Research into interior details and restoration
Research into historical plaster and painted plaster:
Analysis of medieval interior plaster, based on plaster in church interiors to find injection mortars compatible with original plaster. Varje Õunapuu “The Design and Evaluation of Injection Grouts for the Reattachment of Historic Plaster in St Mary’s Church, Pöide”;
Development and application of nanotechnology:
Conservation of historical plaster and painted plaster (incl. polychromy) in churches International workshop „Nano-lime for conservation of stone, plaster and architectural surfaces“;
Colour research / colourimetric analysis:
Application of contemporary methods in colour research in historic interior. Ways of documenting, interpreting and visualisation of research outcomes.
International workshop “Colour Measurement and Documentation in Architectural Paint Research”.
Principal investigator: Hilkka Hiiop
Research and development staff: Anneli Randla, Hilkka Hiiop, Andres Uueni jt.
Research partners: Department of Mural Painting and Sgraffito at the University of Pardubice (Czech Republic)