Together. A course for NordArk students

Architecture students from Nordic Baltic Network of Architecture
are welcome to apply to a course hosted by Iceland University of the Arts

Title of course: Together
Hosting school: Iceland University of the Arts
Teaching period: 1st of April till 9th of May 2019

Everyday full time from 13:00 till 17:00, Monday to Friday, except:

-Easter break from 15-24 April (no classes in this period).
-25th April and 1st May are also holidays in Iceland (no classes).

Teacher(s): Massimo Santanicchia and Sinéad McCarron
Number of available places for NordArk students: 3
Level: BA
Grant available per student EUR: 660 travel + 70 per week (1100 EUR total)

Requirements: Student applicants should have finished at least 1 year at the bachelor level in design or architecture.

Application deadline: 10th February 2019

How to apply: Send your full name, name of your school and name of the programme you study + a letter of motivation (max 1 page), outlining relevant skills and discussing how youwould like to benefit from the course to:

When you have received notice from Massimo of your acceptance, you should download, fill in Nordplus/NBAA application form and send it to

Course description:

The course Together is about social design and social change in a hyper-local context, departing from the notion that change starts at home.

In the course students develop platforms for engagement using Iceland as a terrain of exploration and action aimed at social and cultural change. The course uses the facilities of the Iceland University of the Arts at the Department of Design and Architecture (Þverholt 11, 105 Reykjavik) as a forum for research, dialogue, engagement, and production of ideas/actions regarding the Icelandic society.

Students learn in a multidisciplinary and multicultural milieu to iterate societal questions by

using methods aimed at cooperation, shared ownership, and collective action. Students work in small groups and develop contextualized projects engaged with social challenges in the Icelandic context.
At the end of the course students, should

  • have developed a critical view on the role and responsibility of designers in society,
  • have the ability to effect change in society in relation to a research topic,
  • be able to take part in a critical discourse,
  • have the independence and communication skills to actively participate in a collaboration,

Examples from the previous years:

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Posted by Sandra