EKA graduates are very satisfied with their education, says the survey

Photo by Andres Lõo

Nearly 90% of EKA graduates recommend coming to study at EKA. The analysis of the Estonian Academy of Arts 2021 graduate satisfaction survey revealed that the recent graduates of EKA are very satisfied with their education. The students of EKA trust their alma mater and actively recommend studying at the academy also amongst their friends, which is a compliment to the lecturers and staff of EKA, as well as to the students themselves. The reputation of both the school and the specialties is also high in the eyes of international students.

The Estonian Academy of Arts conducts an annual graduate satisfaction survey, with the aim of obtaining feedback on the completed curriculum, study quality, study organization, supervision, study environment and counseling, and comparing the feedback assessments of graduates with the results of the previous surveys.

“The creation and the creativity that became possible in this institution were the best motivators during my studies,” says a graduate of the Faculty of Architecture. 

“The lecturers helped to find our own direction, added courage, broadened our horizons and turned our world of thought,” the graduate of product design writes in a commentary.

“The inclusion of the tops in the field in EKA has fully justified itself. Graduates point out the very good professional knowledge and skills of the teachers as positive aspects. As a university, we must stand up for and value them. Because they are creative people who are actively shaping our cultural space at the same time,” comments Anne Pikkov, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs.

The most appreciated qualities were:

Satisfaction with studies and curriculum and acquired competencies; 

Satisfaction with study environments, studios and workshops showed.

One of the most important observations are that EKA student works – 8 out of 10 students go to work during their studies. Comparing the surveys of alumni conducted by the Estonian Ministry of Science and Education, it turns out that young people participate in the higher education system and the labor market in parallel. The main reasons for working are mentioned by the alumni of EKA as economic subsistence (53%). More than half work because they have to and less than half work as they already practice in their field of speciality. Students who have completed full-time studies in addition to full-time education should be recognized. It is a clear sign of the times that people are mixing different roles and universities need to take this into account.

Almost a quarter of the respondents have participated in exchange studies. Considering the period of the pandemic, it can be considered a very good result that 23% of the respondents have found the opportunity to enrich their studies at a foreign university despite the restrictions.

Fresh alumni are the shapers and interpreters of the cultural values ​​of today’s society. With their feedback, they have developed and shaped EKA for new incoming students.

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Posted by Andres Lõo