Final Project
Master’s thesis
At the end of the Master’s level curriculum, the Master’s thesis will be completed and the studies end with the defense of the work.
Doctoral thesis author’s declaration form
Thesis Publication and Reproduction Premission
Style Guides for Theses at Estonian Academy of Arts
The style guide should be followed when writing essays or theses. Further instructions are given by the lecturer, if the task requires selecting a different font, format etc.
Two parallel reference systems are used: either footnotes or author-date. If the choice is not dictated by the curriculum, it depends on one’s personal preferences.
Instructions for theses and essays in the author-date system (as in the journal Akadeemia)
If the teaching staff allows AI tools, these can be – critically – used, but one must realise that this way the novel ideas are willingly shared with the “collective brain” of the internet. Any use of AI tools must be appropriately acknowledged and referred to in each occasion (incl. author, date, name (and version) of tool, URL). E.g.
OpenAI. 2023. ChatGPT (14 March version) [Large language model].