The book “Archaically high-tech: knowledge-based use of sheep wool” was born out of a practical need, a desire to help restore the historical and economic value of wool. The publication has been compiled by a textile designer and is intended primarily for students, designers, interior architects, but also for anyone interested in understanding the value of wool as a material, the continuous processes that take place in the wool fibre and the functional properties of wool that are the result of such processes and give reason to call wool a naturally high-tech fiber. The aim of the book is to explain in an easily understandable language what is happening in the wool fibre, how wool as a material interacts with the surrounding environment and thereby increase interest towards a wider and more conscious use of wool.
Scientific editor: Sander Õun
Content editor: Diana Tuulik
Language editor: Svea Aavik
Designer: Janika Vesberg
Illustrator: Laura Meelind
Photography: iStock, Shutterstock, Katrin Kabun, Gilleke Kopamees, Sandra Urvak
SEM images: Valdek Mikli
English translation: OÜ Tritek
Print: Booksfactory
126 pages, in English
The Estonian Academy of Arts Department of Textile, 2022
ISBN 978-9916-619-51-3