The first year master students of painting department in Estonian Academy of Arts invite you to their end of semester exhibition

It takes place on the 29th of November in the second tunnel of the historical ammunition storage in Astangu and lasts for only one night!

The exhibited works are site-specific and deal with the problematics related to the location. What kind of meaning does a former ammunition storage with its non-functional existence possess regarding the city? What symbols does it hold, what connections does it awake? How can an artist use extreme conditions and make them work for his or her creation?
Tunnel as a storage, tunnel as a riddle, tunnel as a route, shelter or a hazard. Tunnel as a beginning, middle part and an ending.

Participating artists: Heleliis Hõim, Carl-Robert Kagge, Hanna-Liisa Lavonen, Anu Lehis, Solveig Lill and Miina Peterson.
Tutors of the course are Jaan Toomik and Vladimir Dubossarsky.

Musical performance by the band St. Cheatersburg

We recommend to bring cash and dress according to the outside temperature.

Opening at 29th of November at 6 pm.

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Posted by Mart Vainre