professor of Architecture at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, promotes local and international architectural culture. His research focuses on creating and sustaining innovative communities of practice. His practice-based research program for architects and designers has become a ground breaking innovation in architectural education worldwide and an important template for research institutions. This approach considers innovative architectural practice as research in of itself, and has far-reaching consequences for how we view architectural practice in an academic context. Van Schaik was awarded the inaugural Neville Quarry Prize for Architectural Education and has been recognised an Officer (AO) in the General Division of the Order of Australia for his services to both architecture and education. Writings include monographs compiled on Edmond and Corrigan, Ushida Findlay, Guilford Bell, Tom Kovac, Poetics in Architecture, The Guthrie Pavilion, The Practice of Practice, and Sean Godsell. Publications include Mastering Architecture (2005), Design City Melbourne (2006) and Spatial Intelligence (2008), Procuring Innovative Architecture with Geoffrey London and Beth George (2010), By Practice By Design: Design Practice Research at RMIT (2011) and Meaning in Space: Housing the visual arts, or Architectures for Private Collections (2012). His most recent book, Practical Poetics in Architecture, was published by Wiley in April 2015.

Open Lecture Series is supported by Estonian Cultural Endowment and organised by the Estonian Academy of Arts architecture department.
Series curated by Sille Pihlak and Siim Tuksam (PART)
FB-page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1003032906475473/

More info:
Pille Epner

Posted by Pille Epner — Permalink

Open Lecture: Leon van Schaik 17.11 at 6 PM

Thursday 17 November, 2016

Leon van Schaik (RMIT) talking in Tallinn about differentiation within an innovative community of practice

On November 17th at 6 pm, the Open Lecture Series of the architecture department is happy to welcome on stage of Kanuti Gildi SAAL prof Leon van Schaik from the RMIT University School of Architecture and Design. The Open Lecture series welcomes all architecture students from across Estonia, professionals of the field and general audience interested in architecture.

Professor Leon van Schaik, Innovation Professor of Architecture at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, promotes local and international architectural culture. His research focuses on creating and sustaining innovative communities of practice. His practice-based research program for architects and designers has become a ground breaking innovation in architectural education worldwide and an important template for research institutions. This approach considers innovative architectural practice as research in of itself, and has far-reaching consequences for how we view architectural practice in an academic context. Van Schaik was awarded the inaugural Neville Quarry Prize for Architectural Education and has been recognised an Officer (AO) in the General Division of the Order of Australia for his services to both architecture and education. Writings include monographs compiled on Edmond and Corrigan, Ushida Findlay, Guilford Bell, Tom Kovac, Poetics in Architecture, The Guthrie Pavilion, The Practice of Practice, and Sean Godsell. Publications include Mastering Architecture (2005), Design City Melbourne (2006) and Spatial Intelligence (2008), Procuring Innovative Architecture with Geoffrey London and Beth George (2010), By Practice By Design: Design Practice Research at RMIT (2011) and Meaning in Space: Housing the visual arts, or Architectures for Private Collections (2012). His most recent book, Practical Poetics in Architecture, was published by Wiley in April 2015.

Open Lecture Series is supported by Estonian Cultural Endowment and organised by the Estonian Academy of Arts architecture department.
Series curated by Sille Pihlak and Siim Tuksam (PART)
FB-page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1003032906475473/

More info:
Pille Epner

Posted by Pille Epner — Permalink




This time the model in EAA Design Faculty`s drawing studio`s croquis is Eliise.
Look our fb album https://www.facebook.com/yllemarks/media_set?set=a.658254700865823.1073741826.100000438963959&type=3

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink


Friday 11 November, 2016


This time the model in EAA Design Faculty`s drawing studio`s croquis is Eliise.
Look our fb album https://www.facebook.com/yllemarks/media_set?set=a.658254700865823.1073741826.100000438963959&type=3

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink