ReKrulli: reconstructing spatial culture. 09.2021-05.2022

ReKrulli: reconstructing spatial culture. Studio Project 09.2021-05.2022

The REKrulli studio started with an introductory photography course that consisted of learning how to use a camera and visual narrative as part of fieldwork. For the final project of the course, the students had to conduct an anthropological site research that supported the studio project and resulted in the primary data for the architectural project.

ELEMENTAL Superstudio explores the possibilities of sustainable construction with a flexible program and building design with algorithmic design methods based on modular principles of wooden architecture.

The studio explores how to fit a low-carbon building complex into a dense urban environment creating an opportunity for a city centre through a flexible program and an active public space.

Compilers: Triinu Amboja, Roosmarii Kukk

Studio supervisors: Sille Pihlak, Siim Tuksam, Adam Orlinski, Karin Bachmann, Mattias Malk

Estonian Academy of Arts Department of Architecture and Urban Design, 2022

Supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment

ISBN 978-9916-619-74-2 (trükis)

ISBN 978-9916-619-75-9 (pdf)

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Posted by Tiina Tammet