EKA doktorant Damiano Cerrone ja SPIN UNIT

Eesti Kunstiakadeemia doktorant Damiano Cerrone ja Spin Uniti meeskond tutvustab oma tegemisi lähemalt siin.

The Spatial Intelligence Unit (SPIN) is an international group that combines art and science to study urban design and interaction planning. Born as an academic research unit, the SPIN Unit has combined the expertise of its members in their respective disciplines and a creative approach to develop its practice.

The SPIN Unit is currently exploring new planning solutions by remodelling the paradigm of spatial planning into interaction planning. We look at cities as a landscape of complex interactions to create new opportunities and foster social processes. Understanding relations between people, their behaviours and urban design will help discover what makes certain cities or urban spaces more welcoming and accessible. Interaction planning is about reshaping the tangible and intangible networks that encompass our cities.