Ott Kagovere

Ott Kagovere is a graphic designer living and working in Tallinn. Before studying graphic design in Estonian Academy of Arts (2013–2016), he studied philosophy at Tallinn University (2004-2011). He is currently working as a freelance graphic designer, in close collaboration with EKKM, Foto Tallinn, Lugemik and Rab–Rab Press.

Ott has a special interested in interdisciplinary practices, which verge from design to literature, theory and performativity. A good example of this is the practice of design LARPing (Live Action Role Play). A book (Borrowing Positions: Role–Playing Design & Architecture) examining this practice was written and edited in collaboration with the Trojan Horse collective.

Ott is also involved in publishing the Homeless Texts series together with Maria Muuk and Maarin Mürk and in collaboration with Sandra Nuut and the EKA graphic design department they are publishing Dear Friend. Occasionally Ott is writing about design in various media outlets (Sirp, Müürileht, Estonian Art).

Head of Graphic Design Department, Professor