SISU 2017 – Naked Space

SISU 2017 Naked Space

Symposium of Interior Architecture and Spatial Use in Lucerne, Switzerland and in Tallinn, Estonia, June 7–8.

An old car garage becomes a restaurant A former indoor swimming pool, currently not in use anymore, is beeing transformed into a revitalized culture centre. What are the human needs today and how it influences the re-purposing process? The SISU symposion focusses on re­-use of interior space and the role of community. The symposium will shed light on the question, how interior architecture is able to create an identity for a naked space, while ‘re-dressing’ it and how this can contribute added value for the district. How can we investigate the space inside the buildings of past?

The fourth International Symposion of Interior Architecture SISU 2017: Naked Space will be held in Lucerne, June 7–8 in Neubad and at the same time in a pop-up pavillion Mobile Classroom in Tallinn. The SISU symposion in Lucerne–Tallinn approaches these questions across different disciplines including interior architects/designers, film makers, architects, academics and students from different cultures. The curators of SISU 2017 are Sibylla Amstutz (Lucerne) and Tüüne-Kristin Vaikla (Tallinn).

SISU 2017 is organized in collaboration with:

Estonian Association of Interior Architects ESL

Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Art / School of Engineering and Architecture

Estonian Academy of Arts / Department of Interior Architecture

Association of Swiss Interior Architects VSI.ASAI

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Posted by Gregor Taul