Galerii: EKA muuseumi näituse „Riides ja alasti – 110 aastat figuuriõpet Eesti Kunstiakadeemias” avamine EKA Galeriis

Fotod: Ya-Chuan Chen

Reedel, 18. oktoobril avati EKA Galeriis EKA muuseumi näituse „Riides ja alasti – 110 aastat figuuriõpet Eesti Kunstiakadeemias”! Näitus jääb avatuks 29. novembrini.

Näitusel osalevad kunstnikud: Eero Alev, Jüri Arrak, Raivo Behrsin, Britta Benno, Teddy Böckler, Rem Dementjev, Herald Eelma, Jaan Elken, Merike Estna, Margarita Feofanova, Nikolai Guli, Heikki Halla, Gerda Hansen, Inga Heamägi, Hugo Hiibus, Aleksander Igonin, Ants Jaanimägi, Andrus Johani, Aivar Juhanson, Iris Jurma-Kangur, Sandra Jõgeva, Pille Jänes, Villu Järmut, Heli Jürissaar (Kase), Jüri Kaarma, Katrin Kaev, Catlin Kaljuste, Maria Kallau, Anu Kalm (Anderson), Elin Kard, Gleb Karlsen, Saskia Kasemaa, Alice Kask, Eve Kask, Jüri Kask, Maret Kernumees, Ando Keskküla, Kaalu Kirme, Tiiu Kirsipuu, Raoul Koik, Epp Maria Kokamägi, Ellen Kolk, Luule Kormašova, Nikolai Kormašov, Orest Kormašov, Aimar Kristerson, Epp Kubu, Viive Kuks, Leili Kuldkepp, Laura Kõiv, Andrus Kõresaar, Tõnis Kärema, Annika Künnap, Allex Kütt, Vello Laanemaa, Heldur Lassi, Tõnu Lauk, Emil Lausmäe, Malle Leis, Tea Lemberpuu, Ly Lestberg, Mihkel Liinat, Silvi Liiva, Bruno Lillemets, Ivika Luisk (Kivik-Luisk), Anu Maarand, Aet Maasik, Viktor Madison, Ülle Marks, Vladimir Matiiko, Aarne Mesikäpp, Rein Mets, Gregorio Migliaccio, Peeter Mudist, Tõnu Mäsak, Arseni Mölder, Reigo Nahksepp, Mall Nukke, Liisa Nurklik, Lydia Nüüd, Evald Okas, Kaido Ole, Jaan Paris, Ede Peebo, Imbi Ploompuu (Karu), Urmas Ploomipuu, Mari Prekup, Aapo Pukk, Kaie Pungas, Laura Põld, Matti Pärk, Katrin Pärt, Liisi Pääsuke, Tiit Pääsuke, Tiit Rammul, Tiina Reinsalu, Uno Roosvalt, Eesi Rosenberg, Peeter Rudaš, Sirje Runge (Lapin), Tõnis Saadoja, Hugo Sepp, Kati Simpson, Piret Smagar, Jaak Soans, Tõnu Soo, Aleksander Suuman, Silja Šergalin, Juri Šestakov, Vladimir Taiger, Mari-Liis Tammi-Kelder, Endel Taniloo, Anne Tapper, Olga Terri, Evi Tihemets, Tiina Tiitus, Ilmar Torn, Margus Tõnnov, Maria-Kristiina Ulas, Peeter Ulas, Anne Vaher, Katrin Vaher, Valentin Vaher, Silver Vahtre, Mall Valk (Sooster), Janika Vesberg, Heldur Viires, Hanna Vinter, Ekke Väli, Eduard Wiiralt, Elisa Margot Winters

Näituse kuraator: Reeli Kõiv
Näituse kujundaja ja kaaskuraator: Britta Benno
Näituse graafiline disain: Pärtel Eelmere

Näitust ja kataloogi toetavad Eesti Kultuurkapital ja Sadolin Eesti.
Avamisjookidega varustab Põhjala Pruulikoda.

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Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-5
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-7
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-9
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-10
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-11
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-12
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-15
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-16
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-17
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-18
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Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-23
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-24
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-26
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-27
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-28
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-29
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-30
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-32
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-33
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-35
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-36
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-44
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-46
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-21
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-25
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-31
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-34
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-37
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-38
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-39
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-40
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-50
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-51
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-52
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-54
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-55
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-58
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-59
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-60
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-61
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-63
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-64
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-66
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-68
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-69
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-73
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-75
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-76
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-77
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-47
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-48
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-49
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-53
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-56
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-57
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-62
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-67
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-70
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-71
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-72
Clothed and Nude. 110 Years of Figure Study at the Estonian Academy of Arts - yachuan-74
Fotod: Ya-Chuan Chen
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