Mobility in Estonia
If you are a student from EKA’s partner university and you would like to study on exchange at EKA, you will find information here.
Studying as a visiting student at another Estonian university (as a degree student from EKA):
Studying as a visiting student at another Estonian higher education institution
Under a cooperation agreement between universities, EKA students can study subjects as visiting students at the following Estonian institutions of higher education, without incurring additional costs, on the condition that places exist:
- Tallinn University (not including language study)*
- Tallinn University of Technology
- University of Tartu
- Estonian University of Life Sciences
- Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre
- Pallas University of Applied Sciences
*) It is not possible to study Estonian and foreign languages as a visiting student at Tallinn University (except for art history and visual culture students).
To study as a visiting student in another university:
- The student fills in the required visiting student application form. The application specifies the subjects the student wishes to study at another higher education institution. It is a good idea to first make an inquiry for information from the other higher education institution (suitability of the subject, available places, timeframe, etc.) A subject completed at another institution of higher education that does not cover the compulsory subjects in the curriculum will be counted as an optional subject in the volume of study required in the semester in progress.
NOTE: Studying as a visiting student on the basis of the application is free of charge for the student at the receiving institution. - The application will be submitted for registration and signing to the senior specialist with the Academic Affairs Office (, D-206). The student’s status is confirmed by signature and sent back to the student.
NOTE: Before you start studying there, ask the receiving institution about subject registration deadlines and other deadlines and rules! - The application is to be submitted to the receiving higher education institution.
NOTE: Before submitting, make sure it has been signed by the applicant and has been approved by the Academic Affairs Office. - After taking the subject(s), ask the receiving higher education institution for a transcript of records.
- The subjects taken during studies at EKA at another higher education institution are transferred on the basis of transcript issued by the other institution, which the student then submits to the Academic Affairs Office (, D206)
NOTE: When studying at another higher education institution as a visiting student, the student must abide by the receiving institution’s rules on organization of studies, which may vary from those of EKA.
NOTE: If at all possible, the use of digital administrative tools (signing, submission) is preferred.
The application forms can be found on the Application forms page.
See the diagram for a visualization of the process.
Studying at EKA as a visiting student
- First, use the Tahvel study information system to see which subjects you would be interested in. You will also see the timetable there.
The student should contact the specific department they are interested in, and agree on whether there is room on the course, and they will be informed of the dates when the subject is taught. - The student should contact the specific faculty or department that teaches the subject (suitability of subject, available places, timeframe, etc).
NOTE: For optional subjects, see the list here. Registration for optional subjects occurs at the time specified in the academic calendar via email with Maarin Ektermann ( The student must have a visiting student application form approved by their home institution of higher education. - The student has to submit the application with approval from the home institution to the EKA Academic Affairs Office within the first two weeks of the semester (, room D206). (If the application is approved by some EKA department, make sure a copy is sent to the Academic Affairs Office.) The student is then registered for the subject by a senior specialist of the Academic Affairs Office, Riina Laaneveer. The study specialist of the relevant faculty is responsible for advising and notifying the visiting student.
The students should send the visiting student application from their home school, which has been filled out and approved, to the Senior Specialist in department of Academic Affairs (, room D206), to register you to study information system (Tahvel) as visiting student. - The transcript of records is issued by Riina Laaneveer of the Academic Affairs Office at the request of the student.
NOTE: If at all possible, the use of digital administrative tools (signing, submission) is preferred.