Anna Škodenko

Anna Škodenko (1986) is a multidisciplinary artist whose work is characterised by a lyrical and analytical approach to her medium and visual image. The format of her work depends on the conceptual frame, which she creates through textual writing and which is conditioned by a specific place, context and theme.

Anna Škodenko graduated from the painting department at the Estonian Academy of Arts (2009), complementing her studies at Chelsea College of Art in England and later in the Institute of Contemporary Art in Moscow. Šodenko graduated from the master’s program at Glasgow School of Arts (2017). She has been awarded with the Eduard Wiiralt prize (2016) and Köler Prize Grand Prix (2018). In 2019 Škodenko participated in a residency at WIELS Contemporary Art Centre.


2016 – 2107 Mlitt in Fine Art Practice (Painting), Glasgow School of Art

2009 – 2010 Institute of Contemporary Art in Moscow

2005 – 2009 BA painting, Estonian Academy of Arts

2007 – 2008 BA Fine Arts, Chelsea College of Art and Design (Erasmus exchange


Solo exhibitions:

2023 “At Arm’s Length”, Tallinn City Gallery. Curator: Tamara Luuk 2022 “Once upon a

time I knew a person…”, Haapaslu City Gallery 2021 “Stranger at Home”, Draakoni

Gallery, Tallinn

2018 “[]”. Tartu Art House, monumental gallery, Tartu

2016 “[field] which is nearly pure”. Hobusepea Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia

2013 “Situation of Artistic Discussion II”. Berliin, OKK gallery, with K. Tulin

2011 “Situation of Artistic Discussion. Tartu mnt 1”. (EKA construction site) with K. Tulin

2009 “Idealistic”. Draakoni Gallery, Tallinn

2008 “48612220285: there is no you there is only me”. Tallinn City Gallery

Residencies, scholarships, awards:


HIAP – Helsinki International Artist Programme, October-January, 2020 Grenoble, AAA

residency. (September. Online)


WIELS art centre residency, Brussels


Köler Prize 2018: Grand Prix


Edward Wiiralt Scholarship

Konrad Mäe prize nominee

Dumfries House Residency, East Ayrshire, Scotland

2013 Residency: “Broadcasting offline”, top e.V. Berlin
