Konverents: Circulation, Translation, Transition (2014)

10.-12. oktoobrini toimub Kunstiteaduse Instituudis konverents Circulation, Translation, Transition, mis on võrgustiku Second World Urbanity: Between Capitalist and Communist Utopias teistkordne kokkusaamine.
Arhitektuuriajaloolaste Steven Harrise ja Daria Bocharnikova algatatud võrgustiku uurimisaineseks on sotsialistlikud linnad Kuubast Jugoslaaviani ja Venemaast Hiinani, nende loomine, ehitamine, ideede liikumine ja argipraktikad.
Projektis osalevate mitmesuguse taustaga uurijate eesmärgiks on kummutada ettekujutus sotsialistlikest linnadest kui hallist ja igavast keskkonnast, pakkudes mitmeplaanilisemat arusaama nende saavutustest ja piirangutest. 

Konverents leiab aset Kunstiteaduse Instituudis, Suur-Kloostri 11, ruumis 103. 

Second World Urbanity: Between Capitalist and
Communist Utopias

Conference 2: Circulation, Translation, Transition

Institute of Art History, Estonian Academy of Arts,

10-12, 2014


Friday, October 10

Preliminary greetings and conference registration


Opening of the conference and introductory presentation. Daria Bocharnikova and
Steven E. Harris

Panel 1: Second World Cosmopolitanism and the Circulation of Architectural
Knowledge across Borders

Mart Kalm
(Estonian Academy of Arts)

Vladimir Kulić (Florida Atlantic University),“The Hospitality Complex: Yugoslav Architecture and the Infrastructure of Global Encounters.”

Ines Tolic (University of Bologna), “Building a World City: The Reconstruction of Skopje in the Light of Global
Ambitions and Local Needs.”

Steven E. Harris (University of Mary Washington), “Soviet Airports and Second World Urbanity in the Jet Age.”

Discussant: Zayra Badillo Castro (School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London)

17.15-17.30: coffee break

Keynote Address by Katherine A. Lebow
(Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies), “Was Vienna Red? Is Nowa Huta Green? Plans, People, and the Historical Imaginary.”

Saturday, October 11

Coffee and tea

Panel 2: Negotiating the Second World Architectural Canon

Maros Krivy
(Estonian Academy of Arts)

Marija Dremaite (Vilnius University), “The Awarded: Soviet Architectural Prizes as the Representation of Modernist Urban Ideology?”

Michael Mackenzie (DePauw University), “Painters, Planners, and Bricklayers: Making the Social Circulate in
Otto Nagel’s Young Bricklayer from the Stalinallee.”

Francisco Martínez (Tallinn University), “The Linnahall as Heritage in the Making.”

Tarmo Pikner
(Tallinn University)

11.45-12.00: Coffee break

Panel 3: Second World Postmodernism: Between Translation of Western Trends and Local Critique of Modernism

Patrick Laviolette
(Tallinn University)

Anna Alekseyeva  (University of Oxford), “The Uniquely Socialist City: From Modernism to Socialist Realism.”

Fredo Rivera (Duke University), “¡Diez!: The Zafra and Meditations Regarding the Postmodern Plantation.”

Andres Kurg (Estonian Academy of Arts), “Corners, Courtyards, Squares: Reworking Socialist Modernism.”

Sofia Dyak
(Center for Urban History of East Central Europe)

13.45-16.00: Lunch

Panel 4: Transition to and from Second World Urbanity

Epp Lankots
(Estonian Academy of Arts)

Olga Sezneva (European University in St. Petersburg and University of Amsterdam), “Mastering the Land, Mastering the Future: Plans of City Reconstruction and Redevelopment in Kaliningrad, the Former Konigsberg.”

Lisa Drummond, Markus Kip, and Douglas Young (York University), “Soviet Urbanism in Hanoi: The Afterlife of Soviet Landscapes at Nguyen Cong Tru Collective Housing and Thong Nhat Park.”

Kimberly Elman Zarecor (Iowa State University), “The Ordinary Environment of Socialism in a Post-Socialist World.”

Tauri Tuvikene
(Tallinn University and University College London)

18.15-21.00: Film screening of Sügisball (Autumn Ball, 2007), followed by a discussion with director Veiko Õunpuu.

Sunday, October 12

A city tour of Tallinn


We thank the following organizations for their assistance and funding in making this conference possible:

Institute of Art History, Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn

Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Endowment for Architecture

Embassy of the United States in Tallinn

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