Street Studio. Studio Project 01.2021–06.2021

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The street studio of EKA’s department of architecture and urban planning takes a holistic look at street design. The result of the course is a street design project. The students position the given street in urban context, propose a traffic solution, design the space and also look at relations between the street and the adjacent buildings.

Street is not just a corridor for traffic but an extended living room which facilitates relationships and services. Better streets are key to better environment, energy, business etc in cities, but today we acknowledge that streets have lost their spatial qualities and potential. The course questions why we settle with weak environment in between nice buildings and pushes architects and urbanists to get more involved with street design.

The students work in groups and focus on different streets: Narva, Tartu and Pärnu roads. At the beginning of the course the groups focus on a critical analysis of the location and existing locations: the function, potential and main transit users. As a result, a complex, holistic and conceptualized design is proposed in order to faciliate public transport and bicycle infrastructure, keep motorized traffic in suitable amount, design a high quality space for pedestrians with incorporated nature and lighting. The proposal extends to the contact area, assessing the socio-economic impacts of the proposal.

Supervisors of the studio: Raul Kalvo, Tõnis Savi, Marek Rannala

Compiler: Joanna Lättemägi

Estonian Academy of Arts, Department of Architecture and Urban Design. Tallinn, 2022.

Supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment.

ISBN 978-9916-619-71-1 (print)

ISBN 978-9916-619-72-8 (pdf)

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Posted by Tiina Tammet