Special Issue on Debating German Heritage: Art History and Nationalism during the Long Nineteenth Century

Vol. 23, no. 3/4 of Kunstiteaduslikke Uurimusi / Studies on Art and Architecture, fully in English, is devoted to Debating German Heritage: Art History and Nationalism during the Long Nineteenth Century. Introductory article by the editors of the Special Issue (Kristina Jõekalda, Krista Kodres) is followed by contributions on the idea of cultural heritage and the canon of art (Hubert Locher), the history of German heritage preservation and nationalism (Winfried Speitkamp), Heimat as a Baltic German space of belonging (Ulrike Plath), the German heritage of architecture as a cornerstone of Baltic identity (Kristina Jõekalda), the Riga-based Society for History and Antiquities Research of the Eastern Provinces of Russia (Mārtiņš Mintaurs), constructing national identity via grand exhibitions in Bohemia and Austria-Hungary (Marta Filipová) and the Kunstschutz campaigns during World War I in the General Government of Warsaw (Beate Störtkuhl).

For abstracts and further data see:
