Student Council

The Student Council is the representative body of the Academy’s students. The goal of the Student Council is to make the Academy’s study environment better, more productive and more interesting, as well as to protect the interests of the students.
The Student Council has 7 members who are elected by the students every other year during the spring semester. All the Academy’s students may run for the Student Council.

Internally, the organisation elects a chairman and vice-chairman for each of the two committees.
The Education and Social Committee deals with improving the studies, acts as an intermediary between the students and the university’s leadership, is responsible for information exchange, as well as appoints student representatives to various councils, committees and organisations. In the university’s highest decision-making body – the Council of the Estonian Academy of Arts – students make up 1/5 of the Council (currently five seats). The students are also represented in all the faculty councils, and in the committees established by the Council of the Academy, or the Rector’s Office. The Academy’s Student Council is also represented in the Estonian Federation of Student Unions and the Union of Tallinn Universities’ Roundtables.

The Sports and Culture Committee deals with the organizing of events, and promotes athletic activity. Traditional events include the Fox Party, Christmas fair, Graduation Party. In addition, various topical events take place every year. The Council also provides and supports various leisure-time activities such as Academy swimming, the Academy chamber choir. Whenever possible, the Council also helps with student initiatives.

See you,
The Student Council

The Winner of the EKA Ring Competition has been Revealed

The winner of the EKA Student Council Graduation Ring competition is Toomas Samuel Silbaum, in cooperation with Otto Antson.

New EKA Student Council Elected

The new EKA Student Council (ÜE) includes President Kristi Laanemäe; Vice-President and Head of the ÜE Culture and Sports dep. Sabina Ummelas; Vice-President and Head of the ÜE Social ...

More info

We are located at:
Põhja pst 7, room D600 (the tower)
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Kristi Laanemäe

Student Council President,
Digital Product Design BA

+372 5300 1260
parim õppejõud 2024-04

Sabina Liselle Ummelas

Vice-President of the Student Council, Art History and Visual Culture BA

+372 5688 5044

Katrin-Maria Terras

Vice-President of the Student Council, Head of Social and Education dep., Jewelry and Blacksmith Art MA

+372 5303 0749

Samuel Eff Markkus Savimägi

Student Council Foreign Affairs,
Architecture and Urban Design BA

+372 509 6928

Kail Timusk

Student Council Member

Kristin Silm

Student Council Member