Avatud loeng seminari sarjast “Mitte-aura”: Kirill Tulin “Soviet Stoker? Militant Worker? Hot Artist?”

Lembitu 12, graafika osakond

Algus k.p.:


Lõpp k.p.:


27. november kell 16.00,
graafika osakond,
Lembitu 10B, ruum 14427 November at 4 pm,
graphic art department,
Lembitu 10B, room 144

On Monday, 27 November at 4 pm there will be an artist talk by Kirill Tulin who will introduce his current work at the EKKM – “Abiks keskküttekatla kütjale / Help for the stoker of the central heating boiler” and discuss his earlier projects.

Apart (but not really) from that you are very welcome to join Kirill Tulin during the remaining 24h shifts of his EKKM work on 26th, 30th of November and December the 4th.The stoker is the one who warms all those, and those only, who do not warm themselves. The question is, does the stoker warm himself?

(A reformulation of a “paradox” by Bertrand Russell)Heat is pushed with water along the pipe following the assumption that somewhere there where the pipe ends there is a need for heat. I look at that as the thermo-dynamics of help – help is given based on the assumption that it is needed and the ventil is open, otherwise the heat dissipates from the pipe midway, and the giver and the receiver of help stay separate and cold with all the heat lost in transfer. Opening the ventil partially solves the problem, but question remains that of a separation (and the pipe) between the site of production of heat and the one of its consumption. I think this issue is crucial for the understanding of help because such separation brings “coloniality” to its very gesture. If we move from the boiler-room in which my practice now takes place, into the room 144 of Estonian Academy of Arts, the issue could be reformulated as the one of separation between the site of knowledge production and the one of its consumption. To complicate issues even further I would throw here a term of “autonomy” for all those interested in Monday the 27th discussion to try to come up with definition or example of.

Needless to say the pipes would be jammed and the outlined flows disrupted or reversed as they would (should) be for any given system.

Discussion would take place in “international” English, but occasional translation can be given if need into Estonian (by Liina Siib) and into Russian (by Kirill Tulin).

Kirill Tulin (b 1989 in Moscow) studied for a couple of years mathematics in the Moscow State University’s Math and Mechanics department. After quitting he worked as a reportage photographer for the Moscow based publishing house, then for AP and Reuters and then for himself. For a few months studied at the Institute of Problems of Contemporary Art (organized in Moscow by Joseph Backstein), did not hear there about any problems indeed and went on searching for those on his own. From 2011 on lives and works as an artist in Tallinn.

His recent exhibitions include:

“[ ]” with-in-with Konstanet gallery (EST) & Kunsthalle Linz (AT), Tallinn-Linz-Online, Winter/Spring/Autumn 2016

“and suddenly we become afraid of changing anything…” sound installation in Sculpture Quadriennale Riga, Autumn 2016

“Work” durational performance and installation in a group exhibition “The Perennial Gale”, EAA Gallery, Tallinn, Winter 2016

“We are about to come up with a title, please bear with us”, durational performance and installation, in Tallinn Art Hall, Winter 2017

“Abiks keskküttekatla kütjale / Help for the stoker of the central heating boiler”, EKKM, 10.11-04.12.2017

EKA vabade kunstide teaduskonna 2017/2018 sügissemestri
Seminari sari alapealkirjaga „Mitte-Aura“ hõlmab kümmekond loengut ja kunstnikuvestlust erinevatest valdkondadest, mis toimuvad esmaspäeviti algusega kell 16.00. Seminari sari on vabaaine, mis annab 3 ainepunkti. 

Seminar series Non Aura in the autumn semester 2017/2018 consists of 10 lectures and talks from different fields, which take place
on Mondays from 4 pm. Seminar series is a free elective that gives

Olete oodatud!
You are warmly welcome!

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