Winners of the art competition for the new Estonian Academy of Arts building announced

The public artwork competition for the Estonian Academy of Arts new academic building received a total of 19 entries by the deadline of 8 January with all the entries qualifying. On 12 January, a selection committee convened, which included Mart Kalm, Head of the Jury; Vano Allsalu, representative of the Estonian Artists’ Association; Indrek Köster, representative of the Estonian Artists’ Association; Koit Ojaliiv, Kuu Architects; Triin Ojari, representative of the Estonian Society of Art Historians and Curators; Ingrid Ruudi, representative of the Estonian Society of Art Historians and Curators; and Endrik Mänd, Chief Architect of the City of Tallinn, as a non-voting expert member.

The Jury evaluated the proposals based on the criteria presented in the competition guidelines and the Commissioning of Artworks Act, and came to the following results:

1st Place – “Patina”

The Jury found that the proposed artwork is artistically intriguing, has a realistic budget, is inclusive and is open for further development. It will bring EAA closer to society by addressing the general public rather than the art professional. It blends traditional and contemporary art. The artwork provokes in the vein of contemporary art but does so in a defined frame set. It is a safe solution that avoids taking risks. The work needs to have a perfect technical execution. Strict supervision by the client is required.

2nd Place – “Art Platform”

The Jury found that this provocative and imaginative work compliments the architecture of the building, directs movement, allows for continuation and widens our understanding of the possibilities for percent art. Over time, it changes, updates, adds and develops.

The selection committee recommends taking this proposal into account when planning academic work or cooperating with the municipality. When the city starts planning the area, this idea should be considered and the designers should be included in the process.

Disadvantages: unrealistic budget, unclear management of the artwork and difficulties in guaranteeing continuity.

3rd Place – “Public Artwork”

The Jury found that this artwork was the most interesting indoor solution offered. It is dynamic, intriguingly mobile and meant to stand outside the regular framework of percent art. In essence, it is an exhibition piece rather than a permanent installation.

The Jury gave honourable mentions to two more entries:

“Next Stop: The Academy of Arts” – for conceptual minimalism in including public space, and

“Space” – the most interesting among the many entries featuring installations with showcases.

The designers of the winning entries will be announced on 24 January at 17:00 at the opening of the exhibition of the art competition for the new EAA building at EKA G Gallery, Estonia pst 7.

The winner of the competition will receive a prize of EUR 65,000. The sum includes designer’s fees, and all expenses involved in producing, transporting and installing the artwork. The second prize is worth EUR 1,500 and the third prize EUR 750.

EAA’s new academic building is planned to be opened in summer 2018 and the new academic year will begin there in September 2018.

More information

Solveig Jahnke
Head of Communications
Tel 5626 4949

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Posted by Solveig Jahnke