Published Books

The Estonian Academy of Arts Press is a subdivision of the Estonian Academy of Arts, which publishes both translated as well as original texts about art history and culture, design, architecture and fine arts.

The publications of the Estonian Academy of Arts are listed below in order of publication, i.e. the list starts with the most recently published book. See the books on sale HERE. Books are on sale in the EKA library Mon-Fri 10-18, Sat 11-15.

All questions regarding retail and wholesale can be addressed to the EKA publisher.

Neeme Lopp

Risto Paju_Tallinna hiliskeskaegne raidkivikunst_esikaas

Risto Paju “Tallinna hiliskeskaegne raidkivikunst. Fragmendid – ajalugu ja tõlgitsemine” (Dissertationes 47)

There are works of art and architecture that attract attention with their exceptionally well-preserved integrity, but there are also many that have survived only in fragments. This is also the case with the older carved stone artworks in this area. The doctoral thesis examines the 15th-16th centuries from Tallinn. century stone fragments from fireplaces, consoles, exterior portals, window ...

Hasso Krull “Kosmiline trikster eesti mütoloogias” (Dissertationes 46)

An Estonian mythology, does it really exist? Yes, but only on one condition: it exists, if the Estonian landscape equally exists. Cosmic trickster is the creator of the Estonian landscape. Therefore, the Estonian landscape is a mythical landscape, appearing and becoming visible to us after we have acquired the mythical narrative. Until today, the Estonian mythology has been described either ...

Donna J. Haraway “Raskustes püsimine: hõimuloome ktulutseenis”

In the midst of spiraling ecological devastation, multispecies feminist theorist Donna J. Haraway offers provocative new ways to reconfigure our relations to the earth and all its inhabitants. She eschews referring to our current epoch as the Anthropocene, preferring to conceptualize it as what she calls the Chthulucene, as it more aptly and fully describes our epoch as one in which the human ...
EVE KOHA Klaasimaal_kaanepilt

Eve Koha “Klaasimaal – valgusega maalimine”

Eve Koha's book presents an overview of the history of glass painting and its methods. Glass painting methods and materials have undergone great development over time. Eve Koha's book is primarily intended as educational material, but it is also suitable for anyone who wants to get to know the glass painting more closely. Author and compiler: Eve Koha Editor and illustrator: Kai Kiudsoo-Värv ...

Ulvi Haagensen “In the In-Between: Explorations into the Line Between Art and Everyday Life as Seen Through the Eyes of a Practising Visual Artist” (Dissertationes 45)

Sprung from an avant-garde heritage, contemporary art often meets, overlaps and collides with ordinary everyday life, sometimes intentionally, sometimes not. For an artist working in this field, the relationship between art and life can be particularly intriguing; sometimes it's puzzling, other times it can be hard to tell one from the other, to know when something is or isn't art and when it ...

“Riides ja alasti: 110 aastat figuuriõpet Eesti Kunstiakadeemias”

Portraying a person, drawing, painting, and modeling according to a living model has been a part of art education throughout the ages, and the Estonian Academy of Arts and its predecessors are no exception here. The catalog prepared for the 110th birthday of the Estonian Academy of Arts brings together 130 studies created in the studios of the academy: standing, sitting or lying nudes and ...

Nick Dunn “Hämarad teed. Öise linna manifest” (Library of Ehituskunst #4)

The Estonian translation of Nick Dunn's "Dark Matters" explores the nighttime city as a time-space where you can escape from the confines of the daytime. The night city represents a special way of being. Nightwalking has often been integral to shady worlds of miscreants, shift workers and transgressors, but the city at night actually offers so much more. It should not be associated with ...
COVERS_160x235mm_Nesli Hazal Oktay_2024

Nesli Hazal Oktay “Far-away bodies: Co-creating design(s) in and for remote intimacy” (Dissertationes 44)

Intimacy is an embodied experience rooted in everyday life activities including bodily interactions. For some, intimacy is experienced and built across distances when intimate partners find themselves physically apart for various periods. In such scenarios, people turn to technology, using devices to connect with their loved ones intimately. When using technology, a boundary exists between ...

Gregor Taul „Monumentality Trouble: Monumental-Decorative Art in Late Soviet Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania“ (Dissertationes 43)

This doctoral thesis examines the theme of public space art in late-Soviet Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. From its early days, the Soviet Union considered monumental art to be an important part both in its ideological agitation and in contributing to the modernization of society in general. The term monumental-decorative art became common during the thaw when Nikita Khrushchev decried the ...

Nina Stener Jørgensen “Participation as Data? Architecture and Cybernetics in Europe around 1968” (Dissertationes 42)

This doctoral thesis analyzes the ways in which user participation was understood as data in three architectural projects from the late 1960s and early 1970s. These projects borrowed concepts from the theory of cybernetics, and in all of them participation, represented as "input" and "output" (which in turn is regulated by "feedback"), became an important source of information for the ...
Eesti Linnaehituse ajalugu 1918-2020 kaas

“Eesti linnaehituse ajalugu 1918–2020”

This substantial and richly illustrated book provides an overview of the last hundred years of Estonian urban planning. At that time, cities became the main residences of the population living here, and rapid urbanization made it necessary to start systematically to plan cities. During the politically volatile century, land ownership and land use, the organization and financing of urban ...

Mariann Raisma „Muuseumi võim. Muuseum kollektiivse mälu kujundajana Eestis 20. sajandi murranguperioodidel“ (Dissertationes 41)

Museums have shaped societies' understanding of the past in many ways over the past two centuries. The museum guides the way we think about history, determines the balance points of forgetting and remembering, and shapes the hierarchy of values ​​related to heritage. Mariann Raisma's doctoral thesis „Muuseumi võim. Muuseum kollektiivse mälu kujundajana Eestis 20. sajandi murranguperioodidel“ ...

Arife Dila Demir „Extended (Textile) Soma: Somaesthetics of Bodily Discomforts“ (Dissertationes 40)

Human existence in the world is corporeal; we live and exist in the world through our moving and perceiving bodies – our somas. Our somas continuously perceive internal and external stimuli that shape our perception of our environment and ourselves. Stimuli can be both pleasant and unpleasant. For some people, internal discomfort becomes a constant defining feature of bodily existence. This ...

Britta Benno “Mõtlemine kihtides, kujutlemine kihtides. Posthumanistlikud maastikud laiendatud joonistus- ja graafikaväljal” (Dissertationes 39)

Britta Benno's artistic research based doctoral thesis “Mõtlemine kihtides, kujutlemine kihtides. Posthumanistlikud maastikud laiendatud joonistus- ja graafikaväljal” (“Thinking in Layers, Worlding in Layers: Posthuman Landscapes in Expanded Field of Printmaking and Drawing”) aims primarily to search for new art forms, but also to develop the fields of drawing and graphics in the form of ...

Anders Härm “Allumatud kehad: radikaalsed performatiivsed praktikad 20. ja 21. sajandi kunstis ja kultuuris”

"Allumatud kehad" ("Disobedient Bodies") is a genealogical study of radical artistic, post-artistic and trans-artistic performative practices through the transformation of their formats, strategies and tactics. The coincidence of the subject with performance art and its history is great, but not exhaustive. The question that the author posed when planning this study was actually simple: "If ...

Victor Papanek “Disain tegelikule maailmale: inimökoloogia ja sotsiaalne muutus”

The translation of "Design for the Real World" (1971, revised edition 1984) by Victor Papanek tries to lead us away from a wasteful mindset towards a moral and environmentally friendly design. This book is part of a wave in the 1960s when sensitive thinkers encouraged a more active awareness of the surrounding environmental consequences of poor design and planning. In its own way, this book ...

“100 käsitlust keraamikast. 100 Takes on Ceramics”

In 2023, the teaching of ceramics at the Estonian Academy of Arts will be 100 years old. On this occasion, a publication has been published, the purpose of which is to show the continuity of the specialty, but also to introduce and update the terminology. There is great interest in ceramics as a material and its possibilities in both art and design. The book is aimed at a wider readership ...

Roland Barthes “Armudiskursuse katkeid”

"Armudiskursuse katkeid" (originally "Fragments d'un discours amoureux" in French) is the Estonian translation of the emotional journey of the French writer Roland Barthes (1915-1980) through the linguistic outbursts of a lover, prompted by seemingly trivial, random circumstances. The book was published in 1977 and became Barthes' most successful work during his lifetime. One of the reasons ...

Proceedings of the Faculty of Architecture no. 11/12

Proceedings of the Faculty of Architecture of EKA the double issue 11/12 gathers articles from two scientific events. I "COST Action: Writing Urban Places. New Narratives of the European City. Training School: LOCAL STORIES and VISUAL NARRATIVES" contains presentations from the workshop held on September 15-16, 2021 and articles by the participants. II "INNOVATION AND DIGITAL REALITY: IDEAS, ...

“Eesti kunsti ajalugu 1: 1100–1520” (edited by Kersti Markus)

The first volume of "History of Estonian Art" deals with the period 1100-1520. However, these limits are conditional, because in order to understand several artistic developments, one must look beyond the past as well as beyond the time limit of the period. The volume covers both Estonian ancient and medieval art, but in fact the people who ordered and made this art did not know the terms ...

“Vanalinn: pärand, elukeskkond, turism”

We all like to travel and visit historical cities, but at the same time, we also complain when the place we visit has become "too touristy." In the case of Estonia's most important tourist magnet, the old town of Tallinn, there are more and more reasons to ask what would be a reasonable balance between the historical city center as a cultural heritage, living environment, place to visit and ...

“Last Edit Was Seconds Ago” (edited by Maris Karjatse and Marge Monko)

This book introduces 11 students who graduated from the photography department of the Estonian Academy of Arts in 2022 (group code BFO19) - Andra Junalainen, Laura Ruuder, Ivor Lõõbas, Elo Vahtrik, Imbi Sõber, Meel Paliale, Markus Mikk, Joosep Kivimäe, Kertu Rannula, Jana Mätas, Laura Maala - a selection of works that include work done during the course, views of the thesis exhibition, short ...

“Dear Friend” (edited by Sandra Nuut and Ott Kagovere)

The publication edited by Sandra Nuut & Ott Kagovere features all the letters from the Dear Friend monthly snail mail publishing project between 2019 and 2022, which they initiated at the Graphic Design Department of the Estonian Academy of Arts in 2018. The book includes contributions by Singapore-based design writer Justin Zhuang, designer and writer Else Lagerspetz, and artist Lieven ...

Roemer van Toorn “Making Architecture Politically: From Fresh Conservatism to Aesthetics as a Form of Politics” (Dissertationes 37)

By grappling with making architecture politically, finding it wanting through critical analysis, observing the exemplary and often a-political role contemporary Dutch architecture, among others, played since the 90s, it turns out the problem is not to make political architecture – all architecture is political – but how to make architecture politically. Making architecture politically opens ...

“Vastutustundlik ese. Disainiideoloogia ajalugu tuleviku tarbeks” (edited by Marjanne van Helvert)

What might the archaeologists of the future think of our time when they excavate the ruins of our civilization? They would find countless landfills of discarded things: plastic and metal things, discarded bits of electronics, synthetic textiles and many other things that certainly won't break down any time soon. They would find remnants of an era of unstoppable production and timeless ...

Keller Easterling “Meediumidisain. Eemaldamine” (Library of Ehituskunst #3)

These two texts by Keller Easterling, a professor at the Yale School of Architecture, accompany the double issue (61/62) of Ehituskunst magazine, which focuses on the shrinking (small) cities of Estonia. The theme of shrinking reveals that the traditional architects' toolbox is primarily suited to the context of growth, which can be shaped by adding object forms. Dealing with shrinkage, where ...

Kadri Mälk “Õpetaja”

In the book "Teacher", jewellery artist and EKA professor Kadri Mälk remembers her teacher, Leili Kuldkepp, emeritus professor of jewellery art at the Estonian Academy of Arts (1931–2008), and her diverse teaching methods. In addition to direct personal and others memories, the book uses Kuldkepp's handwritten autobiography and letters to the author. However, the main focus is on Kuldkepp's ...
Interjööri kujutamine joonisel esikaas

Ro Spankie “Interjööri kujutamine joonisel” (Basics of Interior Architecture 3)

"Basics of Interior Architecture" is a series to introduce the discipline of interior architecture and the principles behind it. Key theories are complemented by analyzes of interior design projects, making this book a handbook for students and anyone interested in interior architecture. Translation of the third book in the series "Interjööri kujutamine joonisel" offers an introduction to ...

“The Meaning of Creativity in the Age of AI” (edited by Raivo Kelomees, Varvara Guljajeva, Oliver Laas)

This publication is the result of a symposium Decoding New Technologies in Art and Design, which took place on the 10th September 2020 at the Estonian Academy of Arts in situ and also virtually as part of the Ars Electronica Gardens online program. The main idea of the symposium and this publication is to develop an understanding and map the points of critical interest with regards to ...

Katrin Kabun “Archaically high-tech: knowledge-based use of sheep wool”

The book “Archaically high-tech: knowledge-based use of sheep wool” was born out of a practical need, a desire to help restore the historical and economic value of wool. The publication has been compiled by a textile designer and is intended primarily for students, designers, interior architects, but also for anyone interested in understanding the value of wool as a material, the continuous ...

Bruno Latour “Kuhu maanduda? Kuidas orienteeruda poliitikas”

One of the most recent books of the French anthropologist and science historian Bruno Latour (1947-2022), "Down to Earth: Politics in the New Climate Regime" (first edition in French in 2017) represents his vision of a new political orientation necessary to understand the modern world and what is happening to it. He proposes the hypothesis that the politics of the last fifty years can only be ...

Rait Rosin „Sotsiaalne kunst kui ühiskondlike normide kasvulava: kunstnike ja kunstipubliku vastastikused ootused Eesti väikelinnades“ (Dissertationes 36)

The starting point of the dissertation is the fact that the emerging interest in Estonian art in places outside of Tallinn needs a more consistent, constructive and critical exchange of ideas. Art galleries located in regional centers and local expectations regarding the activities of artists connected to their hometown are discussed in the artistic research doctoral thesis. In the comparison ...

Greta Koppel “Hüvasti konossöörlus? Kunstiteos kui kunstiajaloolise uurimise kese” (Dissertationes 35)

Greta Koppel's dissertation deals with the problems of art research, reflecting the author's years of research and curating work in the museum. Works of art as museum objects have had a central place in this work. The doctoral thesis was based on the premise that a multifaceted study based on close observation of works of art, which takes into account the work as a whole - its material as ...

Richard Sennett “Taidur”

In "Craftsman", Richard Sennett observes how craft is one of the most fundamental basic human impulses - not just the desire to make something, but to do it well. The history of the relationship between man and material is long and multifaceted. The programmer, the doctor, the artist, and the builder all have to successfully interact with the physical environment around them and develop a ...

“Lõpetamata linn / City Unfinished”

We are all users of the city to a greater or lesser extent. As residents, at work or school, as entrepreneurs, as guests. We have more and more reasons to ask what a good city is and what city we would like to live in. What could be the best possible Tallinn? In this book, 25 authors from different corners of the broad field of urban planning, from Estonia and beyond, consider the answers to ...

City Unfinished

We are all users of the city to a greater or lesser extent. As residents, working or studying, as entrepreneurs, as visitors. We have more and more reason to ask what a good city is and what kind of a city we would like to live in. What would the best possible Tallinn be like? In this book, the answers to this question are considered by 25 authors from the broad field of urban design, from ...

Jaana Päeva “Everyday Companions: Meaning-Making Process Through Handbag Design” (Dissertationes 34)

The research subject of the dissertation is handbags, the importance of which as a fashion accessory and status object has grown so much in the last decade that the handbag has changed from a functional utility item to a portable manifestation. The focus of the research is the construction and communication of meanings, because by reflecting the thinking of the era and the changing daily ...

“Väike fototeooria lugemik” (edited by Neeme Lopp ja Marge Monko)

"Väike fototeooria lugemik" is the first comprehensive collection of texts on photo theory in Estonian, which includes texts from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day by 18 authors: László Moholy-Nagy, Siegfried Kracauer, Walter Benjamin, André Bazin, Roland Barthes, Pierre Bourdieu, Laura Mulvey, Peter Wollen, Joel Snyder, Rosalind Krauss, Christian Metz, John Tagg, David ...

Siim Tuksam “Modulated Modularity – from mass customisation to custom mass production” (Dissertationes 33)

Siim Tuksam, PhD student of the Estonian Academy of Arts, curriculum of Architecture and Urban Planning, defended his thesis „Modulated Modularity – from mass customisation to custom mass production“ („Moduleeritud modulaarsus – masskohandamisest kohandatud masstootmiseni“) on the 22nd of December 2020. The digitalisation of the construction industry is in full swing. The infrastructure for ...

Sille Pihlak “Prototyping Protocols, Protocolling Prototypes: a methodological development of somatic modularity for algorithmic timber architecture in Estonian context” (Dissertationes 32)

Sille Pihlak, PhD student of the Estonian Academy of Arts, curriculum of Architecture and Urban Planning, defended her thesis “Prototyping Protocols, Protocolling Prototypes: A Methodological Development of Somatic Modularity for Algorithmic Timber Architecture in Estonian Context” („Prototüüpides protokolle, protokollides prototüüpe: Somaatilise modulaarsuse metodoloogia kujunemine ...

Ingrid Ruudi “Spaces of the Interregnum. Transformations in Estonian Architecture and Art, 1986–1994” (Dissertationes 31)

Ingrid Ruudi, PhD student of the Estonian Academy of Arts, curriculum of Art History and Visual Culture, defended her thesis Spaces of the Interregnum. Transformations in Estonian Architecture and Art, 1986–1994 („Ruumiline interreegnum. Muutused Eesti arhitektuuris ja kunstis 1986–1994“) on the 18th of December 2020. Conventionally, the Estonian architecture history tends to address the late ...
Ackermann kaas

“Christian Ackermann. Tallinna Pheidias, ülbe ja andekas”

"He is not ashamed to appear with his person before the eyes of an honorable office, as if he were Pheidias of Athens or the master of the Colossus of Rhodes [...] we ask to defend ourselves against the shameless intrusion of this nosy and boastful fellow [...] we humbly ask to put a limit to the self-authority and insolence of Christian Ackermann..." With these words, the Tallinn carpentry ...

Walter Benn Michaels “Ühiskondliku probleemi ilu. Fotograafia, autonoomia ja majandus”

"The Beauty of a Social Problem" (originally 2015) is a book that has caused a lot of controversy, which examines – especially using the example of contemporary photo artists –, how aesthetic autonomy and the return to the form of a work of art relate to the issues of today's cultural model and political economy. The point of the author's criticism is especially directed against American ...

Kristina Jõekalda “German Monuments in the Baltic Heimat? A Historiography of Heritage in the “Long Nineteenth Century”” (Dissertationes 30)

Kristina Jõekalda defended her thesis "German Monuments in the Baltic Heimat? A Historiography of Heritage in the "Long Nineteenth Century"" in the curriculum of Art History and Visual Culture on the 20th of November 2020. In Estonian humanities the Baltic Germans (Deutschbalten) are mostly addressed as a historical phenomenon, despite the fact that the architecture that they left behind from ...
Nähtamatu monumentaalmaal.esikaas

“Nähtamatu monumentaalmaal: EKA maalitudengite monumentaalkunst 1962–1995”

The book, which was prepared in conjunction with the EKA Museum's exhibition "Invisible Monumental Painting" in the EKA Gallery, provides an overview of the monumental art created by painting students between 1962 and 1995 for the first time. The exciting collection of monumental painting designs of the EKA Museum is presented, which contains conceptual solutions for the execution of various ...
Kunsti vandenõu kaas

Jean Baudrillard “Kunsti vandenõu”

The Estonian version of "The Conspiracy of Art" is a collection of essays on art by Jean Baudrillard, which he wrote between 1987 and 2007. The title of the collection comes from a scandalous article he published in 1996, in which he attacks contemporary art and the hypocrisy surrounding it, pointing out that the social value of the art sphere is based solely on a "conspiracy", the ...

Proceedings of the Faculty of Architecture no. 10

Collection of presentations from the conference "Space and Digital Reality". The conference took place on September 11, 2019 at the Estonian Academy of Arts and was part of the TAB 2019 program of the Tallinn Architecture Biennale. The speakers of the international conference explored, imagined and speculated about the development and future of the field of architecture, urbanism and design. ...
front cover

Claudia Pasquero “Polycephalum” (Dissertationes 28)

Claudia Pasquero, PhD student of the Estonian Academy of Arts, Curriculum of Architecture and Urban Planning defended her thesis “Polycephalum: Aesthetic as a measure of ecological intelligence in Architecture and Urban Design” (“Polycephalum: esteetika ja ökoloogiline intelligentsus arhitektuuris ja linnakujunduses”) on the 22nd of November 2019 at Exhibition Space of BAU Design College of ...

“Eesti kunsti ajalugu 4: 1840–1900” (edited by Juta Keevallik)

The fourth volume of the "History of Estonian Art" offers an overview of the architecture and art of the middle and second half of the 19th century. It was a time of rapid and revolutionary changes, when the modernization of society was accompanied by a cultural upheaval. In the last decades of the century, during the period of Russification, different cultural spaces could already be ...

Leonhard Lapin “Valge”

What is white? White is an integral part of our life. Everything begins and ends in white. Leonhard Lapin has written down his notes on white, white spirituality on white paper. He meditates on the presence of white in nature, history, visual culture, as a color, in the Estonian language. The book is inspired by Kenya Hara's “White” (2010). Editor: Andres Langemets Design: Tiit Jürna 56 ...
Eesti linnaehituse ajalugu kaas

“Eesti linnaehituse ajalugu. Keskajast tsaariaja lõpuni”

"History of Estonian Urban Planning" is the first book that deals with the formation, development, and in some cases also the demise of all historical cities that remain on the territory of today's Estonia from the Middle Ages to the First World War. The history of the oldest cities in Estonia goes back more than seven hundred years. Despite the repeated destruction, the cities have been ...

Maris Mändel “Tehiskivimaterjalid eesti 20. sajandi arhitektuuris. Kasutuslugu ja väärtustamine” (Dissertationes 29)

Could the most common building material be so valuable that it should be considered for preservation and restoration as a precious original material? The doctoral thesis shows that in some cases it is possible. The problem of valuation is unraveled on the example of four construction materials that were widespread in Estonia in the 20th century. A comprehensive overview of the history of the ...

Ezio Manzini “Disain, kui kõik disainivad. Sissejuhatus sotsiaalset innovatsiooni edendavasse disaini”

What is the role of design in a world moving to a sustainable model? Today, each of us is a designer to some extent. The technological revolution that has taken place in the last couple of decades provides certain possibilities for bringing about change compared to the past. Ezio Manzini cites examples from community farming in China to digital platforms applied in healthcare in Canada, from ...

Mark Fisher “Kapitalistlik realism: kas alternatiivi ei ole”

Mark Fisher's book is a revelatory description of the social and cultural atmosphere of the past few decades, which the author refers to as "capitalist realism" and which represents the "broad recognition that capitalism is not only not the only functioning political and economic system, but that today it is impossible to have any competent to even imagine an alternative'. The book, which ...

“EKA animatsiooni osakonna 28 filmi – 114 auhinda / 28 Films from the Animation Department – 114 Awards”

All films included with the book! In 2006 the Estonian Academy of Arts launched the project “Priit Pärn back to Estonia”. Initial funds were received from Europe and the very same year EKA established the Department of Animation with the three-year-long Bachelor Studies. A year later the two-year-long international Master’s course was created. The first film from our department to receive an ...

“EKA keraamika / EKA Ceramics”

This publication introduces the activities of the Ceramics Department of EKA in the last five years. The print is intended as informative material for entrants and to introduce EKA Ceramics outside of Estonia. Compiled / Edited by: Urmas Puhkan, Ingrid Allik, Kersti Laanmaa Translations: Kalle Klein, Stella Kuleva Design: Stuudio Stuudio Photos: Urmas Puhkan, Tiit Rammul, Jaan Heinmaa, Marek ...

“Rahutu “Hommik”. Dolores Hoffmanni freskopannoo “Hommik” (1963) hävi(ta)mine ja päästmine endises Rahu kinos Koplis”

In 1963, Dolores Hoffmann, a later well-known monumentalist and seasoned lecturer, who mainly made her name as a stained-glass artist, painted the gigantic wall panel "Hommik" ("Morning") of the corresponding "Rahu" cinema. As far as is known, the earliest monumental painting in fresco technique from the Soviet period in Estonia was completed based on the design of the diploma thesis of the ...

Kädi Talvoja “Karm stiil eesti kunstiajalookirjutuse kontekstis. Severe Style in the Context of Estonian Art History Writing” (Dissertationes 27)

This dissertation addresses the historical meaning and role of Severe Style in the Estonian context. Although Severe Style marked a key breakthrough in Stalinist Socialist Realism dogmas in the late 1950s and early 1960s, this step was not compelling enough for researchers who proceeded from the post-Soviet perspective, and therefore, the style became branded with the status of “official art” ...

John Berger “Nägemise viisid”

John Berger's book "Ways of Seeing" changed the way people thought about art and art criticism. This translation of Berger's seminal work shows how what we see is always influenced by a whole host of preconceptions about beauty, truth, civilization, taste, social order, the position of art, and so on. Berger peels back layers of meaning from oil paintings, photographs, and graphic art one by ...

Varvara Guljajeva “From Interaction to Post-Participation: The Disappearing Role of the Active Participant” (Dissertationes 26)

Varvara Guljajeva's artistic research based doctoral thesis "From interaction to post-participation: the disappearing role of the active participant" analyzes and contextualizes passive interaction with the audience from the point of view of participation and looks at how active participation has been replaced by passive in interactive art. The doctoral thesis deals with the history and ...

“Representatsioon” (edited by Stuart Hall, Jessica Evans, Sean Nixon)

"Representation", edited by Stuart Hall, Jessica Evans, and Sean Nixon, provides an in-depth look at how the culture around us works every day: how meanings are created in media, film, television, advertising, and elsewhere, and how language and the representational systems construct national, racial and gender identities and fantasies. The book's chapters explore mechanisms of representation ...
Vorm ja konstruktsioon esikaas

Graeme Brooker, Sally Stone “Vorm ja konstruktsioon sisearhitektuuris” (Basics of Interior Architecture 1)

The first volume in the "Basics of Interior Architecture" series explores the ways in which a building's structural design influences interior design. The book also discusses physical factors such as light and orientation, building context and sustainability. In their part, methods of interpretation, evaluation and use are proposed and their impact on interior architecture and building ...

“The New Building of the Estonian Academy of Arts” (edited by Mart Kalm)

The compendium “The New Building of the Estonian Academy of Arts” was published to mark the occasion of moving into the new building on the edge of Kalamaja district. The book shed light on the turbulent story of its construction during the 21st century and the former Rauaniit factory building. The book is also available in Estonian. Compiled by Mart Kalm Editor Merilin Talumaa Supervisor ...
SNUD-II-cover 2

“SNUD. Protocols II. The Estonian Academy of Arts Faculty of Architecture Guest Speaker Series 2013–2015”

Part 2 of the "Protocols" series gathers interviews with guest lecturers who appeared in the open lecture series of the Faculty of Architecture of the Estonian Academy of Arts in 2013-2015, most of which have also been published (often in abbreviated form) in the Estonian media. As part of the lecture series, several world-famous architects, theorists, critics and urban planners have given ...

Ülo Pikkov “Anti-Animation: Textures of Eastern European Animated Film” (Dissertationes 25)

Even though the origins and early formation of animated film in Eastern and Western Europe shared certain similarities and common ground, the face of the post-World War II animated film in Eastern Europe was shaped by planned economy, centralised industrial structure, political censorship and a number of other factors that stood in stark contrast to the principles of free market economy. ...

“Tööstuskunstist tootedisainini. Artikleid 1934–2018” (edited by Karin Paulus)

Nowadays, talking about design has become a popular, even fashionable topic for the general public. This book brings together articles about product design, as well as design in general. The writings are grouped thematically, and the most important advocates and critics of the field are covered. While criticism and statements of recent times are at least partly available online, older ...

“Arhitektuur ja soojusmõõde” (Library of Ehituskunst #2)

Volume 2 of the "Library of Ehituskunst" series is dedicated to the thermal dimension of architecture. If the architecture of the past had to take the thermal dimension into account, the uniformly comfortable temperature enabled by technology tends to make the rich spatial experiences that have developed in history uniform and repeatable. The challenge of today's spatial practice is to ...

Fideelia-Signe Roots “Naine kui kangelane” (Dissertationes 24)

Fideelia-Signe Roots's artistic research "Naine kui kangelane" ("Woman as a Hero") deals with rethinking gender roles and the image of Soviet-era female tractor drivers. It asks how we can interpret a woman as a hero in a society that sees women rather in the role of victims, avoiding her objectification and oversexualization. The author applies both artistic practices and qualitative ...

Erki Kasemets “Väljaspool tavalist. Pidu, prügi ja polügoonteater. Brikolaaž kui loome- ja uurimisviis” (Dissertationes 23)

Erki Kasemets's artistic research attempts to perceive and describe the cohesive horizon of the author's self-perception as the widest background system. The three different art projects realized for this purpose: the performance "PMV", the video work "Improvement" and the exhibition "Crazy Days" are essentially summary works that gather traces of previous creative ideas and activities. The ...

“Signals from the Periphery: Alternative Practices of Graphic Designers” (edited by Elisabeth Klement and Laura Pappa

“Signals from the Periphery” brings together urgent developments in graphic design with a focus on works that surpass traditional forms and media of graphic design. All contributions in the book are authored by graphic designers or people whose practice is in one way or another linked to the discipline. Some of the topics covered in the book include education, self-organization, work, ...

Pier Vittorio Aureli “Vähem on piisav. Arhitektuurist ja askeesist” (Library of Ehituskunst #1)

Pier Vittorio Aureli's book “Less Is Enough: Architecture and Asceticism” describes how the idea of ​​minimalist design and architecture has been alienated today in the service of aesthetic elegance and a cynical economic model. Instead of satisfying elementary needs, "doing more with less" today rather refers to the demand for greater work efficiency or justifies the contraction of social ...

Jacques Rancière “Esteetika kui poliitika. Valik esseid”

"Esteetika kui poliitika" consists of selected essays by the French philosopher Jacques Rancière, translated into Estonian, that reinterpret aesthetics as a mode of thinking about art and discuss its political contribution. Rancière tries to show how the concept of aesthetics, which originates from the upheavals in the understanding of art at the beginning of the 19th century, and whose ...

“Järelevastamine. Kaur Alttoale” (edited by Anneli Randla)

The collection of articles compiled by Anneli Randla is dedicated to the 70th birthday of Kaur Alttoa, a luminary of medieval architecture, restoration expert and heritage conservationist. All authors have been directly or indirectly students of Alttoa. Eleven articles, whose topics cover different eras and fields, relate to Alttoa's own research interests. Whether they are the fortresses of ...

Tüüne-Kristin Vaikla “Re-purposing Space. The Role and Potential of Spatial Intervention” (Dissertationes 22)

The practice-based research deals with the re-purposing of historical buildings to find modes and models for expanding the concept of professional spatial intervention. The research focuses on the possible interaction between phenomenological knowledge and spatial investigation, design activism and the gentrification process. The thesis investigates, on the basis of case-studies – the Pärnu ...

Gilda Williams “Kuidas kirjutada kaasaegsest kunstist”

Gilda Williams' "How to Write About Contemporary Art" is the best handbook to teach you how to write engagingly about the art of our time. Indispensable for students, art professionals, and others interested in writing, this book first provides an overview of basic issues of style and content, the goals and structure of the text, as well as setting and language. The second part of the book is ...

“Eesti kunsti ajalugu 3: 1770–1840” (edited by Juhan Maiste)

In Estonian art history, the period 1770–1840 represents a time of great changes. Having healed from the wounds of the Northern War, the Baltic Sea province, which had been away from the crossroads of culture for a decade, found a new beginning in the middle of the 18th century, which brought the winds of the Enlightenment to the German-speaking and pro-German provinces of the Russian Empire. ...

“EKA Nahakunst 100”

This book has been published for the 100th anniversary of the Leather Art Department of EKA and consists of three parts. The first part - "The History Book" gives an overview of the progress of the department through the reminiscences of the alumni, Jaana Pää has tied the chapter together with intertexts. The second part - "Picture Book" consists of photo exhibitions exhibiting students' ...

“Artists’ Spaces” (edited by Merilin Talumaa and Annika Toots)

“Artists’ Spaces”, edited by Merilin Talumaa and Annika Toots, consists of visits to the working environments of 16 young Estonian artists and exposes through interviews and photographic material the conditions that shape and influence their creative processes. The book is also published in Estonian. Where does the young generation of Estonian artists work? What aspects are affecting their ...