Ackermann Tallinn Dome Church – 3D model. Andres Uueni
The nominees for the Estonian Academy of Arts Creative Prize 2021 have been submitted.
Candidates of the Faculty of Architecture 2021:
Architects, researchers and lecturers PhD Sille Pihlak and PhD Siim Tuksam – “Sindlinahk” in Tartu
Lecturers Raul Kalvo, Mikk Meelak and Artur Staškevits – “Maritime Museum Exposition”
Exhibition “Interior Architect Aulo Padar. Marked Interiors” An overview catalog and a screening of a portrait film about Aulo Padar were published together with the exhibition.
Candidates of the Faculty of Design 2021:
Sandra Nuut:
1) Curation of the exhibition and the accompanying program: Judith Seng. “Performing Actions VIII. Silent Conversations”. Tallinn Art Hall Gallery;
2) Leading, editing and publishing the series of publications “Dear Friend” (in cooperation with Ott Kagovere);
3) Continuous curation and updating of lectures on design theory at EKA;
4) Design Writings: Dear Friend 22 (January 2021); Is it just a matter of definition? (Sirp, October 2021).
Krista Leesi
Personal exhibition “Verbarium”
Piret Puppart
The most important milestones of the last year’s creative activity:
1) Creation of a virtual exhibition “Future dowry”;
2) Photo project “Bowing” – a story about Estonian design, where creation, nature and traditions meet;
3) Cervo Volante’s cooperation with the legendary Swiss company Vitra
Candidates of the Faculty of Art Culture 2021:
Kumu Art Museum’s permanent exhibition “Identity Landscapes. Estonian Art 1700–1945 ”
Curators: Linda Kaljundi (EKA), Kadi Polli (Kumu)
David Vseviov Uncle Moritza Dictionary, 2021 (Varrak)
Exhibition “Christian Ackermann. In Tallinn’s Pheidia, the arrogant and talented Niguliste Museum and its “reuse” in Tallinn Cathedral, Christian Ackermann’s home churches and on the web.
Curators of the exhibition: Hilkka Hiiop (EKA), Tiina-Mall Kreem (Estonian Art Museum)
Candidates of the Faculty of Liberal Arts 2021:
Marge Monko – solo and group exhibitions
Kristaps Ancans – exhibitions, solo and collaboration projects
Mihkel Ilus – solo and group exhibitions
The jury of the Creative Awards in 2021 consists of: Professor Krista Kodres, Visiting Associate Professor Taavi Piibemann, Visiting Lecturer Eva Liisa Kubinyi, Research and Development Coordinator Tiina Tammet and Rector Mart Kalm.
The jury of the creative awards will take place on December 9.