Päike tõuseb Idavirust. The edge of Estonian tomorrow

The sun is rising from Eastern Estonia, as the title suggests, the hope for better and more just futures is on the horizon. The displayed experiments and projects aim to reflect the development prospects of the county, situated on the edge of Estonian land. Students explored urban districts and towns of Ahtme, Järve and the Kiviõli where mono-functionality of extractivistic production has challenged to respond to the surplus of housing caused by the outmigration. By investigating various topics related to (in)tangible aspects of habitation in Ida-Virumaa county our projects are based on on-site analysis, local exploring, reinventing and rethinking approaches towards shrinkage, adaptation and re-use.

Photos by Łukasz Rygał from 16th of May final grading. The course was supervised by Keiti Kljavin and Kristi Grišakov.


Aleyna Canpolat, Alp Eren Özap, Axelle Boireau, Diana Drobot, Ishrat Shaheen, Jim Wolff, Kalina Trajanovska, Larisa Illetterati, Maria Laura Bendezu Ulloa, Martin Sepp, Noa Ruijten, Simon Baguette

Guest critics:

Ivan Sergejev (the coordinator of Just transistion at the Ministry of Fiances), Andra Aaloe (urbanist, translator, educator).


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Posted by Keiti Kljavin