Avatud loeng / Open lecture: 4.aprill kell 19 – Gert Wingård – LHV saalis


EKA arhitektuuriteaduskonna avatud loengute sarjas esineb neljapäeval professor Gert Wingård  – Chalmers / Wingårdhs
Loeng toimub 4.aprillil kell 19.00 LHV panga saalis (Tartu mnt 2)

Professor Gert Wingårdh is one of Sweden’s most renowned and acclaimed architects. Gert Wingårdh received Ph.DHC at Chalmers University of Technology where he is currently also Artistic professor non tenure of Architecture since 2007. He is the recipient of the Gustaf Dalén Medal and the Prince Eugen Medal. He is member of The Royal Academy of Engineering and science, IVA and was Chairman of the board of directors at Arkitekturmuseet, the Swedish Museum of Architecture from 1997 to 2005. Gert Wingårdh was EUROPAN 5 jury member for Estonia and Finland in 1999. His architecture office Wingårdhs, founded in 1977 in Göteborg, is committed to the artistic and poetic dimensions of architecture, employing 120 people, and he has been awarded the prestigious Kasper Salin Prize no less than four times. Among Gert Wingårdh’s most noticed creations are the Chalmers Student Union Building, the science centre Universeum in Göteborg and the Swedish embassies in Washington and in Berlin. 

In his lecture Gert Wingårdh will talk about his recent projects, from small to big.

EKA arhitektuuriteaduskonna loengusarja 2013 kevadsemestri esinejad:
Sami Rintala_Rintala&Eggertsson_24.1
Kivi Sotamaa_ADDLab_7.2
Jaanika Peerna_28.2
Winka Dubbeldam_PennDesign / Archi-Tectonics_7.3
Bart Lootsma_Innsbruck University_21.3
Gert Wingårdh_Chalmers / Wingårdhs_4.4
Srdjan Weiss_NAO_18.4
Thibault Schwartz_HAL_2.5
Claudia Pasquero_ecoLogic Studio_16.5

Loengud on mõeldud kõigile tehiskeskkonna loomisega tegelevatele üliõpilastele ja sellega seotud erialade praktikutele ning avatud ka ruumikultuuri huviliste laiemale ringile.

Loengud on inglise keeles ning tasuta.
Loengusarja kodulehekülg:https://www.artun.ee/avatudloengud/
Loengusarja toetavad: Eesti Kultuurkapital, Kultuuriministeerium, LHV pank, Norra Suursaatkond, Rootsi Suursaatkond,  USA Suursaatkond, Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium, Eesti Kunstiakadeemia. Loengute sari kuulub Teadusaasta ürituste hulka.
Loengusarja korraldab Eesti Kunstiakadeemia arhitektuuriteaduskond.
Olete oodatud!

Anu Piirisild
Eesti Kunstiakadeemia arhitektuuriteaduskond
tel 642 0071

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