Avatud arhitektuuriloeng: Malene Freudedal-Pedersen

EKA suur auditoorium A101/EKA main hall A101

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Kolmapäeval, 20. novembril kell 10.00 peab Eesti Kunstiakadeemia suures saalis (A101, Põhja pst 7, Tallinn) avaliku loengu Taani Aalborgi Ülikooli linnaplaneerimise professor Malene Freudendal-Pedersen. Loengus “Cities, Mobilities, Futures” räägib ta, kuidas kavandada linnaruumi, et edendada jalgrarattaliiklust. Loeng on tasuta ja avatud kõigile huvilistele.

Malene Freudendal-Pedersen is Professor in Urban Planning at Aalborg University and has a interdisciplinary background linking sociology, geography, urban planning and the sociology of technology.

Focus for her research is how mobilities frame and enable modern everyday life. How individuals experience, evaluate or describe their mobilities and what propels their actions is important to understand if we aim at more sustainable mobilities in the future. Specific transport modes have different values and importance in planning cities. Values or taken for granted knowledge about transport and mobilities produce path dependencies in everyday life mobilities that are also diffused into policy and planning systems. Her research addresses interrelations between social practice and transport modes and the role the for urban spaces and city life.

E-post: arhitektuur@artun.ee
Tel. +372 642 0071

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