PhD Thesis defence of Gregor Taul


PhD Thesis defence of Gregor Taul

On 1 July at 11:00 Gregor Taul will defend his thesis “Monumentality Trouble. Monumental-Decorative Art in Late Soviet Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania” (“Sekeldused monumentaalsusega. Monumentaal-dekoratiivkunst hilisnõukogude Eestis, Lätis ja Leedus”)

The public defence will be held in EKA (Põhja pst 7), room A501.
The defense will be broadcast on EKA TV.
The defence is in English.

Supervisor: Dr. Anu Allas (Estonian Academy of Arts)
External reviewers: Dr. Lolita Jablonskienė (Vilnius Academy of Arts), Dr. Liisa Kaljula (Art Museum of Estonia)
Opponent: Dr. Lolita Jablonskienė

The thesis examines the theme of public art in late Soviet Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. From its early days, the Soviet Union considered monumental art to be an important part of its ideological propaganda and, more broadly, of the modernisation of society. The concept of monumental-decorative art became commonplace in the Thaw era when Nikita Khrushchev deplored the excesses of Stalinist neoclassical architecture and paved the way for the construction of industrially produced apartment buildings. In the process of mechanising the construction of micro-neighbourhoods, Soviet urban planners and architects developed a methodology for synthesising the arts in new neighbourhoods: standard-design apartment buildings created a backdrop against which public buildings of more unique architecture stood out. These landmark buildings were embellished by a synthesis of the arts in the form of monumental-decorative art – using mural painting, ceramics, textiles, stained glass and metalwork.

To a certain extent, monumental decorative art embodied the authoritarian position of state power, linked to top officials who had the power to semioticise reality. On the other hand, monumental decorative art also offered artists the opportunity to distance themselves from ideological messages and focus on aesthetic and architectural details. Several were associated with the more critical practitioners of the art field, and some artists succeeded in conveying messages directly critical of power in their monumental works. In most cases, however, it was commissioning officials who succeeded in freeing art from direct ideological demands and giving artists access to the wide range of possibilities offered by monumental art. Thus, monumental-decorative art is an interesting phenomenon against the background of which to discuss the blurred boundaries between the official politics of the late Soviets and a somewhat transgressive artistic culture.

In the thesis, the author discusses how monumental-decorative art contributed to the creation of a period-specific socialist spatial atmosphere. To what extent did this aesthetic phenomenon express the ideals and realities of socialism? What visual and spatial aspirations did artists invest in this monumental urge? The thesis concludes that the Baltic artists’ contacts with the rest of the Soviet Union were stronger than previously thought. In addition to opening up the institutional background, the dissertation speaks about the artists’ choices and individual practices of adaptation during the Soviet period. The final chapter of the thesis focuses on the question of the agency of works of art in their valorisation and preservation. Taul seeks answers to the questions of what aspects have contributed to the preservation and conservation of Soviet-era public artworks, what is the meaning of this heritage, and how do these works contribute to making sense of the Soviet period in the Baltic States.

The thesis is available HERE.

Defence Committee: Prof. Andres Kurg (Head of the Committee), Prof. Virve Sarapik, Dr. Anneli Randla, Prof. Krista Kodres, Prof. Marek Tamm, Prof. Eneken Laanes

Posted by Irene Hütsi — Permalink

PhD Thesis defence of Gregor Taul

Monday 01 July, 2024

On 1 July at 11:00 Gregor Taul will defend his thesis “Monumentality Trouble. Monumental-Decorative Art in Late Soviet Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania” (“Sekeldused monumentaalsusega. Monumentaal-dekoratiivkunst hilisnõukogude Eestis, Lätis ja Leedus”)

The public defence will be held in EKA (Põhja pst 7), room A501.
The defense will be broadcast on EKA TV.
The defence is in English.

Supervisor: Dr. Anu Allas (Estonian Academy of Arts)
External reviewers: Dr. Lolita Jablonskienė (Vilnius Academy of Arts), Dr. Liisa Kaljula (Art Museum of Estonia)
Opponent: Dr. Lolita Jablonskienė

The thesis examines the theme of public art in late Soviet Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. From its early days, the Soviet Union considered monumental art to be an important part of its ideological propaganda and, more broadly, of the modernisation of society. The concept of monumental-decorative art became commonplace in the Thaw era when Nikita Khrushchev deplored the excesses of Stalinist neoclassical architecture and paved the way for the construction of industrially produced apartment buildings. In the process of mechanising the construction of micro-neighbourhoods, Soviet urban planners and architects developed a methodology for synthesising the arts in new neighbourhoods: standard-design apartment buildings created a backdrop against which public buildings of more unique architecture stood out. These landmark buildings were embellished by a synthesis of the arts in the form of monumental-decorative art – using mural painting, ceramics, textiles, stained glass and metalwork.

To a certain extent, monumental decorative art embodied the authoritarian position of state power, linked to top officials who had the power to semioticise reality. On the other hand, monumental decorative art also offered artists the opportunity to distance themselves from ideological messages and focus on aesthetic and architectural details. Several were associated with the more critical practitioners of the art field, and some artists succeeded in conveying messages directly critical of power in their monumental works. In most cases, however, it was commissioning officials who succeeded in freeing art from direct ideological demands and giving artists access to the wide range of possibilities offered by monumental art. Thus, monumental-decorative art is an interesting phenomenon against the background of which to discuss the blurred boundaries between the official politics of the late Soviets and a somewhat transgressive artistic culture.

In the thesis, the author discusses how monumental-decorative art contributed to the creation of a period-specific socialist spatial atmosphere. To what extent did this aesthetic phenomenon express the ideals and realities of socialism? What visual and spatial aspirations did artists invest in this monumental urge? The thesis concludes that the Baltic artists’ contacts with the rest of the Soviet Union were stronger than previously thought. In addition to opening up the institutional background, the dissertation speaks about the artists’ choices and individual practices of adaptation during the Soviet period. The final chapter of the thesis focuses on the question of the agency of works of art in their valorisation and preservation. Taul seeks answers to the questions of what aspects have contributed to the preservation and conservation of Soviet-era public artworks, what is the meaning of this heritage, and how do these works contribute to making sense of the Soviet period in the Baltic States.

The thesis is available HERE.

Defence Committee: Prof. Andres Kurg (Head of the Committee), Prof. Virve Sarapik, Dr. Anneli Randla, Prof. Krista Kodres, Prof. Marek Tamm, Prof. Eneken Laanes

Posted by Irene Hütsi — Permalink

03.06.2024 — 04.06.2024

EKA Interior Architecture 2024: Bachelor Diploma Defence

The defense of the BA diplomas of the Department of Interior Architecture will take place this year on two days, Monday and Tuesday, June 3-4, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in EKA (room A403). Eleven students have to defend their works, whose works can be viewed at the same time at the TASE exhibition in the EKA building.

The TASE exhibition is open from May 29 to June 16, every day from 12:00 to 18:00. Step through!

Monday, June 3
Presenting students: Kristiina Theresa Kuusik, Harold Kiisler, Marleen Armulik, Elle Marie Randoja, Laura Movits, Trine Tõniste.

Tuesday, June 4
Presenting students: Mirjam Vaht, Elisabeth Perk, Jaan Repnikov, Getter Pihlak, Sven Christian Arthur Samyn.

The theses were supervised by Anna Kaarma, Grete Tiigiste, Jaan Evart (portfolio), Malle Jürgenson, Ville Lausmäe, Veiko Liis and Jüri Kermik (project).

The theses are evaluated by a committee consisting of Gregor Taul (chairman), Mariann Drell, Kristiina Voolaid, Merilin Tee, Peeter Klaas.

Posted by Gregor Taul — Permalink

EKA Interior Architecture 2024: Bachelor Diploma Defence

Monday 03 June, 2024 — Tuesday 04 June, 2024

The defense of the BA diplomas of the Department of Interior Architecture will take place this year on two days, Monday and Tuesday, June 3-4, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in EKA (room A403). Eleven students have to defend their works, whose works can be viewed at the same time at the TASE exhibition in the EKA building.

The TASE exhibition is open from May 29 to June 16, every day from 12:00 to 18:00. Step through!

Monday, June 3
Presenting students: Kristiina Theresa Kuusik, Harold Kiisler, Marleen Armulik, Elle Marie Randoja, Laura Movits, Trine Tõniste.

Tuesday, June 4
Presenting students: Mirjam Vaht, Elisabeth Perk, Jaan Repnikov, Getter Pihlak, Sven Christian Arthur Samyn.

The theses were supervised by Anna Kaarma, Grete Tiigiste, Jaan Evart (portfolio), Malle Jürgenson, Ville Lausmäe, Veiko Liis and Jüri Kermik (project).

The theses are evaluated by a committee consisting of Gregor Taul (chairman), Mariann Drell, Kristiina Voolaid, Merilin Tee, Peeter Klaas.

Posted by Gregor Taul — Permalink

30.05.2024 — 14.06.2024


MACA students Sandra Ernits, Mara Kirchberg, Sarah Noonan and Siim Preiman will present their graduation works at a satellite exhibition of TASE at Raja Monumental Sculpture House.


The opening of the exhibition is on May 30 at 4PM, where the artists will give a brief introduction of the exhibition. From around 6PM the guests are welcome to visit the sauna (bring a towel!) and grill (bring your own food!).


The exhibition will stay open daily from noon to 6PM until June 14 at Raja 11A.


Please register for Siim Preimans sauna and campfire evenings here.

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink


Thursday 30 May, 2024 — Friday 14 June, 2024

MACA students Sandra Ernits, Mara Kirchberg, Sarah Noonan and Siim Preiman will present their graduation works at a satellite exhibition of TASE at Raja Monumental Sculpture House.


The opening of the exhibition is on May 30 at 4PM, where the artists will give a brief introduction of the exhibition. From around 6PM the guests are welcome to visit the sauna (bring a towel!) and grill (bring your own food!).


The exhibition will stay open daily from noon to 6PM until June 14 at Raja 11A.


Please register for Siim Preimans sauna and campfire evenings here.

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

04.06.2024 — 25.08.2024

“Imprints of Being” at EKA Billboard Gallery 4.06.–25.08.2024

You are invited to the opening of the “Imprints of Being” — graduation exhibition of the EKA Open Academy’s photography course at the EKA Billboard gallery on June 4, 2024 at 6 pm. The exhibition, located at Kotzebue 1, Tallinn, is free and open 24/7 until August 25.

The exhibition “Imprints of Being” looks at the facets of being through eight different perspectives. The authors explore both animate and inanimate traces within everyday rhythms. Reflecting on the values in their bloodstream and highlighting the patterns we create and leave in our wake.

Authors: Birgit Aitsam, Reelika Helde-Mikkor, Karolin Kaplan, Geroli Peedu, Priit Jaak Sild, Eveli Smitt, Liisi Tali, Grete Tuiken

Supervisor: Hedi Jaansoo

Posted by Kaisa Maasik — Permalink

“Imprints of Being” at EKA Billboard Gallery 4.06.–25.08.2024

Tuesday 04 June, 2024 — Sunday 25 August, 2024

You are invited to the opening of the “Imprints of Being” — graduation exhibition of the EKA Open Academy’s photography course at the EKA Billboard gallery on June 4, 2024 at 6 pm. The exhibition, located at Kotzebue 1, Tallinn, is free and open 24/7 until August 25.

The exhibition “Imprints of Being” looks at the facets of being through eight different perspectives. The authors explore both animate and inanimate traces within everyday rhythms. Reflecting on the values in their bloodstream and highlighting the patterns we create and leave in our wake.

Authors: Birgit Aitsam, Reelika Helde-Mikkor, Karolin Kaplan, Geroli Peedu, Priit Jaak Sild, Eveli Smitt, Liisi Tali, Grete Tuiken

Supervisor: Hedi Jaansoo

Posted by Kaisa Maasik — Permalink


Urban studies Master Thesis Defence 2024


The defence of the Master’s thesis in Urban Studies 2024 will take place on 30 May from 9:00-18:00 at the EKA, Põhja pst 7, room D403. The members of the defence committee are the chairman of the committee Keiti Kljavin, Maroš Krivy, Sofia Nannini, Helen Runting, Mira Samonig, Toomas Tammis. The 2024 graduates are Aleyna Canpolat, Alp Eren Özalp, Christian Hörner, Kush Budhwar, Luca Liese Ritter, Paul Simon and Paula Kristiāna Veidenbauma. Please join.

Posted by Keiti Kljavin — Permalink

Urban studies Master Thesis Defence 2024

Thursday 30 May, 2024


The defence of the Master’s thesis in Urban Studies 2024 will take place on 30 May from 9:00-18:00 at the EKA, Põhja pst 7, room D403. The members of the defence committee are the chairman of the committee Keiti Kljavin, Maroš Krivy, Sofia Nannini, Helen Runting, Mira Samonig, Toomas Tammis. The 2024 graduates are Aleyna Canpolat, Alp Eren Özalp, Christian Hörner, Kush Budhwar, Luca Liese Ritter, Paul Simon and Paula Kristiāna Veidenbauma. Please join.

Posted by Keiti Kljavin — Permalink

28.05.2024 — 16.06.2024

EKA Interior Architecture 2024: MA theses defence

The defense of this year’s master’s theses of the Department of Interior Architecture will take place on Tuesday, May 28 at 10:00 – 15:30 at EKA, room A501. There will also be a live broadcast of the defenses, which can be watched on EKA TV.


10.00 – 10.45 Ann-Katriin Kelder “The Rent Included Three Hounds, or The Alternative Clubs of Tallinn”. Reviewer Brigitta Davidjants.
10.45 – 11.30 Viktoria Ugur “Excavation manifesto. Exploring underground spaces”. Reviewer Mirell Ülle.
11.30 – 12.15 Karen Isabel Talitee “Restoration of destroyed (interior) architecture. From copy to innovation. Using the example of Maakri 28”. Reviewer Liisa Hagelberg.

Lunch break 12.15 – 13.15

13.15 – 14.00 Piret-Liis Carson “Recess rooms that support students’ mental and physical health”. Reviewer Kadri Klementi.
14.00 – 14.45 Päär-Joonap Keedus “I-architecture. Master’s diary”. Reviewer Urmas Lüüs.
14.45 – 15.30 Anni Truu “Towards the urban interior: the potential of interior architecture in the activation of urban space following the example of Kitseküla”. Reviewer Alina Nurmist.

The master’s theses were supervised by Mariann Drell, Pavle Stamenović and Gregor Taul.

The master’s theses are evaluated by a committee consisting of Malle Jürgenson (chairman of the committee), Manten Devriendt, Ardo Hiiuväin, Liina Langemets, Martin Melioranski and Andrea Tamm. The secretary of the committee is Marie-Katharine Maksim.

You can see the works of interior architecture master’s students at the TASE exhibition on the second floor of the EKA building and at the TASE online exhibition. The exhibition is open from May 29 to June 16, every day from 12:00 to 18:00. Step through!

Posted by Gregor Taul — Permalink

EKA Interior Architecture 2024: MA theses defence

Tuesday 28 May, 2024 — Sunday 16 June, 2024

The defense of this year’s master’s theses of the Department of Interior Architecture will take place on Tuesday, May 28 at 10:00 – 15:30 at EKA, room A501. There will also be a live broadcast of the defenses, which can be watched on EKA TV.


10.00 – 10.45 Ann-Katriin Kelder “The Rent Included Three Hounds, or The Alternative Clubs of Tallinn”. Reviewer Brigitta Davidjants.
10.45 – 11.30 Viktoria Ugur “Excavation manifesto. Exploring underground spaces”. Reviewer Mirell Ülle.
11.30 – 12.15 Karen Isabel Talitee “Restoration of destroyed (interior) architecture. From copy to innovation. Using the example of Maakri 28”. Reviewer Liisa Hagelberg.

Lunch break 12.15 – 13.15

13.15 – 14.00 Piret-Liis Carson “Recess rooms that support students’ mental and physical health”. Reviewer Kadri Klementi.
14.00 – 14.45 Päär-Joonap Keedus “I-architecture. Master’s diary”. Reviewer Urmas Lüüs.
14.45 – 15.30 Anni Truu “Towards the urban interior: the potential of interior architecture in the activation of urban space following the example of Kitseküla”. Reviewer Alina Nurmist.

The master’s theses were supervised by Mariann Drell, Pavle Stamenović and Gregor Taul.

The master’s theses are evaluated by a committee consisting of Malle Jürgenson (chairman of the committee), Manten Devriendt, Ardo Hiiuväin, Liina Langemets, Martin Melioranski and Andrea Tamm. The secretary of the committee is Marie-Katharine Maksim.

You can see the works of interior architecture master’s students at the TASE exhibition on the second floor of the EKA building and at the TASE online exhibition. The exhibition is open from May 29 to June 16, every day from 12:00 to 18:00. Step through!

Posted by Gregor Taul — Permalink

27.05.2024 — 30.05.2024

“Mordere manus” Group Exhibition at Ülase 12


On Monday, May 27 at 12 am a group exhibition “Mordere manus”, will open at the Ülase 12 Social Center.

“Mordere manus” means to bite both the hand that feeds you and your own hand in order to silence oneself. Critical thinking primarily reflects the ability to identify and deconstruct power dynamics in the surrounding world. Asserting oneself in that world is akin to the question: “You’ve seen yourself as part of a system; what do you do with this knowledge?”

The artists involved in the project find themselves in positions where these same questions have become unavoidable, whether they are opposing societal power structures or the hierarchies present in their own bodies.

The exhibition takes place at the Ülase 12 Social Center . A space that has always served as a platform for all those who have dared to think differently.


On Thursday, May 30, at 5.30 pm, the exhibition will close with a grand finissage with performances by the participating artists.


Participating artists: Katariina Kesküla, KitKit Para, Merilin Põldsam, Mihhail Boitsov, Vitor Pascale
Curator: Kaur Järve
Special thanks: Ülase team, Anders Härm and Margit Säde

Exhibition will be open until May 30, Mon-Thr 12-5pm
Ülase 12 Social Center, Ülase 12, Tallinn


More info:

Kaur Järve

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

“Mordere manus” Group Exhibition at Ülase 12

Monday 27 May, 2024 — Thursday 30 May, 2024


On Monday, May 27 at 12 am a group exhibition “Mordere manus”, will open at the Ülase 12 Social Center.

“Mordere manus” means to bite both the hand that feeds you and your own hand in order to silence oneself. Critical thinking primarily reflects the ability to identify and deconstruct power dynamics in the surrounding world. Asserting oneself in that world is akin to the question: “You’ve seen yourself as part of a system; what do you do with this knowledge?”

The artists involved in the project find themselves in positions where these same questions have become unavoidable, whether they are opposing societal power structures or the hierarchies present in their own bodies.

The exhibition takes place at the Ülase 12 Social Center . A space that has always served as a platform for all those who have dared to think differently.


On Thursday, May 30, at 5.30 pm, the exhibition will close with a grand finissage with performances by the participating artists.


Participating artists: Katariina Kesküla, KitKit Para, Merilin Põldsam, Mihhail Boitsov, Vitor Pascale
Curator: Kaur Järve
Special thanks: Ülase team, Anders Härm and Margit Säde

Exhibition will be open until May 30, Mon-Thr 12-5pm
Ülase 12 Social Center, Ülase 12, Tallinn


More info:

Kaur Järve

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

30.05.2024 — 09.06.2024

Objects or Things exhibition at Krulli Quarter

The material-led group exhibition “Objects or Things” opens on May 30th at 18:00 in the Krull Quarter.

Objects or Things brings together ten master students from the academy’s new Craft Studies program, presenting works in various materials, including glass, metal, stone, textile and ceramics. The presented works stay on the border between objects and things and question the importance of functionality with their nature, combining different craft disciplines. The group members position themselves in between the worlds of art, design, and craft, brought together by a deep interest in the nature and roles that different materials shaped by humans have and occupy. The crafts represent traditions with long histories that are nevertheless alive and capable of changing with the world.

Participants: Sofiya Babiy, Iohan Figueroa, Rait Lõhmus, Juulia Aleksandra Mikson, Katariin Mudist, Maarja Mäemets, Alyona Movko-Mägi, Kati Saarits, Hannah Segerkrantz, and Elias Sormanen.

Objects or Things is open from 31.05–9.06.2024, Fri-Sat 13:00–19:00, or by appointment. Address: Kopli 70a, Krulli Quarter, 2nd floor.

This exhibition is part of the TASE satellite programming.

For more information and rsvp, please contact Maarja Mäemets

The exhibition opening is sponsored by Põhjala Brewery.

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

Objects or Things exhibition at Krulli Quarter

Thursday 30 May, 2024 — Sunday 09 June, 2024

The material-led group exhibition “Objects or Things” opens on May 30th at 18:00 in the Krull Quarter.

Objects or Things brings together ten master students from the academy’s new Craft Studies program, presenting works in various materials, including glass, metal, stone, textile and ceramics. The presented works stay on the border between objects and things and question the importance of functionality with their nature, combining different craft disciplines. The group members position themselves in between the worlds of art, design, and craft, brought together by a deep interest in the nature and roles that different materials shaped by humans have and occupy. The crafts represent traditions with long histories that are nevertheless alive and capable of changing with the world.

Participants: Sofiya Babiy, Iohan Figueroa, Rait Lõhmus, Juulia Aleksandra Mikson, Katariin Mudist, Maarja Mäemets, Alyona Movko-Mägi, Kati Saarits, Hannah Segerkrantz, and Elias Sormanen.

Objects or Things is open from 31.05–9.06.2024, Fri-Sat 13:00–19:00, or by appointment. Address: Kopli 70a, Krulli Quarter, 2nd floor.

This exhibition is part of the TASE satellite programming.

For more information and rsvp, please contact Maarja Mäemets

The exhibition opening is sponsored by Põhjala Brewery.

Posted by Andres Lõo — Permalink

13.06.2024 — 20.06.2024

Symposion of Interior Architecture and Spatial Use SISU 2024

SISU is a major event in the field of Estonian interior architecture and spatial design, which deals with topics related to interior architecture. The symposium has become a meeting place for recognized theorists and practitioners in the field of (interior) architecture from all over the world. This year’s SISU will take place from the 13th until the 2oth of June  in the premises of the National Archives film archive in Pelgulinn. The focal point of SISU is an exhibition and the accompanying symposium, which will take place on 13th of June at 5.00 p.m.

The title of this year’s exhibition … And Nothing is Forever refers to the question of temporality in spatial design. Participants from all over Europe were asked to open up the current state of their profession through one artefact that was to be sent to Tallinn with the smallest size box of the international postal service. Both found objects and works created especially for this event will be on display at the symposium. However, the participants had to take into account the fact that after the end of the exhibition they wouldn’t get back their works. The objects will be put back in the boxes and they will remain in the building as a unified time capsule. 

The curators of the Time Capsule project, Aet Ader, Karin Tõugu Gregor Taul and Pavle Stamenovic, invited 50 individuals and offices from Estonia and abroad to participate in SISU this time, and half of them responded with an artefact. Among the participants are interior architects, architects, designers, artists, urban activists, material researchers, furniture makers, creative researchers as well as performance artists, all of whom have come into contact with the field of interior architecture in one way or another. Attempts have been made to capture the spirit of the era and the profession both through text-based manifestos and ephemeral mock-ups.

In the exhibition, the artefacts enter into a dialogue with the cells of the Ristiku 84 building, which was built as a prison for the Tallinn garrison in the 1950s. It is a unique horseshoe-shaped prison, which reflects the 18th century English enlightener Jeremy Bentham’s idea of a penitentiary as a panopticon. Although the neoclassical prison underwent a thorough renovation in the 1990s when it was converted into an archive, the cells on the first floor were left intact. Films have been shot in these rooms, and architecture enthusiasts have been able to get to know the house as part of the annual Museum Nights, but the house is unknown to the general public. It may happen that it will stay that way, because it is not known what the state will do with the building after the Film Archive moves out. It is not a listed building, moreover, the building is in poor condition, has a somewhat tainted history and is located on a valuable plot. Based on current practice, the entire complex – along with the “buried” SISU 2024 time capsule – is threatened with demolition.

The SISU exhibition opens at 3 p.m on the 13th of June. At 4 p.m there will be a guided tour in the Film Archives building led by its director Eva Näripea. The symposion will take place from 5 p.m to 7 p.m. The exhibition will remain open from the 14th to the 20th of June, Mon-Thu 9 a.m to 5 p.m, Fri 9 a.m to 4 p.m. Further information in English below.

SISU is supported by the Cultural Foundation, the Ministry of Culture, Film Archive of the National Archives of Estonia and the Estonian Association of Interior Architects. In addition to the curators, Gregor Taul and Annamari Nael from the EKA Department of Interior Architecture and graphic designer Anna Kaarma belong to the organizing team of the symposium.

Initial list of participants:

45 degrees (Greece/Germany) –

Hanna Loora Arro

Ljubica Arsic (Serbia/Switzerland) –

Masayo Ave (Japan/Germany) –

Jean Jacques Balzak (France) –

Laurens Bekemans (Belgium) –

Katarina Bonnevier (Sweden) –

Janka Csernak (Hungary) –

Aleksandr Delev (Germany) –

Davor Eres (Serbia) –

Failed Architecture (Holland) –

Caterina Figuera (Spain/Switzerland) –

Ana Filipovic (Germany) –

Daniel Fuchs (Switzerland) –

Atelier Gapont (Liechenstein) –

Tinatin Gurgenidze (Georgia/Germany) –

Matilde Igual (Spain) –

Silvia Ingver

Jüri Kermik –

Keithy Kuuspu – –


Milica Lopičić (Serbia/Germany) –

Urmas Lüüs –

Tom Vam Malderen (Malta) –

Philip Mecke (Germany) –

Arnita Melzoba and Kārlis Melzobs (Latvia) –

Jelena Mitrovic (Serbia) –

mitte_tallinn –

Maria Muuk, Nele Kurvits, Aimur Takk

Platvorm –

Laura Pormeister

Miro Roman (Croatia/Switzerland) –

Sampling (Latvia) –

SPOLKA (Slovakia) –

Sven Samyn

Dubravka Sekulić (Serbia/United Kingdom) –ć

Sander Joosep Siigur

Linda Marie Zimmer

Pent Talvet –

Margus Tammik, Mari Möldre, Ulla Alla, Merilin Kaup –

TEN studio (Serbia/Switzerland) –

Kristi Tšernilovski

Stuudio TÄNA – https://stuudiotä

Mari Uibo

Linda-Marie Urke

Tüüne-Kristin Vaikla –

Kristina Õllek –

Mirell Ülle –

Posted by Gregor Taul — Permalink

Symposion of Interior Architecture and Spatial Use SISU 2024

Thursday 13 June, 2024 — Thursday 20 June, 2024

SISU is a major event in the field of Estonian interior architecture and spatial design, which deals with topics related to interior architecture. The symposium has become a meeting place for recognized theorists and practitioners in the field of (interior) architecture from all over the world. This year’s SISU will take place from the 13th until the 2oth of June  in the premises of the National Archives film archive in Pelgulinn. The focal point of SISU is an exhibition and the accompanying symposium, which will take place on 13th of June at 5.00 p.m.

The title of this year’s exhibition … And Nothing is Forever refers to the question of temporality in spatial design. Participants from all over Europe were asked to open up the current state of their profession through one artefact that was to be sent to Tallinn with the smallest size box of the international postal service. Both found objects and works created especially for this event will be on display at the symposium. However, the participants had to take into account the fact that after the end of the exhibition they wouldn’t get back their works. The objects will be put back in the boxes and they will remain in the building as a unified time capsule. 

The curators of the Time Capsule project, Aet Ader, Karin Tõugu Gregor Taul and Pavle Stamenovic, invited 50 individuals and offices from Estonia and abroad to participate in SISU this time, and half of them responded with an artefact. Among the participants are interior architects, architects, designers, artists, urban activists, material researchers, furniture makers, creative researchers as well as performance artists, all of whom have come into contact with the field of interior architecture in one way or another. Attempts have been made to capture the spirit of the era and the profession both through text-based manifestos and ephemeral mock-ups.

In the exhibition, the artefacts enter into a dialogue with the cells of the Ristiku 84 building, which was built as a prison for the Tallinn garrison in the 1950s. It is a unique horseshoe-shaped prison, which reflects the 18th century English enlightener Jeremy Bentham’s idea of a penitentiary as a panopticon. Although the neoclassical prison underwent a thorough renovation in the 1990s when it was converted into an archive, the cells on the first floor were left intact. Films have been shot in these rooms, and architecture enthusiasts have been able to get to know the house as part of the annual Museum Nights, but the house is unknown to the general public. It may happen that it will stay that way, because it is not known what the state will do with the building after the Film Archive moves out. It is not a listed building, moreover, the building is in poor condition, has a somewhat tainted history and is located on a valuable plot. Based on current practice, the entire complex – along with the “buried” SISU 2024 time capsule – is threatened with demolition.

The SISU exhibition opens at 3 p.m on the 13th of June. At 4 p.m there will be a guided tour in the Film Archives building led by its director Eva Näripea. The symposion will take place from 5 p.m to 7 p.m. The exhibition will remain open from the 14th to the 20th of June, Mon-Thu 9 a.m to 5 p.m, Fri 9 a.m to 4 p.m. Further information in English below.

SISU is supported by the Cultural Foundation, the Ministry of Culture, Film Archive of the National Archives of Estonia and the Estonian Association of Interior Architects. In addition to the curators, Gregor Taul and Annamari Nael from the EKA Department of Interior Architecture and graphic designer Anna Kaarma belong to the organizing team of the symposium.

Initial list of participants:

45 degrees (Greece/Germany) –

Hanna Loora Arro

Ljubica Arsic (Serbia/Switzerland) –

Masayo Ave (Japan/Germany) –

Jean Jacques Balzak (France) –

Laurens Bekemans (Belgium) –

Katarina Bonnevier (Sweden) –

Janka Csernak (Hungary) –

Aleksandr Delev (Germany) –

Davor Eres (Serbia) –

Failed Architecture (Holland) –

Caterina Figuera (Spain/Switzerland) –

Ana Filipovic (Germany) –

Daniel Fuchs (Switzerland) –

Atelier Gapont (Liechenstein) –

Tinatin Gurgenidze (Georgia/Germany) –

Matilde Igual (Spain) –

Silvia Ingver

Jüri Kermik –

Keithy Kuuspu – –


Milica Lopičić (Serbia/Germany) –

Urmas Lüüs –

Tom Vam Malderen (Malta) –

Philip Mecke (Germany) –

Arnita Melzoba and Kārlis Melzobs (Latvia) –

Jelena Mitrovic (Serbia) –

mitte_tallinn –

Maria Muuk, Nele Kurvits, Aimur Takk

Platvorm –

Laura Pormeister

Miro Roman (Croatia/Switzerland) –

Sampling (Latvia) –

SPOLKA (Slovakia) –

Sven Samyn

Dubravka Sekulić (Serbia/United Kingdom) –ć

Sander Joosep Siigur

Linda Marie Zimmer

Pent Talvet –

Margus Tammik, Mari Möldre, Ulla Alla, Merilin Kaup –

TEN studio (Serbia/Switzerland) –

Kristi Tšernilovski

Stuudio TÄNA – https://stuudiotä

Mari Uibo

Linda-Marie Urke

Tüüne-Kristin Vaikla –

Kristina Õllek –

Mirell Ülle –

Posted by Gregor Taul — Permalink

24.05.2024 — 14.06.2024

With Love and Fortitude

With Love and Fortitude
ARS Project Space & Showroom & Studio 53
Exhibition open: May 25 – June 14, Mon–Sun 12.00–18.00
Opening: Friday, May 24, 18.00

With Love and Fortitude is a joint exhibition by the 1st year MA Contemporary Art students of EKA, taking place in ARS Project Space, Showroom and Studio 53. The exhibition brings together a variety of practices and features works created during the spring semester’s Art Practice module, addressing the following keywords and topics: accumulation, brokenness, canons, contact points, expected randomness, fantasies, forgiving, growing, in-betweenness, indifference, meetings, ordeals, relations, romanticizing, traumas and withering.

With love and fortitude:
Yvette Bathgate
Mihhail Boitsov
Anna Broučková
Chloé Geinoz
Christina Gradtke
Katariina Kesküla
Yuko Kinouchi
Eleftheria Kofidou
Tea Lemberpuu
Sven Mantsik
Jane Muts
Jana Mätas
KitKit Para
Vitor Pascale
Merilin Põldsam
Jake Shepherd
Liza Tsindeliani
Elo Vahtrik
Kristi Vendelin

Technical support:
Dream Team (Johannes Säre)

Thank you:
Maris Karjatse, David Ross, Eve Kask, Kristi Kongi, Camille Laurelli, Marge Monko, Laura Põld, David Ross, Liina Siib, Taavi Talve, Jaan Toomik, Anu Vahtra, Reimo Võsa-Tangsoo, Estonian Academy of Arts, ARS Art Factory, Estonian Artists’ Association

More information:
Anu Vahtra & Maris Karjatse
Heads of MA Contemporary Art

Posted by Anu Vahtra — Permalink

With Love and Fortitude

Friday 24 May, 2024 — Friday 14 June, 2024

With Love and Fortitude
ARS Project Space & Showroom & Studio 53
Exhibition open: May 25 – June 14, Mon–Sun 12.00–18.00
Opening: Friday, May 24, 18.00

With Love and Fortitude is a joint exhibition by the 1st year MA Contemporary Art students of EKA, taking place in ARS Project Space, Showroom and Studio 53. The exhibition brings together a variety of practices and features works created during the spring semester’s Art Practice module, addressing the following keywords and topics: accumulation, brokenness, canons, contact points, expected randomness, fantasies, forgiving, growing, in-betweenness, indifference, meetings, ordeals, relations, romanticizing, traumas and withering.

With love and fortitude:
Yvette Bathgate
Mihhail Boitsov
Anna Broučková
Chloé Geinoz
Christina Gradtke
Katariina Kesküla
Yuko Kinouchi
Eleftheria Kofidou
Tea Lemberpuu
Sven Mantsik
Jane Muts
Jana Mätas
KitKit Para
Vitor Pascale
Merilin Põldsam
Jake Shepherd
Liza Tsindeliani
Elo Vahtrik
Kristi Vendelin

Technical support:
Dream Team (Johannes Säre)

Thank you:
Maris Karjatse, David Ross, Eve Kask, Kristi Kongi, Camille Laurelli, Marge Monko, Laura Põld, David Ross, Liina Siib, Taavi Talve, Jaan Toomik, Anu Vahtra, Reimo Võsa-Tangsoo, Estonian Academy of Arts, ARS Art Factory, Estonian Artists’ Association

More information:
Anu Vahtra & Maris Karjatse
Heads of MA Contemporary Art

Posted by Anu Vahtra — Permalink