30.01.2015 — 15.02.2015



Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan, Italy
Opening on June 6, 2015
Work submission by February 15, 2015
Organized by Cumulus International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media, Politecnico di Milano, Sapienza University of Rome.
Cumulus, the International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media will be pleased to receive proposals from students, graduated students, researchers, PhDs for the exhibition DESIGN to FEED the WORLD, which will be opening as the final event of Cumulus Milan 2015.
Key Topics
1. History of humankind. History of food.
2. Abundance of food. A paradox of contemporary time.
3. The future of food
4. Sustainable food=equitable world
5. Taste is knowledge
June 6 – June 30, 2015
The exhibition will be hosted at Fabbrica del Vapore (Milano), opening on the closing day of the Cumulus Conference, June 6, 2015.
Exhibition Format
The exhibition will be displayed through three formats:
a. Mockup, scale model and prototype (maximum size 50x50x50cm)
b. Video (maximum 2 min, .mp4 or.avi)
c. Poster (see the OverallCaptionDFW.pdf)
All selected Products/Projects will be published in a special issue of the Scientific Journal DIID – Disegno Industriale Industrial Design (www.disegnoindustriale.net).
The full Call for Exhibits as well as application documents available at
Contact information to the conference host POLIMI: cumulusmi2015@easychair.org

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink


Friday 30 January, 2015 — Sunday 15 February, 2015


Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan, Italy
Opening on June 6, 2015
Work submission by February 15, 2015
Organized by Cumulus International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media, Politecnico di Milano, Sapienza University of Rome.
Cumulus, the International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media will be pleased to receive proposals from students, graduated students, researchers, PhDs for the exhibition DESIGN to FEED the WORLD, which will be opening as the final event of Cumulus Milan 2015.
Key Topics
1. History of humankind. History of food.
2. Abundance of food. A paradox of contemporary time.
3. The future of food
4. Sustainable food=equitable world
5. Taste is knowledge
June 6 – June 30, 2015
The exhibition will be hosted at Fabbrica del Vapore (Milano), opening on the closing day of the Cumulus Conference, June 6, 2015.
Exhibition Format
The exhibition will be displayed through three formats:
a. Mockup, scale model and prototype (maximum size 50x50x50cm)
b. Video (maximum 2 min, .mp4 or.avi)
c. Poster (see the OverallCaptionDFW.pdf)
All selected Products/Projects will be published in a special issue of the Scientific Journal DIID – Disegno Industriale Industrial Design (www.disegnoindustriale.net).
The full Call for Exhibits as well as application documents available at
Contact information to the conference host POLIMI: cumulusmi2015@easychair.org

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink

09.04.2015 — 11.04.2015

Tallinn Book Fair

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink

Tallinn Book Fair

Thursday 09 April, 2015 — Saturday 11 April, 2015

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink


Information Session on Japanese Government MEXT Scholarships

Information Session on Japanese Government MEXT Scholarships
Date: Friday, January 30, 2015
Time: 17:00
Place: National Library of Estonia „Small Conference Hall“ (Tõnismägi 2, Tallinn)
Learn more about Japan’s MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) Scholarships!
You are welcome to attend this info session to find out scholarship opportunities for undergraduate and research students in Japan and get answers to your questions. A MEXT scholarship returnee will share her experiences of study and life in Japan.
Free admission

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink

Information Session on Japanese Government MEXT Scholarships

Friday 30 January, 2015

Information Session on Japanese Government MEXT Scholarships
Date: Friday, January 30, 2015
Time: 17:00
Place: National Library of Estonia „Small Conference Hall“ (Tõnismägi 2, Tallinn)
Learn more about Japan’s MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) Scholarships!
You are welcome to attend this info session to find out scholarship opportunities for undergraduate and research students in Japan and get answers to your questions. A MEXT scholarship returnee will share her experiences of study and life in Japan.
Free admission

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink

29.01.2015 — 20.02.2015

Scholarship for special needs students – application deadline February 20th

You may apply for a scholarship if you have special needs in case you have informed the university of them prior to the application process. You may find the information in English here

Electronic applications should be filled out by February 20th here: http://taotlused.archimedes.ee.

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink

Scholarship for special needs students – application deadline February 20th

Thursday 29 January, 2015 — Friday 20 February, 2015

You may apply for a scholarship if you have special needs in case you have informed the university of them prior to the application process. You may find the information in English here

Electronic applications should be filled out by February 20th here: http://taotlused.archimedes.ee.

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink


In order to improve our fast sketching skills.

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink

In order to improve our fast sketching skills.

Friday 30 January, 2015

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink

23.01.2015 — 22.03.2015

Professor Mare Saare’s “Definitions” at ETDM

Mare Saare_Sügis_2013_v
Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink

Professor Mare Saare’s “Definitions” at ETDM

Friday 23 January, 2015 — Sunday 22 March, 2015

Mare Saare_Sügis_2013_v
Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink

19.01.2015 — 23.01.2015

The East – an installation film

The East , a database documentary
Democratic cinema!
Every presentation is a premiere!
Estonian Parliament, 19-23 January 2015
“The East” is a database documentary, which we are presenting here in an
installation version.
The film shows the contrasts of Estonia: the industrial landscape of North-East
Estonia, picturesque nature, grim and beautiful indtustrial landscapes and the
stories of the people living there.
Our artistic vision has been to emphasise the visual point of view and to add
critical commentaries. Our main interest lies in the experimental and
innovative format, which allows us to show hidden and unexplored areas of the
The characters and locations portrayed in the film are real. We see people whose
lives are shaped by their work in the energy and oil shale companies, and whose
families are of mixed nationalities. We see the reality of people’s lives and
understand their everyday routine.
From the point of view of form, the film has two variations: linear and
interactive. The interactive format has four versions: cinematic, installative,
DVD-version and web-version. There have also been experiments with a multiuser
cinematic version, but for this exhibition we are presenting an installation
designed for a single user.
The audience can influence the duration of the film. There are four topics to
explore and to make choices: nature, industrial environment, machines, and
people. The aesthetics of the film are built on the multiscreen principle which
allows choices to be made between the active narrative and the narrative in
Project authors Raivo Kelomees, Hille Karm
Hans Gunter Lock programming
Igor Ruus camera
Chris Hales consultation
Kaileen Mägi interviews
Meelis Salujärv music
Supporters: EAS, Estonian Academy of Arts, Tartu Art College, Estonian Cultural
Endowment, IVEK, Allfilm, Froid, Faun Studios, Eesti Kroonikafilm, Tallinn
Creative Hub Makerlab
NB! ID is required for visiting the exhibition.

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink

The East – an installation film

Monday 19 January, 2015 — Friday 23 January, 2015

The East , a database documentary
Democratic cinema!
Every presentation is a premiere!
Estonian Parliament, 19-23 January 2015
“The East” is a database documentary, which we are presenting here in an
installation version.
The film shows the contrasts of Estonia: the industrial landscape of North-East
Estonia, picturesque nature, grim and beautiful indtustrial landscapes and the
stories of the people living there.
Our artistic vision has been to emphasise the visual point of view and to add
critical commentaries. Our main interest lies in the experimental and
innovative format, which allows us to show hidden and unexplored areas of the
The characters and locations portrayed in the film are real. We see people whose
lives are shaped by their work in the energy and oil shale companies, and whose
families are of mixed nationalities. We see the reality of people’s lives and
understand their everyday routine.
From the point of view of form, the film has two variations: linear and
interactive. The interactive format has four versions: cinematic, installative,
DVD-version and web-version. There have also been experiments with a multiuser
cinematic version, but for this exhibition we are presenting an installation
designed for a single user.
The audience can influence the duration of the film. There are four topics to
explore and to make choices: nature, industrial environment, machines, and
people. The aesthetics of the film are built on the multiscreen principle which
allows choices to be made between the active narrative and the narrative in
Project authors Raivo Kelomees, Hille Karm
Hans Gunter Lock programming
Igor Ruus camera
Chris Hales consultation
Kaileen Mägi interviews
Meelis Salujärv music
Supporters: EAS, Estonian Academy of Arts, Tartu Art College, Estonian Cultural
Endowment, IVEK, Allfilm, Froid, Faun Studios, Eesti Kroonikafilm, Tallinn
Creative Hub Makerlab
NB! ID is required for visiting the exhibition.

Posted by Solveig Jahnke — Permalink

16.01.2015 — 08.02.2015

Group show by MA students from the Estonian Academy of Arts /16.01.2015 – 08.02. 2015

Posted by Piret Mägi — Permalink

Group show by MA students from the Estonian Academy of Arts /16.01.2015 – 08.02. 2015

Friday 16 January, 2015 — Sunday 08 February, 2015

Posted by Piret Mägi — Permalink



Human figure sketching. Quick Sketching.

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink


Friday 23 January, 2015

Human figure sketching. Quick Sketching.

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink



Human figure sketching. Quick Sketching.

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink


Tuesday 20 January, 2015

Human figure sketching. Quick Sketching.

Posted by Ülle Marks — Permalink