Ahoy sailor, we welcome you aboard for our island hop through Paljassaare peninsula – the “barren island” in the very happening and now district of Northern Tallinn! On this (bicycle) cruise we will explore the different layers of the peculiar peninsula, while sailing through the archipelago of conceptual and physical, temporal and spatial, future and past islands forming the reality of Paljassaare today.
We will cruise through the Paljassaare port, meet the local villagers of the island, sniffle through the “fields of gold” of Tallinn’s wastewater treatment holm, disembark on the historic Suur- and Väike-Paljassaare islands for a bloodless hunt in the conservation area, get lost in the Bermuda triangle of the endless terrain vague, and discover the archipelago of dream-like prime real-estate enclaves and Tallinn’s own Palm Islands of the blissful future to come.
We will embark on our journey on Saturday, 17th of October at 1 p.m. at Vesta Baar (Tööstuse 88). As the water level is currently low in the area, the cruise will happen on bicycles – i.e. bring your own bike! The estimated tour length will be 4 hours, with several stops on the way. Please make sure you are well equipped for the rough seas with plenty of snacks and weatherproof clothing and a cup of your own – we will provide hot tea along the way. To register for the cruise, please fill in the google form.
The cruise is put together by the first-year students of the Urban Studies master programme of Estonian Academy of Arts for the interim critique of Urbanisation Studio. The tour will be given in English and it’s free. Space is limited so reserve your place now. For further information daria.khrystych@artun.ee.