Avatud loeng: Walter Nicolino, CRA

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Kunstiakadeemia arhitektuuriteaduskonna avatud loengute sari

Walter Nicolino on kiirelt kasvava ja nii Torinos,
Bostonis kui Londonis tegutseva arhitektuuribüroo Carlo Ratti Associati (CRA)
äripartner ja arhitekt. Käsilolevad projektid varieeruvad nii oma mõõtkava kui
asukoha poolest erinevatel kontinentidel. Viimasemate projektide seast leiab
1000 tsunamiohvritele mõeldud maja Sri Lankas, Londoni 2012 olümpiamängude nn
pilveprojekti ja 2008 Zaragoza maailmanäituse nn digitaalse veepaviljoni, mis
nimetati Time ajakirja poolt aasta parimaks leiutiseks. Täna on töölaual mitmed
linnaarendusprojektid nii Lähis-Idas, Venemaal kui Kesk-Ameerikas. Büroo on
võitnud hulgaliselt auhindu, nende loomingut on avaldanud New York Times,
Boston Globe, Der Spiegel, Discovery Channel, BBC, CNN, Corriere, Repubblica,
Domus ja Abitare. Hiljuti nimetas Renzo Piano fond CRA Itaalia juhtivaks uueks
bürooks, mistõttu ehitab CRA täna ka üht kooli juurdeehitust Cavezzos
Põhja-Itaalias, mis sai 2012 maavärinas kannatada.



Arhitektuuriteaduskonna loengusarja raames on Tallinnas esinenud mitmed
maailmakuulsad arhitektid, teoreetikud, kriitikud ja urbanistid, et tutvustada
arhitektuuri, disaini, linnaehituse ning kriitilise mõtte värskeid vaatenurki.


Loengud on mõeldud nii arhitektuurivaldkonna tudengitele ja erialaga seotud
professionaalidele, kui ka ruumikultuuri huviliste laiemale ringile. Loengud on
inglise keeles ning tasuta.


Varasemaid loenguid vaata https://www.artun.ee/avatudloengud/


Kontakt: arhitektuur@artun.ee

T: 642 0071


Loengusarja toetavad Eesti Kultuurkapital, Kultuuriministeerium,  Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium ning Eesti



Academy of Arts Faculty of Architecture Public Guest Speaker Series

is a partner and architect at Carlo Ratti Associati, a rapidly growing
architectural practice based in Turin, Italy, with branches in Boston and
London. The office is involved in design projects at different scales and in
different continents. Among the most recent projects are 1000 Tsunami-safer
houses in Sri Lanka, the Cloud for the London 2012 Olympics and the Digital
Water Pavilion at the 2008 World Expo in Zaragoza, Spain, named by Time
Magazine as Best Invention of the Year. Current projects also include the
design of new cities in the Gulf region, Russia and Central America. The
practice has received numerous awards, its work has been featured in the New
York Times, the Boston Globe, Der Spiegel, Discovery Channel, BBC, CNN,
Corriere, Repubblica, Domus and Abitare. The practice was named by the Renzo
Piano Foundation as one of the leading emerging offices in Italy and selected
to design the extension of a school in Cavezzo, one of the community’s affected
by the May 2012 earthquake in northern Italy.



Quite a few well-known architects, theoreticians, critics and urbanists
have given talks at this lecture series, to offer fresh perspectives on
architecture, design, urban development and critical thought from around the


The lectures are open to all students and professionals in the fields of
architecture, urbanism and other spatial studies, as well as to the broader
circle of those interested in the future of our living environment. The
lectures are in English and they are free of charge.


The previous talks can be found at https://www.artun.ee/avatudloengud/


Contact: arhitektuur@artun.ee

T: +372 642 0071


The lecture series is supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment,
Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Education and Research, and the Estonian
Academy of Arts. 

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Arhitektuuri­teaduskond Avatud loengud