SISU—LINE #5 – Tegelik/Actual

The 5th issue of the spatial research magazine SISU—LINE is based on the 2019 interior architecture symposium SISU_“Tegelik /Actual”. The topics covered at the symposium are complemented by visual essays on the inspiring Bachelor’s and Master’s degree projects by EKA interior architecture students, Elis Rumma and Mariann Drell, respectively on the topics of on sleep architecture and gender space, and architect Sille Pihlak‘s essay draws a parallel between the grand old man of our interior architecture, Aulo Padar, and Rembrandt, the common denominator being the use of light in three-dimensional space and in flat painting.

This time, there will be no public presentation of the magazine, but students can purchase the latest issue of the magazine from the library of EKA and the rest of those interested, from the bookstore of the Estonian Museum of Architecture, for example. Go get your copy before the holidays!

The symposium SISU_ “Tegelik/Actual”, the curatorial team of which included EKA lecturers and students Hannes PraksJüri KermikAndrea TammLinda Zupping and Maria Helena Luiga, focussed on the aspect of physical presence in the creation of space. Taking place at the former Põhjala factory space, the symposium looked into tactile and sensory spatial experience and material design as the starting point for space creation: a number of symposium speakers now share their thoughts on the “reality” of space and creativity in the fresh issue of SISU—LINE.

Laura Linsi and Roland Reemaa, laureates of the 2019 Young Architect Award and supervisors of the Master’s Studio of the Interior Architecture Department of EKA, share their vision of immeasurable spatial experience on an urban and human scale, and speak of how different measurement methods create different perceptions of space. Pavle Stamenović, an architect and a lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Belgrade, discusses the creation of space as an experiential process of creating and breaking boundaries, on the example of his workshop within SISU.

Architect and lecturer at Lausanne Polytechnic, Daniel Zamarbide, reflects on the handicraft aspect of space creation and design – in the light of the 2019 symposium as past and the 2020 pandemic as present. Artist and art historian Jyrki Siukonen writes about creating mental and physical art.

The value of tactile and sensory spatial experience is discussed by the designer and founder of the perceptual experience design laboratory SED.Lab Masayo Ave. Designer Marie-Ilse Bourlanges writes about the supervision in the Department of Architecture of the Gerrit Rietveld Academy and the creation of the material archive. Designer Kärt Ojavee and interior architect Annika Kaldoja, acting under the name of Studio Aine, conduct an on-paper tour of experimental materials created at EKA. Eik Hermann, a philosopher and lecturer at EKA, protests against the classification of philosophy as a purely spiritual activity, looking for ways to create concepts with hands.

SISU—LINE is a publication that unites practitioners and theorists in the field of space in order to create practice-based and research connections between disciplines dealing with space. The research articles of the journal have been peer-reviewed, the publication belongs to the Estonian Scientific Information Classification System (1.2).

Many thanks to the co-authors and supporters, thanks to whose enthusiasm the 5th issue of SISU—LINE reaches the readers: Estonian Association of Interior Architects, Estonian Cultural Endowment and Hals Interiors, Vivarec, Floorin, Lincona and Interstudio.

Publishers: Estonian Academy of Arts, Faculty of Architecture and Estonian Association of Interior Architects

Editor-in-Chief Tüüne-Kristin Vaikla, editor Eva Näripea

Compiled by Andrea Tamm

Board: Markus Berger, Jüri KermikMartin MelioranskiEdina Dufala-PärnTriin Ojari, Reio Raudsepp, Kees SpanjersLiina Unt

Graphic design: Studio Studio

More information:
Alina Nurmist

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Posted by Gregor Taul